This site is about the history of the Parkhead area of Glasgow. If you have photos of Parkhead old or new and would like to have them included in this site please use the contact menu where one of the following will be in touch:
Thomas McCann
Peter Mortimer
Irene Hartshorn
Robert Winning
Parkhead, a village in the Barony parish of Glasgow, situated about 2 miles to the east of the city. It is principally inhabited by the humbler orders of society, consisting of handloom weavers, carters, and labourers.—The population, in 1841, amounted to 1,150. Houses 260. The Glasgow water-works, erected in 1806, and situated upon the Clyde, are in the immediate vicinity of the village.
Taken from a story in the Eastern Standard 1926 a Description of Parkhead Cross
Great Eastern Road
A visitor to Lanarkshire cannot fail to be impressed that the many towns round the coal and iron field seem to be merging into one vast city, at which state, sooner or later, they are fated to arrive. Too often it is forgotten that this is exactly how Glasgow happens to be the Glasgow that we know. Streets like Great Eastern Road serve as a reminder of historic growth. It might be termed the missing link (as a humorous Sandyhills golfer remarked of his club when three consecutive players duffed their tee-shots).
It joins Camlachie to the old world village of Parkhead, bearing the disjointed: just growed: appearance that shows traces of Glasgow’s evolutionary movement eastwards and if the Boundaries Bill can make any impression on Sassenach statesmen who know naught of the problems involved. That movement is not yet finished.
Dr.Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
In its Alpha stages Great Eastern Roads existence is of the Dr.Jekyll and Mr. Hyde variety due to the foresight that made it an imposing main thorough fare and raised the level above the old, or Laigh road.
The old road however, as if to make up for the loss of Vinegar Hill and immortality, houses the soul satisfying liquid that the D.C.L. combine in their charity dispense for species. Bulloch, Lade and Company had these premises for many years before. When liberals used to tell fairy stories of Free Competition; to the electorate. Days and beliefs have changed hereabouts.
Camlachie Institute, which , belieing its almost 40 years in its handsome appearance, ministers to the local political and social needs, is next in the eastward scheme of the Great Eastern road. And just over the street is the well-known oil firm of Marks and Johnston, whose chief, Mr Marks passed away quite recently.
Camlachie School
Camlachie Public School smartened up by having stone defects rectified recently, is under the genial Mr Goldie; the dominies here caused jealous flutters in religious dovecots by creating a record in Jumble Sale proceeds some time ago; the janitor, Mr Woods, is secretary of the Glasgow and West of Scotland Ex Naval Association, and a prime mover in their Widows and Children’s Christmas Treat, now an established event. A real hard worker, Mr Woods.
A little further east to the right stands the Old Toll House finely preserved and still habitable. There used to be iron posts on the pavement here to mark the limits; the horse-cars made this their terminus, in Dalrymple days when a journey to Coatbridge was regarded as we do a trip to London.
Jeanfield Cemetery, (not Janefield as is supposed and as the street in Parkhead is named) was established in 1845 and opened in August 1847. Here the rude forefathers of the hamlet sleep (this is the aptest quotation in my volume, although not too apposite) Mr James Moore, the popular Calton registrar at 90 Great Hamilton Street, has been Secretary and treasurer for many years.
Victim of Disruption
To the left is Parkhead Parish Church founded in 1838 as Camlachie Church a mission station under the Rev. Mr.Easson who died in 1842; The Rev.James Findlay the successor ;came out; in the stirring Disruption days of 1843; the church suffered in the turmoil and closed till 1852., when still as a preaching station, it was reopened under the Rev. Alex Rattray,M 1864 it was endowed as Parkhead Quoad Sacra parish Church. Mr Rattray passed away in 1904 and was succeeded in June 1905 by the Rev,D,Hunter Brodie,M.A ;B.D, the present popular minister.
Passing Van Street where Mr J,H,Kelly, a well known unionist politician, makes the articles in question, one sees to the right the counterblast to the D.C.L..Barrs Lemonade Works. This is built on the site of the Belvedere Bowling Clubs first green of which more anon. At the corner of Parkhead Cross the imposing building takes the place of a two storey one, where Gibbie Watson had a bakery .and the old post-office was. Davie Willox to whom no one who writes of Parkhead can fail to be indebted, tells of a pawn shop ,too, at the corner of Burgher Street , kept by an irrepressible Irishman, Charlie Gallagher, and which no doubt ,had a plenitude of customers.
At the corner of Helenvale Street , where the Library now stands, was a celebrated land mark, Browns Land where in 1850, a widely known Tollcross Primitive Methodist worker, Mr Robert Kerr ,still happily with us, was born of parents engaged in the staple industry , handloom weaving. Mr Kerr who on the 10th of this month preached in Tollcross P,M Church used to work with the old Parkhead and Westmuir Economical Society. Opposite at Montgomery’s Opening ,is the site of the Old Bog Hole, where Parkhead Bowling Club, one of the first Kitty Kissing clubs in Glasgow, had their green. Belvedere, previously referred to, was an offshoot thereof. Montgomery’s Public House was the direct forerunner of the premises of Mr, Samuel Hay Gardner. The curious whitewashed row of cottages to the right is none other than the celebrated landmark ,dear to all the old Parkhead people, The Shinty Ha. The exigencies of the road problem require its removal for very necessary road widening and removing of the built up promenade and the Shinty Ha, even as i write, is being steadily demolished.
The Tramway Department has transformed the outlook hereabouts. Helenvale Football Park, the best junior pitch in the Kingdom, and the depot premises, with all amenities, have blotted out many of the old landmarks. Parkhead Juniors of whom no words need be said in explanation ,have the site of Hamiltons Park (so called after the farmer) for their present Helenslea Park.
Murder Most Foul
Nearby was the White Horse Inn , a hostelry that lives chiefly as the scene of a terrible drunken murder, the landlord, named Anderson ,murdering his wife in a drinking fit.
Great Eastern Road 1905
All the photographs have been taken by one of the Parkhead History Team, unless otherwise stated. We have also attempted to give credit of all our sources.
Hi there. I am trying to do some research on my great grandfather, James Boyle from the Calton. He was a bit of a dodgy character and was renown for being a bookie and a bit of a criminal. He married a Campbell and had 8 daughters by her (one being my grandmother). He then moved to London and left them all. I’m thinking he would have been in Glasgow around 1910 or 1920s. I’m trying to find out if he was from Ireland originally.
Can anyone tell me please where women in Parkhead washed laundry before the steamie next the library was built in 1905? I’m writing a novel, with a scene to be set in a Parkhead steamie in 1902 – where might that have been? I can invent one, but much prefer to have facts. In hope…
Karla Stout here. I am doing some family research into my father’s side of the family. What I have found is that my great great grandfather, George Stout, was born in Glasgow in 1827. His father, Andrew Stout, is listed in the 1851 Census as living at 220 Great Eastern Road. George is listed in the 1861 Census at 10 Elba Road, and later in the 1865 Valuation Roles as living at 212 Great Eastern Road. George moved to the United States, Pennsylvania, with his family that included his son Andrew, my great grandfather, about 1868. My great grandfather Andrew’s family lived in Susquehannah, Pennsylvania and Binghamtom, New York, in the border area betwwen the two states. My father moved from Binghamton to Toronto, Ontario, Canada in 1954. Most of my family remain in Ontario, while I now live in Victoria, British Columbia.
However George’s brother, Andrew Stout – born 1829 – remained in Glasgow and become a spirit dealer. I believe he also had a stable and his business was located at 200-202 Great Eastern Road. In 1855 he was at 206 Great Eastern Road, and in the 1890s was at 501 Great Eastern Road. The patriarch Andrew, my great great granduncle Andrew, and his family are buried in the Eastern Necropolis, Lairs 4146 and 4147 of Compartment 6. I believe these locations and addresses are in the Parkhead area. Would you have any further information on this part of Great Eastern Road? Would it now be part of Gallowgate Road? I am coming to Glasgow at the end of May, and am hoping to visit the areas where my ancestors might have lived.
Hi Billy, good to hear from you. I visited Dominic once in his flat, your aunt was there, but wasn’t very well at the time. I knew all the Pacciti family, and Theresa was a steady girlfriend for about 2 years. I knew the family emigrated to Canada with the eldest sister Annie, and understand Theresa married a doctor and moved back to Italy. I go there quite often and would be interested in finding out where she lived, anyway next time I’m in Glasgow I’ll look you up. Thanks again for your reply.
Looking for a friend Eric his dad was ganitor at wellshot primary it seemed for ever it would be so nice to catch up Katie strang
Love reading the memories. My mother s family stayed Dunbar st Grandparents Charlie n Cathy Quinn. John /pat sally Maureen Cathy n pasty
That was the street my grandmother stayed Margaret Mcnay 3 sons and two daughters
Looking for a friend Eric his dad was ganitor at wellshot primary it seemed for ever it would be so nice to catch up Katie strang
I was born in Malcolm St went to newlands, but my family moved to Cuthelton St to be near my granny who lived in 49 Glamis Rd, her name was McArthur, then Carthy. She lived next close to Annie Leadbitter in the wee square. My granny had 9 kids. I had 2 sisters and my maiden name Emily Adams. Great childhood growing up at Glamis Road
My Crawford great great grandfather and great grandfather lived at 89 Burgher st. William was a miner who came down from Evanton, married in Free Church and lived to 1918. John my great grandfather was married in Calton Parish Church in 1918, Forge Storeman and died in 1930. His brother Andrew was killed at the Battle of Loos in 1915. Another brother Allan was wounded in same battle.
My grandfather James Crawford came from Parkhhead – may have originally been Salamanca St early 1900s- married my grandmmother Mary Kerr from Calton – lived in Tylefield St off Gallowgate then Tollcross Rd – any connections to yourself?
Hi Scott. My direct great great grannie was Marion/Robina Crawford who married a Rennie. She lived in 89 Burger St in the early 1900s. Are they linked
Hello! Do you have any information on the AG Barr?
My great-great-(great)-Grandparents apparently were owners of a 24 Edmiston Street, Parkhead, Glasgow — which they appeared to be landlords perhaps? Their obituary says, “Lair Proprietor”… Her name was Margaret Lindsay Barr and her husband, was Thomas Barr. I believe he was a lawyer…
I tried to look on google earth to locate 24 Edmiston Street but – it doesn’t appear to exist any longer…
Thank you in advance for any help!
Angela (A Canadian-Scot, hanging out in Mexico!)
Ag Barr, are owners of Barr’s iron brew company, Westfield, GLasgow.
Hi, my dad was born in 1939 and lived in dalriada St. His name was William Townsend. He had two brothers, one older Eddie mennie and on younger Robert Townsend. Does anyone remember him
Hi. Does anyone know of any surviving photographs or paintings of the original Camlachie Church (Calton Parish Church) at 27 Tobago Street?
Love the website! :)
My father grew up in Parkhead during the depression. His family lived at 99 Dervaig Street in a single-room apartment with a toilet half way down the stairs. In that tiny apartment lived my father, his sister and four brothers, his parents, his grandmother, and his maiden aunt. It truly beggars the imagination. I visited that tiny apartment a few times when I still lived in Glasgow, and the maiden aunt was the only one still living there, so I still have memories of it. I think my family line may possibly have occupied that apartment continuously from when it was first built to when it was finally demolished. Sadly, I can find no photographs of that tenement building.
I have a question, if someone could be so kind as to shed light on it for me. I had relatives who lived at No 703a Great Eastern Road in 1924, at 890 Great Eastern Road in 1924, and at 302 Tollcross Road in 1927. I know that Great Eastern Road became Tollcross Road, but can anybody tell me if the numbers stayed the same after the roads were re-named, or did they all get new numbers?
Thanks from Montreal.
Hi Richards,
I was intrigued by your enquiry as I had a similar problem. If you have not already solved your problem, I have a suggestion as to how you might be able to get an answer. The Valuation Rolls available on ScotlandsPeople may assist you. You can search of a person’s name or an address. For example, searching for 890 Great Eastern Road for the year 1925 brings up 23 hits including one for Charles Murison. I could not find any record for a Charles Murison at 302 Tollcross Road. Great Eastern Road disappears from the Valuation Rolls after 1925. However, both Great Eastern Road and Tollcross Road coexist in 1925. A search in 1930 for 890 Tollcross Road gives a different name set as seen for 890 Great Eastern Road in 1925, which surely means that it is simply not a case of the numbers staying the same. In any case, you might want to play with your Valuation Roll searches to get a better appreciation of how the street names and numbers might have changed.
I hope that this information is of use.
Greetings to Montreal from Vienna
Hi Ian
I too am researching family who lived at great eastern road . I have been using Scotlands people but was unsure how to use the valuations rolls. I have been doing this now for a few years off and on.
Tracing ancestors back as far as 1835. It seems as they are from Ireland this is where it starts to become difficult as I’m unsure how to research Irish records.
If you know of anyway to do this I would be most great full of any help.
You can also email The Glasgow Room at the Mitchell Library. They have reference books of addresses and who lived there. Think they are called ‘Postal Records’.
The Richard Ruddock family lived in 703A in 1921 census, consisting of Richard 48 born in Parish Grange, County Armagh. Elizabeth 47 maiden name Murphy, born in Girvan 1920. Children Ellen 17, Mary Jane 16, William 8, Richard 2.
Helen Martin
My family from Parkhead
Hello, I am so pleased to find this website. My maternal Grandmother was Isabella MacLardy Catterall, her father was James Bennie MacLardy Catterall, her mother was Annie Leishmann MacMillan. I have been tracing my family tree on Ancestry and would love to find out more about their lives in this area. I think one of my Grandmother’s brothers died playing on the railway and the family then moved to London. at some point when my Gmother was small or maybe before she was born they joined the Plymouth Brethren, maybe this is why I haven’t found much info on their lives. Annie Leishmann Macmillan was born at 440 New Road, in 1877. We visited the area today but haven’t been able to find New Road Andrew Bennie Catterall my gg grandfather was born at 21 Cranston St Barony, I’m not sure if that is exactly in the Parkhead area. Anyway, we are back down to north Yorks tomorrow but will be back to Glasgow probably in the new year when we will visit the mitchell library too. Thanks in advance for any pointers or contacts, Helen
My grandmother Jeanie Kerr lived at 374 Great Eastern Road in Glasgow in 1900. I discovered that this road no longer exists. Does anyone know how I could pinpoint the location of her residence?
It is with much sadness we have found out our friend and researcher Robert Winning Passed away last week , Our thoughts are with his family at this sad time
Sad to hear of Bob’ passing. My condolences to his friends, family and colleagues at Parkhead History.
David Kilgour
Very sad to hear.
I am related to the Winning side ,we shared our g grandparents ,uncles and aunties.
Would be happy to connect with any of the family.
Can anyone know what happened to Johnny hilley(finhaven street) Kenny overy (potter street) tam white Duncan Paul from finhaven st all pottery workers
Name Linda McMartin
Subject 97 Burger St Parkhead
Message Hello I am trying to find info about the McMartin family in glasgow in the 20\’s I found documents that they owned Daniel McMartin Dairy and I found the above address plus 348 348 Nuneaton St Bridgeton (not sure if this is the correct spelling..very hard to read
My name is Sandra, I’m looking for family who stayed in Parkhead, my granny Mary Hart lived in dalriader St, with her sister isa, brother William and Charlie there was another sister Jeanie, Jeanie had a son they called him Robert Houston, Isa married Richard (Dick)Wilson Had sons, Thomas, James William and Richard and daughter liz, my cousin worked in the straw hoose, and stayed in Parkhead with her husband Eddie, I grew up in London but often visited when I was much younger, have been trying to locate the family but not had much luck, Richard Son of dick and isa passed some 20 odd years ago they stayed in Easter house then moved back to Parkhead After Richard passed Roberta moved. They had 1 son also named Richard he would be 49 now, 1 younger sister Leanne and 2 older sisters, Karen and Lesley.I believe liz is still in Parkhead any help would be amazing.
Liz and Eddie are alive and well and live in Helenvale Flats and drink in the Anchor Bar most weekends…it is currently closed due to the lockdown. I will let them know you are looking for them…Liz was in my class at London Road Primary.
That was the street my grandmother stayed Margaret Mcnay 3 sons and two daughters
Hi was brought up at 90 Tollcross rd opposite the Peach bar cafe aka Guidos. Was born in Makinfauld rd 1945 and moved to Tollcross rd when I was 5. Was a great place to grow up in,loved going to the cafe when Guido owned it,was in it most nights with my pals playing the juke box and having a hot orange. Went to the 3ps every Saturday morning for the minors which cost a tanner. Also went to Charlie’s snooker hall,Charlie Mathieson and His wife Mrs M owned it,had great times playing football on the spare ground at Beattock st and Powfoot st happy happy memories.
Hi all
I,m looking for information/photos of my uncle and his family who lived at 170 and 172 Westmuir street from 1914 until after 1950
Head : Luigi Ravellini
Wife : Mary(Maria)
Daughters : Angelina,Anita and Esther
They are all now deseaced
I checked all the records possible from Here (Bournemouth)
and can not find the name of their Cafe/Shop or where and when Luigi Died
Hello, my name is Chic Dunbar. I lived at 300 Westmuir Street with my Ma Helen, Da Charlie & my 6 sisters. Left there in 1976 to live in Manchester.
Hi I was born in Dunbar st parkhead and had many happy years there
Dunbar Street, previously known as Dawson Street.
My Mother and her family lived there early 1900’s. Still had cousins there for many years later. McLaughlin’s Brewery was @ the far end of the street
facing up to BARR’S IRN BREW works. Air Barrage Balloons were situated there , were there was also a large brick built water tank E W S painted on side
I Knew it well, walked down the lane @ The Straw HOOSE, from Elba Lane School, ( St. Michael’s Infant School)
around 1941, there was a rag store there @ that time @ the the corner to Dunbar St. and the lane, the name escapes @ this time.
Adjacent to it was a wee shop, and @ the the corner of DUNBAR ST. to DUKE ST. was a church, with the public halls next door to it.
Walking down towards the white gates on Duke Street there was a workers canteen the forge workers used.
Walked that road by the furnaces for about 6 years going to school in Salamanca Street.
Now 84 years old.
My sister and all my cousins as my parents and there siblings attended the same school in previous years.
HI Alexander,
I forlorn hope, maybe you can assist My wife is a Carson, her father John Charles Carson was born John Creeper Erwood – his mother was May Erwood, of 33 Dalmarnoch Street. His father is unknown, but he was adopted by John Carson, a printer with the Glasgow Herald (as it was then). Any help? Regards, Stewart Gilbert
I remember a Robert ( Kit ) Carson who lived in Quarryknowe st off Westmuir st, he would be around 80 years by now, he attended St Marks school in the middle 50s,
Hope that may help.
Jackie McMillan, old Quarryknowe st , resident.
Jackie I’m Rena Woods we lived 85 quarryknowe st 3 big brothers Joe , Tucker. And John we lived next door to Annie Mcnee. X
I lived in 88 Dunbar Street. We moved to Greenfield when the building got condemned.
My auntie Lizzie Boyle lived in 88 I am sure.
Just found your message and was so pleased you mentioned the picture houses. I lived in Malcolm name was Heather Mc Lachlan. I moved to Chiswick (London)in1947.Many happy hours were spent at the cinemas. We played a lot on the pen where the Barrage balloon was.Thank you again Heather Pilmer
I lived in 88 Dunbar Street. We moved to Greenfield when the building got condemned.
Hi Ann Marie, my name is Kelly and I have been trying to look into my Great Mother’s/Granmother’s family history and the last known address I have for her and her children is 52 Dunbar St, Parkhead, Glasgow. I don’t know her first name but the family name was Steenson. One child was Mary Ann, another Arthur and probably more however I’m not confident on their names. I’m trying to understand as I look at old census documents through Ancestry. com how many people lived at each dwelling. There are many people listed as having the same address (52 Dunbar St). Do you know of any other organisations I might find the names of other Steenson’s living at that dwelling during 1910-1940 period. It’s a very interesting journey and I know it’s probably a complete long shot you’ll know anything but when I saw you also living in Dunbar St I thought I had to try. Much appreciated, Kelly (Brisbane, Australia)
I remember going to Greens dentist at Parkhead . Everyone called him the butcher. Even today when you mention who your dentist was, you get the same reply ( Butcher,) I am still afraid to go the dentist . He defineately left a mark on me
Hi Helen…I remember Green the butcher dentist well…I lived opposite…I remember getting taken there as a youngster…I was to get a jag in my gym but he missed and stuck it to the inside of my cheek….never went back there…
James Winning
Is anyone interested in the Winning brothers who had a mineral boring business in Charkoff in the late 1890’s?
I have some information about the fate of James Winning, brother of Henry and William and husband of Annie.
Bob Winning
Is Bob contactable? (I lost his email when my computer died last year.)
I was was thrown out of this dentist after he had failed to give me enough gas and was trying to do several fillings at the same time.
Having fought my way out of the chair he told my mother to take me home with several holes drilled but no fillings.
I was a very small child so I think he would be worried that he would give me too much gas.
My mother took me to the school clinic dentist in Crail St what a difference a modern surgery with modern methods and cartoon characters on the walls. My mother held the threat over me that if I didn’t behave myself my teacher would find out. But she needn’t have worried.
They were so child oriented I was never afraid to go to the dentist again.
I remember the school dentist as it was next to my primary school . I went to Quarrybrae and then Wellshot Road sec.
Hi Rita I posted a reply to you already but I do not see it on the site! apologies if I am repeating myself. This is a shot in the dark but I may know you
There was a Rita Smith in my Class in Quarrybrae school and Wellshot Secondary I think that Rita had Red hair!.
I was born in 1957 and my family stayed at 349 Tollcross road three up, I attended Quarrybrae from 1962 till 1967 when we
moved to a new house 3 Dalbeth Place in Auchenshuggle that had a bathroom!. Do any of the following names ring a bell?
Babara and Sheila Anderson (twins from Sorby Street) Linda Anderson (their cousin) Ruby Allen Gerry McNee (Gerry had a cousin in our class I think)
Ann Wilson Denis Barr John Peeden John Hemple.
I then attended Wellshot Secondary from 1968 and some of my old classmates from Quarrybrae were in my class.
I have an old class photo from Quarrybrae and I think you are in it!. I will look it out.
We will all be OAPs now! where did the time go?
I hope you are well and have had a happy life.
All the best John
Hi Rita
Did you start Quarrybrae in 1962? there was a Rita Smith in my class. I too went to Quarrybrae and Wellshot .
I hope you are well and have had a happy life.
All the best
I can relate to this…after my experience of Green the butcher dentist I also went to Crail street…never afraid of dentist after that
Hi David, I think we have already made contact previously. It was either Genes Reunited or Ancestry.
Yes, I am very interested in the three Winning brothers. Since New Year I have again been refreshing my memory on what is known, and I actually spoke out loud ‘I wonder who knows what happened to James in Charkoff’.
Now I read your post on the Parkhead History website.
My connection is through his brother Henry Winning whose sister Annie married James Hamilton.
Can anybody remember the name of the record shop in Burgher Street.
Near the cross and the old TSB
Hi . I remember the record shop well. I lived corner Tollcross Rd and Burgher St. Cant recall it having a name except the record shop but I remember the guy that owned it also had a stall in the Barras at the weekends.
Hi, I used to work for him on Saturdays and Sundays at the Barras. He had a Sunday only shop on the Gallowgate and I was two up in Gibson Street. He originally had a shop specializing in jazz records further along Tollcross Road. His mate Adam McNaught who wrote the “jelly piece” song used to help out in the shop
There was The Burger Joint next door to the Record Shop my auntie Jean McFarlane worked in it, there was also the public toilets next door and further down the road was “The Social”. Had great days growing up in Parkhead, I lived @ 936 Springfield Road, at the Cross. Next close was Andy Burley and George Dunn.
Hi Davy
I remember the shop but not the name Me and my Mum used to go in the first records we got were Little Red Rooster and Pretty Woman.
What a wonderful site! So many amazing stories! I’m reading with great interest as my grandfather, Robert Hunter, used to tell us he grew up on Great Eastern Rd before he came to Australia about 1910. His father, John Hunter (married to Mary Nicol) was a stonemason. We don’t know anything more about them, so I would love to hear if anybody has any of these names in their stories.
I was born in Malcolm St but grew up round the wee square at Glamis Rd near the fire station and my granny’s back garden overlooked the back of the railway and bus garage. My granny Janet McArthur had a big family of kids she stayed 1 up at 49 Glamis Rd. Downstairs from her was a Robert and Mary Higgins who had 1 daughter Marion, she married a guy called Robert Hunter and had 3 kids Mary, Andrew and Robert. My maiden name is Emily Adams and I had 2 sisters Janet and Martha. My parents and us eventually moved to 78 Cuthelton St same street as the ‘wee farm’ shop and fire station
I was born in a house in 11Glamis Road across the railway ran at the back of the house and a swing park across the road. I think the house was my dads grandfathers house. 1957. In later years my uncle John Grimes had house and then my Granny Grimes had it. My family had moved to Carntyne by then.
Loved reading history of Parkhead.
Sorry if what i put in last field isn’t right
Its possible we are related through the Hunter and Nicol side as I have found through Ancestry the connections.
Hi Jean. We have since discovered that Robert Hunter was connected to the Thomas Hunter stonemasons in/near Great Eastern Rd. Is this the Hunter line that you are connected to?
What was the name of the record shop in Burgher Street.
That rings a bell, the pancake, I think my mother was a cleaner in the building called the pancake, before the flats, i was born in williamson street.
Margaret the Pancake was the steel works across from Williamson st on London rd and Helenvale st ,It got its name because the flat round steel plates it made looked like pancakes
My Mother Agnes McLaughlin née McGhee was born in Williamson St in 1929 and my Father William in Westmuir St in 1924
My Dad was born in 1929 his mum was called Mary Traynor and his Dad was William Bell lived at 29 Croydon Street
Do you remember the name of the records shop at the Cross end of Burgher Street.
I think there may have been a travel agents there as well.
Wotked for him at the Barras Saturday & Sunday!
The travel agents was at the top of Springfield Road – AT Mays I lived opposite it, my mother booked all our summer holidays in there, paid it up every week with a wee book, God rest her.
Born in Williamson street 1947 went to London road primary then riverside served apprenticeship in begg &cousland (wire works) the pancake was the Springfield steel works
did you have a brothetr called Niel ? who went to Riverside in the 1960s John?
I remember the Pancake. At the bottom of Helenvale Street and :ondon Road. I remember when they pulled it down me and my brother and our palls went looking for thread bobbins on the pancake and i sank in mud up to my thighs. Lucky the green bus terminus was there and a couple od drivers and clippies came and managed to get me out by putting planks of wood down and a bit of rope around me…I survived to go on and do more daft things.
I remember the Pancake, not many of us will, we stayed in Williamson Street just accross the road, my mother cleaned in the Pancake at night, what was it???
I believe you would be related to me
Both grandparents were registered in Camlachie district . Grandfather was Thomas Murphy Russell born 1908 to William Russell and Jeanie McPhail. Gran was Hannah McCarron born 1913 , her parents were Peter McCarron and Mary McLean .
Hi my dad is James Halliday and my auntie Sheena Halliday Agnew came from tollcross road my gran stayed at makfauld road my cousins stayed there aswell my Auntie Sheena stay 116 makfauld road her son are Alan Agnew and James Agnew and a daughter called Janet Agnew but Alan passed years ago my dad always says he love it
Sheena was your dad a Black hack owner?
Aye new alan his mum asked me to look after him at Celtic games because the rest of the family were rangers fans I was a bit older than alan and did look after him at the football I also can remember James and his sister Janet my name is John Allan and lived in cuthelton st
are you related to Mary Allan,? she lived around that area John.
I have read with interest about the old buildings and old stories of Parkhead. The old photographs brought back a lot of both good and somewhat sad memories. I was born there on November 1940 and there is one old building which never gets mentioned or a photo shown. That is the “other’ Church in Westmuir st. opposite Nisbet st. surely there must be some information somewhere about this fine old building.
I remember that church we used to go all the jumble sales in it and stored all our bonfire wood around the back of it. I will ask around fir any photos
Thanks Jim appreciate it.
The part in the article that says “Parkhead Juniors of whom no words need be said in explanation” is frustrating. I’m researching my Great Great Grandfather and believe he was the founder of Parkhead Football Club. I’ve not had much success finding out more and would be interested to know if there are any archives still in existence.
In the Some of the People of the Village of Parkhead section the Alexander Stewart at 25 Browns Lane was my great grandfather. Tom Stewart was my grandfather. They then moved to 16 Elba Lane. My father was born on Dervaig St. in 1926. The Catherine Stewart was married and John Duffy and passed away in 1945. She lived on Dervaig St. at the time. Thanks Tam and Robert for the brief walk around in August 2017 with my brother and two sisters when we were on a visit to Scotland.
I meant to write John Duffy and not Bill
Hi My great granda lived in 160 Tollcross Rd lowdown right next to sally ann name John Russell worked in Forge all his days. My grannny and ma were brought up in same house Barbara Wilson nee Russell My mum name was Mary or Cathie Thomson she went to quarrybrae and Wellshot. The Barrs there neibours for years lived above them
hi yes i remember most of those people on tollcross road..I’m sure my uncles stayed at the same address…they were George and bob cairney my other aunt stayed next close Eddie and José rilley…my aunt marion and jimmy marshall stayed across the road…all nice people … great place….jim cairney..
My family knew your family.Your uncles live at 161 Tollcross Rd.
Your family lived beside my Granny Robertson and where my mom was born and all the other Robertson ‘s
Barbara Russell and the rest of the Russell’s all grew up together .
Do you happen to remember the name of the Russells?? I wonder if they are my great-grandma and her sisters/brothers?! and they were also Barrs….
Hi James I went to school with Denis Barr (Quarrybrae) he stayed at 160 Tollcross road one up /right.
I have a school photograph and will try and get it online.
I believe he stayed with his Granny and they had a boxer dog.
I stayed at 349 and moved in 1967 to Auchenshuggle 3 Dalbeth Place.
I met Denis (Dennie) again at Wellshot secondary 1969.
As I remember there was a bookies across the road I think it was called Andersons I have many happy memories from the sixties when we lived on Tollcross road.
Take care and all the best John
I grew up in Lilybank in 1970’s, 78 Glenshee St, Great place, BBC filmed documentary , classing it as 4th world, Kay Carmichael and Magnus Magnusson, took part, initially 2 parts, then a 3rd called “Return to Lilybank” 2 year later, have seen first 2, but not 3rd ” The Return” has anyone come across the final part please?
Hi Andy,
I used to live in 78 Glenshee Street…do you have a relative called John?
Hi John
I went to school with a John Peden I believe he left school and served his time as a plumber.
My name is John McCulloch I went to Quarrybrae school 1962-67, Tollcross School for a year and Wellshot Secondary I left 1973
I used to live at number 349 Tollcross Road
All the best
Does anyone know about or heard of Mackinfauld Mansions. On a death certificate of my great grandmother that is where she die at 10 Mackinfauld Mansions tollcross but someone says it came under Parkhead. I have tried the Mitchell but no-one there knows anything about them.
Hi Louise,
I have sent you and email with details of Maukinfauld Mansions
Hello Bob, I was wondering if you could possibly send me the details too, as my Grandmother Mary Brannigan lived at 10 Maukinfauld Mansions, and I have been trying to find the details for a number of years. Nicholas Brannigan, his wife Maggie, and their family lived there from approximately 1903 to 1912, before the family immigrated to Queensland, Australia in 1913. Nicholas’ brother Henry Brannigan and family also lived there for a time. My Grandmother always referred to 10 Maukinfauld Mansions, al her life as her ‘home’ in Glasgow. I still have some of her school textbooks, from St Marks primary school and Our Lady and Saint Francis school, and I even found a class photo of hers from there.
Hi James its Harry!! Been trying to find details on my dads time with the Celtic Juniors at Parkhead before he had to go to war in 1939.
Im sure its parkhead cross at exit of tollcross rd
Hi Jim,
If you look under the sub heading Heritage & Transport then to Images & Transport 9. On the 3rd photo down (Tollcross Road) you will see Maukinfauld Mansios on the right hand side of Tollcross Road. The mansions stretch up from approximately Ogilvie Street to Maukinfauld Road.
Bob, very excited to see a post card of Maukinfauld Mansions, for the first time, thanks for letting me know where I could find it. Ta James Willis
Louise, I too have birth certificates of my Brannigan family born and died at 10 Makinfauld Mansions My great grandfather Nicholas Brannigan and family lived there 1903-1912, and his brother Henry and family lived there too.
Hello from Comely Park St in Parkhead. emigrated to Toronto in 1951 with my 2 brothers and mum. I was 1 when our ship sailed from Liverpool. So of course I cant remember a thing. We met up with my Dad in Toronto who was a bricklayer. A sad drunken thug of a man.
I remember the Scottish songs & humour. My mum was very brave and entertaining
any photos of edenwood street or dervaig st
My worst memory of Parkhead…..
Going to Greens dental surgery, up the very dark stairs…….
Into the most awful dentist that didn’t like children !!!!!
Horrible memory
I remember Green the dentist I think every wean in Parkhead was scared of this man he was horrible to all the weans thank goodness the dentist nowadays are not like him lol
Hi Jean,
did you attend Rivvie between 1959 and 1963,I remember a girl with your name but I’m sure she was called Jeanette,was that you?
Oh he was terrible,bad memories
Just recently discovered this site and it is wonderful to read about Parkhead. I lived at 139 Helensvale Street until 1950 when I emigrated to the U.S. We attended the Calton Parish Church and Rev. Young was the minister. The church was just across the street from house. Two of my sisters Margaret and Anne married in that church. Margaret married Samuel Bell who lived in Westmuir St. Anne married Eddie Houston from High St. Eventually all of us came to the U.S.
I went to London Road School and then Eastbank Academy.
My maiden name was Ward……..neighbors that i remember were Ramseys…..and Donaldsons.
It was great seeing the old picture of the church with the Boys Brigade and Rev Young was in that picture too. Such wonderful memories
Great to read this : I came from Birnam road in lilybank and was a member of the Calton old parish charch life boys and boys brigade. The lifeboys leader was Mr gray and the boys brigade leader was Mr Allen :I went to London Road school 1943/1949 and then to Riverside school I was born in Birnam Road and often think of the pals from back then John Fleming ,the Semples and the Donachys Hugh scott lancaster
I remember Margo and Gordon Bell and also the Houstons . They lived at 38 Dechmont Street. Margaret and Sammy Bell were friends of my parents , Michael and Cathie Costello who also lived at 38. Gordon was friends of my brother Jack and there was a cousin , Mervyn ( ?) who used to visit .
Did u know Isabel doey that lived in Greendale st
Margaret and Sammy Bell and later Ann and Eddie Houston lived at 38 Dechmont Street . Gordon and Margo were the children of Margaret . There was a cousin Mervyn (?) who visited. My parents were their neighbours Michael and Cathie Costello . Sammy and Margaret visited them while my mum and dad were in Connecticut on holiday to relatives. Gordon and my brother Jack were pals.
I have been doing an ancestry search and just come across your site. Extremely informative, one of the best I have come across.
My grandparents (Robertsons) emigrated to New Zealand back in 1925. The address stated on the ship’s manifest had them living at 14 Parkhead Cross Row in Bellshill. The only reference I could find to this street is the “Back Causeway”. Does anyone know if this is actually Parkhead Cross Row? Appreciate any help given, Thanks you.
Hi Danny,
There was a Parkhead Row in Bellshill and an area called East Parkhead with miners rows there. You can see references to Parkhead, Bellshill at this link Back Causeway still exists in Parkhead in the east end of Glasgow today and has nothing to do with the Bellshill area of Parkhead which is further east in Lanarkshire.
Appreciate your help Bob. Thank you.
Backcauseway was a street in Parkhead not much left of the street now it is not near Parkhead Cross.
Hi Russell,
I’m afraid I have to disagree with you on this one. Back Causeway is only a short walk from Parkhead Cross down Westmuir Street to where the old Parkhead Public School sits.
Worked in 1959 then 1965-70 then 1980-82 in Park & Patersion which was most of one side of Backcauseway! I have some phots if someone can tell me how to post them.
I recently saw an episode of the US programme Finding Your Roots with the actor, Christopher Walken, looking back on his family history. Apparently, his mother was from Parkhead and they were discussing it. It’s on You Tube if you’re interested.
Thanks very much for the heads up on this Margaret.
WE supplied them with several photos for the show but they never even offered us a copy of the show never mind any thanks.
They wanted us to sign over copyright of the photos to them for use in the show but we declined due to them insisting on too many legal conditions.
I doubt if we will even be mentioned in the credits. They would not even tell us who the show was based on.
Contrast this with another company who we supplied photos to. They gave us complimentary DVD copy of the show and mentioned us in the credits and discussion and dealings with them were so much different.
That show was about the longest streets in Britain and featured Duke Street.
Thanks. Just shows what goes on behind the scenes.
I lived at 294 Westmuir Street and worked in the Peach Bar Cafe when I was a teenager happy days
Hi Margaret, I think i new your brother Rab , he was pals with my nephew Tam Kelly. I think you lived above Davies paper shop next close to another relative of mine, big Dougie Long. Its a pity those 3 closes were demolished , and a bit of a mystery when you think the land lay vacant for many years, I’v been trying to place The Peach Bar Cafe, if it was across from the steamy on Tollcross Rd then I used to buy sherbet straws there . Our cafe on Westmuir St was George the Tallys , not as hoyty toyty as the Peach, but more homely . pie an peas an hoat pea specials, his wife Theresa was Italian ,but George was Polish, Few other shops you might remember . Granny Blacks ,Greeezzy Tams Chippy, The Wee Pen, and Joe The Dairy,where Mrs Winn bought her pipe clay. Alex
Hi Margaret. I lived at 286 Westminster Street and I remember you and your brother Robert.
I was born in 294 westmuir St in 1964 my mum and dad were Margaret and Raymond Brennan .as a youngster I minded galls was at the corner of sorry st
Hi I lived up above Galls at the corner of Westmuir sy and Sorby st.
I use to go to the peach bar cafe and think I remember you , my name is Cornelius
Sorry ,previous e,mail aboot cross,s butchers,my mind was playing tricks I think cross butchers was at top of duke st ,just couple of doors down from clydesdale bank on corner of duke st and start of gallowgate sorry for mis direction previously ,my built in sat nav,s a bit rusty.but I,m sure it was family butchers and,was owned by a bob cross ,it was there from late 60,s and still there till late 70,s early 80,s.hope it helps you find oot a wee bit more.goodluck wae the search .pat barrie
Lived in 21palace st,till 1964,funny old place, so many memories, went to New lands,then Rivie,first girlriend Theresa Pacitti,ring any bells? Bill Semple
Just found this piece,didn’t you join the army an was posted to Germany Used to go about with you,I remember Theresa she lived in Budden St
Hi Alex, long time no hear. Yes it’s me it would be great to speak to you again. Do you know what, or where the Pacciti ‘s are?what are you up to now? You can contact me on 07900330673.Bill.
Hi Bill i hope you dont mi d me contacting you.I have been looking at all the old photos of Parkhead etc.but you mention Pacittis in your comments.My auntie Jeanette Burns married a Dominic Paccitti he had a sister that was my aunts friend Nikki.she moved to Toronto and when my aunt and Dominic hooked up they were married in Toronto but moved home and lived in London rd then Millerfield court flats sadly my aund died a while back Dominic passed away about 3 years ago.Both families lived in Buddon Street
Hi Billy,nice of you to reply
Met your aunt once when I visited Dominic around 1981,long time ago, eh! Knew all the Pacciti ‘s and knew some of them moved to Canada, but thought Theresa moved to Italy. Anyway good to hear from you, will be in touch next time I’m in Glasgow. Merry Christmas and a happy New year, thanks again.
Lived at 9 Tollcross are in1946
My name is Michael Moran, lived at 9 Tollcross red. Attended St Michaels school. Worked at Beardmores. l had happy memories as a young lad in Parkhead. I now live in Portland Oregon USA.
Great site, loved reading all the posts. Our family stayed in 1 Dalton Street in the early 50s before moving to Baillieston. Visited an aunt at 99 Caroline Street and another in Westmuir Street regularly in the 60s and 70s. Recall watching a fire in flats some time in the early 60s in either Crail Street or Sorby Street, smoke pouring out of the windows in the upper floors and all the fire engines and fire hoses trained on the building. Remember the gates being closed on the street in Duke Street at Beardmores to allow the engines to cross over along the rail lines between the two parts of the factory. My grandfather worked there in the 1940s. Connection with Parkhead re-established in the 70s working at Parkhead Social Security in Springfield Road. Still recall the wee newsagent in the now demolished row further up towards the cross, where I got my morning paper before work. Going to the Bowler’s Rest for lunch – favourite was an enormous plate of huge link sausages and mash with a pint of Tennents lager – or down to the wonderful chippie in Duke Street. Changed job in 1974 to work in Parkhead Library – even closer to the Bowler’s. Regular evening trips to the Duke of Touraine, the Anchor, Straw house and sometimes the Old Black Bull – barman there I recall was a friendly big chap called Danny. Occasionally dropped in to the Prince Charlie in Westmuir Street on the way home to Baillieston – during the summer we often walked home, stopping off occasionally at various watering holes along the way before arriving at our last stop the Kirk House.
Hello Parkheed,
Was born and brought up in the 1950/60’s at 131 Westmuir Street, in the Tenement that was next door tae Parkhead School. Looking out of our first floor bedroom winday I could see and smell the best bakers and butchers in the whole of Glesca, Blannies and Keens.
Used tae hang out down Nisbet Street at the corner with Salamanca Street outside Annies shop, across from the Fyfe & Douglas coffin works.
The spare grun was just across from the wee shop where we used tae play 200 a side fitba from dawn tae dusk when the score would be something like 152 tae 151.
Just down the road was one of the main gates of the forge where ma da and granda used tae work. At 4.45 when the horn blew the streets would suddenly be flooded wae men all wearing dirty bunnets and overalls as they made there way out from the factory. Some with a bob or two tae spare would hang about outside Wards, otherwise known as the daft shop, until they opened their doors at five o’ clock or walked the short distance up tae the Charlie, whit a choice.
When I got older we joined up with the other guys our age from further along the Street tae hang about at the corner where Salamanca Street joined Duke Street opposite the Palace Bar pub, we were know as the Sally.
For those who like a bit of history Salamanca Street was named after the victory at Salamanca in Spain by the British forces over the French in 1812 where Wellington defeated Napoleons army. We used tae discuss and debate the details of the battle and it’s historic significance a lot while we stood up the closes in the cold and damp nights until we were old enough tae drink and play darts in the dry and warm pub.
(Its well worth a visit, I mean the battle scene at the wan in Spain, not the wan in Parkheed as most of the Street has gone now.)
The sights, sounds and smells of the factories, the shops and the general bustle of a vibrant Parkeed are also long gone but thanks tae sites like this we can still share our wee bits of memories.
Hi Ian, l too run around Salamanca Street in the late 60s and the early 70s and drank in the Palace bar when I was 15 years old, I lived in Crail Street and l was called Dougie, then moved to Greenfield when they pulled down Crail Street, to you remember John Hamilton and his brother, and Robert Simpson.
I was born at 1 Dalton st i have 5 brothers my dad was Billy pearson and my mum was susan.
hi Susanne, did you have a brother called Robert, and an auntie called Winnie, who married James Selkirk?.
I believe my Uncle Tom owned the wee newsagents you mentioned Actually he was my dads uncle and lived just round the corner on Salamanca st
Served my apprenticeship with Parkhead Forge Firth Brown Ltd and was last Apprentice to get his time out 1979-83.Tell that to the young of today and they ask if I repaired the Shopping trolleys.
My Dad a born in 1923 an grew up on Crail Street – McLuskie family…anyone else out there with parents who grew up there? Anyone remember City Bakeries?
My mum was also born in 1923 in Crail Street. She was then Rose Smith
Any relation to the McLuskies that lived in Delburn St. Went to Riverside with Wullie McLuskie, he was killed on his motor bike at the corner of London rd. and Springfield rd. Wullie had a cousen John Crain or Crainie that lived on Crail Street. John was my best man when we got married in 1960. I moved to the states in 1962 and regretfully never saw him again.
Hi Thomas, sorry for the long delay in a response. I don’t know of a connection. I do know that my grandfather had several brothers and I vaguely remember talk of a Wullie….but I was a really young child…… I wish I knew more……kind regards, Kate McLuskie
my grandad lived at number 8 crail st in the 1920s.
I knew the McLuskies at 19 Beattock St.
My late mother Jessie McKenzie Russell and sister Helen, lived at 124, Crail St. ( straight across the road from Quarrybrae Public School) with their parents John and Chrissie Russell ( nee Morrison).
The parents met and married as they worked as driver and Clippie with Glasgow Corporation Transport, before John went off in the GCT ” Pals Battalion” , (15th Glasgow, HLI if I remember it right) like many others in WW1 and served in Belgium and France, where he was badly gassed and was a semi invalid for much of the rest of his life.
They stayed ” wan up” in their tenement building, and shared a landing with ” Donal’ Cameron ( a driver with Tennents brewery) and his wonderful wife, ” Leezie” Cameron ( who we all adored as both friend and neighbour) and their 4 kids , Theresa, Sam, Charlie, and ?….sorry, I’ve forgotten.
My mother worked in the Beardmores munitions site during WW2, and later married my late father David McClair, a patternmaker from Craigneuk Wishaw with them re locating to Wishaw around 1953/4 time….where they had two children ( both boys) being me, Robert McClair, in 1945, and then my two years younger brother, David.
Fond memories of Quarrybrae School, and playing in the rear tenement areas which we knew as ” the scabby lawn”…..which never had even the merest HINT of grass anywhere !……other memories included Wards Dairy ( on Tollcross Road just opposite the Corporation transport bus depot just a 100 yds or so down the incline from ” Parkheid Steamie” , which I used to run past…terrified at the scary sound of the steam being released there from. Never been near a steamie since..still think they must be full of monsters !.
Love to hear from anybody who lived in frazer street I was born at number 13 in 1951 had some great pals and great memories
Know it well lived in the neighborhood walked it s million times
Lived in Methven St ah remember Toni’s Chip shop,,,his father also had the newsagents on the corner,,,,,,my wee Ma (god rest her) worked at Belvedere hospital,,,,,a remember Joe the ragman,,,,,the guy’s singing round the back,,,,money wrapped in newspaper thrown out the window,,,,,Oh aye and the Salvation Army given it big licks on a Sunday morning with all the people with Hannover’s,,,,, hahahaha
I remember that too . I was born in Glenisla st xx
Mags, you will be a relation of mine. My dad was one of Jenny Nyguist’s children.
Tony Conneta was best chippie in Parkhead.His dad Joe owned the newsagents.I bought my toffee cup in there,my bunty and Judy comics.And remember the man singing for pennies round the back,the ragman who gave you a balloon.Bunny the ice cream man,who had a cafe near the black cat studios.The sally Ann never allowed in there as roman catholic.The steamiest,the peach bar cafe best ice cream.The granada Picture house.Memories…
I used to work in the peach bar cafe happy days x
Peach Bar Cafe was owned by Quito Tartaglia whose son is The Archbisop of Glasgow
Always thought his name was guido . Me Ma used to send me up on a Sunday evening with the pyrex dish for ice cream happy days. We stayed at 16 nisbet street. My Da John Rafferty was the peaver champion in the Daft shop (wards bar) .Me Ma still stays at Parkhead X yet across from the Straw Hoose (Five Ways).
Rafferty I am a Murray and I remember the daft shop my big brother drank in it rip Martin Murray
Toni’s Chip shop was the best!!!!! Post Office was round the corner facing Belvedere Hospital!!!! Very happy memories…….Moved to 49 Glenshee Street in 1964 and left in 1979!!!! I am so happy to have found the Parkhead history! I know Methven Street very well. Our close was at the corner of Glenshee and Methven Street!!!!!
enjoyed my day on saturday was good to see a few faces i knew and also all about where i grew up,looking forward to some more info as things progress as so much work was put into everything and so many people involved well done to all.
My great grandmother was a Laurie, from Elgin street, married my great grandfather Burgoyne.
I have been looking for information about my grandfather and gran Thomas and Helen Russell they emigrated to Peru around about 1900s and returned to Scotland 1916 because gran was pregnant with my mum Isabella Mcgregor Russell they lived around Parkhead area I think my grandad bought shops laundry. fruit shops sadly my Gran passed away when my mum was 10years old my grans maiden name was Mcgregor
Hi Jane we sent areply to the email you gave but it bounced.
Loved reading Thomas Bell’s memory of Parkhead. I attended ST Michael’s Primary 1948-1953 Then on to St Mark’s Jr secondary 1953-1956.reading Thomas’s memories took me right back to my childhood. Thank You.
I attended ST Michael’s Primary , AROUND THE SAME TIME , My teacher was Miss Keating’s and Mr. Cochran was heady,
I was born 1936 and first went to Elba Lane Infants.
I lived in Plant Street, Dennistoun as did my sister and cousins who also attended the same school.
Hello Alec my name is Jim moore i lived in plant st. I was born in 1947 so a bit younger than you but you or your sister may have known my sis. Davina or Marguirite
I was at both schools at the same time as you. Do you remember Miss Brogan at St. Michael’s, or teachers John Blue, John Burns, Bro. Joseph etc? Eddie Patrick
Hi, Does anyone know perhaps know what was located at 3 Thomson’s Lane Calton in 1842?
My great grandfather Thomas Irvine was born there in 1842, whereas his brother and sisters were all born in Girvan, where my great great grandmother Sarah Irvine, nee Straiton’s family all lived. What was she doing in Glasgow? By 1851 she was back living in Girvan. Was 3, Thomson’s Lane perhaps some kind of hospital or infirmary? She appears to to have been staying in Glasgow without her husband, Samuel Irvine.
Hi Andrew,
Glasgow PO Directories show 3 Thomson’s Lane was most likely housing with Alex Campbel, a Sherriff Officer residing there and also a Robert McGregor, a wine and spirit merchant also residing there. There was also a shuttle making business at number 18.
Thomson’s Lane was later renamed Crownpoint Road.
Hello Bob, my uncle lived in Crownpoint Road. I have a postcard sent to him around 1907. It is addressed to Mile End which was a wee parish near Camlachie. Best Wishes Jimmy.
Hi there was a church on the Gallowgate called St Thomas Methodist Church,i am told there was a ww1 memorial in the Church when it closed around 1972 ,but nobody knows where it was moved to ,would you have any ideas. Thanks in advance.
i was married in St Thomas church in 1974 it is now called Gallowgate church and is based in David St just off the Gallowgate it is closed at present waiting for the go ahead to be upgraded
Hi I was born at 1296 juke St parhead not far from the cross, 1952. I remember the forge steel workes, and the white gates we used to swing on when they closed off the road to send the trains from one end to the other, my dad worked at haghill cleansing dot. He also worked week ends in the old granada picture house
So interesting to read about Parkhead, I was born at 896 Springfield Rd behind a small shop. My dad Alex McLean grew up in the area and My Grandparents Wullie and Margaret McLean née Harris both lived at 16 Society St.
I remember as a child waiting outside The Forge for my Pop who was a crane driver there, we moved to Australia in 1960 when I was 7 but I have been back a few times. The site has brought back all those conversations amongst my family of streets and people they all knew.
Thank You
GG Grandparents Joseph Green and Mary Green nee Gore lived at 541 Great Eastern Road both potters Anyone have a link?
Please does anyone know of a Hotel at 12 Macauslin Street in 1908
McAuslin Street in Townhead. I can’t find one in Parkhead. There’s no sign of a hotel on the NLS maps or Post Office Directory.
Hi, just a long shot but looking to find a bit of information about a Robert Cross lived in Parkhead Area about 1933 would have been about 30 years old in 1933 he was married with a family at the time hoping someone can help me would be very Grateful for any info.Maria.
It looks like my grandmother Agnes Docherty Doherty McDade lived at Parkhaed Glasgow. according to her son’s military records. Father James McDade no address given for him. They were living in Maryhill, Lanarkshire. Would there be anymore info about them . Charles, James’s father came from Ireland with his father John McDade. Is there any passenger list for coming over from Ireland to Scotland? Charles was 6m old when they came to Scotland in 1841. They went to live in the Rutherglen Civil Parish, Lanarkshire. lived on Muirkirk rd at that time. Would be grateful for any info. Rose
Hi my name is Gary Farquhar and I stayed at 413 Janefield Street in 1966 it was the very first close in the street above the cafe on Springfield road and as you came into the close there was the remains of an old bakers shop on one side and the kitchen area to the right as you came out the close and looked across the road there was the electricity sub station still there. We were also sitting right above the railway tunnel looking down onto the old station and rail lines. We stayed there from 1965 to 1975.
My great grandmother, Jeanie Mann Nimmo Carey, ran a bakery about 1912 and lived with her son James, who was a pastry baker, at 413 Janefield Street. I wonder if you have any pictures of the area, the bakery, or buildings, or could make a drawing of the layout you described. Jeannie’s daughter, Margaret, married William Farquhar and emigrated to Philadelphia, PA, my grandparents. Later Jeanie Carey and James located their bakery at 152 Dalmarnock Street which I have not been able to discover exactly where that might have been; there are so many Dalmarnock Roads and streets. An Old Dalmarnock Street became Springfield Street it seems sometime in the late 1920’s, maybe before. The Carey family address is often recorded as 68, Dalmarnock Street, which I think became known as 829 Springfield Street. If you were able to provide any information about 413 Janefield Street, the area, andDalmarnock Street, I should be most grateful.
James Farquhar
Hi there sorry I have not been in this site for years. I have possibly access to a fair bit of knowledge regarding this area as I know it well. I have asked my father regarding this. What sort of info would you like. I will see if I can provide it for you.
Thanks Bob. That’s great! My Dad was a blacksmith there and I’ m trying to
Trace his pension for my mother.
I appreciate your help.
I’m trying to find out what number the Croft garage was
On Gallowgate?
Hi Christine,
In the 1943-1944 Glasgow Post Office Directory the entry for the Croft was thus,
Croft Bodybuilding & Engineering Co. Ltd,
Motor Bodybuilders and Painters,
1009 Gallowgate E1;
Tel add; “Croftauto” Tel No. Bridgeton 3777
My cousin was a spraypainter there and my uncle was a sign writer there also.
The croft that I worked in 1956 was located at 1066 Gallowgate and the telephone number was Bridgeton 4321
Hi Alex,
The address and telephone number I quoted was from the 1943-1944 Glasgow Post Office Directory some 12 years before your time at the Croft. I will check the later PO Directories for the date you give and will get back to you.
The street numbers (odd) were on the north side of the Gallowgate with the even numbers being on the south side.
If you look at the photo of the Croft bridge on the page “images & transport 9” you will see the garage directly behind the bridge on the north side of the street.
I have no recollection of the Croft relocating to the opposite side of the street.
Perhaps this could have been an office address or even a body shop on the south side of the street.
As I said I will check and get back to you.
My two brothers worked there jack and hugh dicks.
Michael Martin – my dad moved into Quarryknowe Street in 1930 when he was 2, he lived at 176
I was born in 1955 the eldest of six children,parents Jim and Tess McDermott,we lived at 1282 London Road and left in 1964, still have fond memories of Glasgow,would love to hear from anyone who remembers the family
We are looking to open a local small cafe takeaway in the forge . We are looking for a theme for the cafe must be local history or relevance to area . Any ideas ?
A great big thank you to Bob Winning for all his help in finding the grave I was looking for and for sending me pictures. I think it is truly wonderful that people are so dedicated to do this work by giving up their time to help others. This is a great site! I now have it bookmarked.
Thank you again.
Anne Callan
Hi, This a long shot but he we go I was born in the Rottenrow in Glasgow 1953 and lived with my mother and father Annie & Archie MacLean in Macauslin Street, Glasgow my mother grew up never knowing her father and she would like to contact any of his family maybe someone knew he had a daughter by someone else she believes her father lived facing her in Macauslin Street and that he worked for British Rail in Glasgow Central he had a family who used to come across and look at me in the pram because my mothers father was married it was frowned apon in those days my mother was told to go along to central station and he would meet her but he never came out of the office, we don’t know his name only that he had a couple of kids who must be in their late 70’s early 80’s, they must have children of their own and grandchildren. My Grannies name was Margaret Sweeney my mother was know as Annie Sweeney. I would be grateful for any information no matter how small my mother is 85 this year and talks constantly about her biological father and I am conscious that time is going quick. Please help
My grand name was Elizabeth sweeney from the same area with Maclean in the family m, I have an ancestry tree I could research for you??
love this site by the way,but makes me sad as boyhood was spent in tollcross park and the streets of Parkheid.
i come from lilybank and always said i was parkhead.was i right?
RE Stephen Reilly…I was born and bred in mc duff st…stayed there 1956/1976….I loved it there…connettas chippy was the best ever….there’s nothing left there now apart from the few shops on London road
My father was born in McDuff street his name was john hood
Hi my grans brother was John Hood from McDuff St. I am wondering if your dad was the same man ?
Hi gillian my gran stayed in mcduff st 1965 her name was lizzie cox there was a ma who stayed across from her his name was John Hood he, was so nice my gran stayed in no 49
I was a wee bit surprised that there were not more references to Wm Beardmores, Parkhead Steelworks, where a lot of the Parkhead people were employed and the area prospered. I worked in their research department from 1953-63 and would like to hear from any of the people who knew me. I moved from Shettleston to the midlands in 1963 and then down south in 1965 where I did some hands on metal bashing for MOD.I really enjoyed the contributions about old Parkhead, some of which were before my time!
Hi Eddy, Beardmores was such a big steelworks we decided it should have its own page , we have been researching Beardmores and have still to get round to editing all the info we have to date, but with Christmas almost here i think it will be awile yet before we have the page up and running, Eddy if you have any info that you think will help please let us know , and we will be happy to include it
Hello Thomas,
Sorry that I have not responded sooner. I shall think about your request and get back to you – if I can find the page again!
my grandmother stayed in the first houses to be built in quarryknowe street.her mother had got the house just as it was built at my grandmother (mary ann steel)known as molly lived there her full life in 86 quarryknowe grans mum died whilst my gran was 15 years old.she had three younger brothers whom my gran went on to raise gran then worked in the forge in parkhead(now a famous shopping mall)was where bombs and bullets and other ammunition was made.the sound of the beardmore hammer echoed throughout glasgow day & night during those bleak days of gran got married to my grandad mr charles steel who worked in hillington rolls royce plant making aeroplane engines which was his job until gran and grandad had three aunt ann,my uncle charlie and my mum gran & grandad went on to raise there family in 86 quarryknowe street.we (me my mum my dad michael’mick’martin my sister mandy and me also michael’mick’martin)lived in easterhouse.though in 1983 we moved to quarryknowe street as my gran was of ill health and my mum wanted to be near to take care of her.we lived in 156 quarryknowe street and that was were i spent my was a great housing scheme with very friendly neighbours.sadly my gran & grandad are in heaven as is my dad.when quarryknowe street and surrounding streets(dalton street,edenwood street,caroline street and muiryfauld drive)were demolished.the new houses built in the area are a lot better for the mum lives in one of the new houses in muiryfauld drive,surrounded by neighbours she grew up this day 10/10/2013 quarryknowe street is just bare land.waiting on some sort of development(probably housing).i have really enjoyed sharing this and really enjoy reading the articles and others messages.thank you for your great work.michael martin
Hello Mick jnr, I too was raised at 86 Quarryknowe St. Like your great Gran our family were lucky enough to be allocated one of the brand new houses in Quarryknowe. We can only imagine their excitement being given a brand new 3 apt with a bathroom in the mid 30s, I don’t know about your Gran Molly, but a lot of folk who moved in were from the Calton , our mob Claythorn St, the Conways Charlott St, etc, I think thats why there was such a bond. I remember all the Steels. Molly and Chick, Ann ,Charlie, and your Ma Trisha as she was known, a really nice family, not forgetting Wee Joe , and John Jardine, I don’t remember your Grans third brother, but I do remember Johns return from serving abroad with the army around the early 60s. 86 Quarryknowe and the closes around it seemed to be the heart of the street everything centered around that part ,street games, back court concerts , adults joining in with the kids at play, even bonfire night was always held behind 86. I wonder if your Ma remembers the Blackpool Bus Run that left from 86 around 61/ 62 Chick and Molly were most likely on it Its great to hear that your Ma’s so happy in her new house on Muiryfauld Dr, but Quarryknowe will always be home. A few names your Ma will remember, Polly and Sissy , Celia and Wilma, Big Net, William Shannon, Sam Conway, Ann, Tam, George, Ina & Bennie MacNamee and Gracie Duncan. sadly most are no longer with us . Alex
Hi looking for any information on Maureen Duffy think she lived at 135 claythorn St. I will check number and year. Love Reading these posts.
I’m searching for a friend. X
Hi i read a few of your comments on here today I think it’s probably quite likely you knew my relatives too. Just wondering if u have any of the Wallaces on quarryknowe St. Helen Wallace was my grandmother.
I was delighted to see the graves of gg grandfather John Wallace who were Agricultural Implement Makers. Could you please tell me where the grave is located and any other information you might have, I would be soo grateful . Kinds regards Jackie
i am looking for anyone how can tell me anything about the Crawford family Joan and John
your web site is terrififc tam I will be A frequent user I can spend hours on these sites I thought your site on the cemetry was brilliant old cemetrys facinate me
my mother lived at 255 westmuir street when i was born . i am looking for anyone who knew her or has heard of her from parents or grandparents. her name was agnes (nan) lawson.we came to australia in 1950. any info at all would be great.
I moved into 255 westmuir street with my family when I was 6 months old in 1932. I stayed there until I got married in 1954. We stayed on the top floor, our next door neighbour was a mister Boyd who lived with his granddauter Agnes Lawson. I spent a lot of time with mister Boyd until he passed away when I was about 10 years old we moved downstairs to a larger flat a few years later , and i can’t remember much about Agnes after that
I have just looked on the site and couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw you letter. I am thrilled it is the first time I have made contact with anyone who knew my mum and any of her family. anything you can tell me about them at the time you knew them would be great. did you know her [sister] aunt jean or anything about mums extended family. I will be waitng to hear from you with my heart in my mouth.
hi I Am Sorry I Cannot remember much more than I told you last time it was 74 years ago. Although I was with Mr Boyd a lot Agnes kept pretty much to herself she was a different generation from me. I do remember she had a pal called Nessie McKirdie who lived below us I seen them together quite a lot it was during the war years. as you most likely know 255 is long gone a block of flats stands there now. Westmuir street is very run down now It Is nothing like the wonderful street I grew up in
I think this relates to my grandmother who lived at this address when she married -Jeanie Neil Boyd (born 1905) and who married Walter Callander Brown? (feel free to email me at
The Pancake
I grew up in the four in a blocks opposite Belvedere Hospital in Newbank, I lived there in the 60sand 70s, I seem to remember that the land where the Helenvale flats are built was known as The Pancake, Does anyone know why?
hello Sstephen, the disc’s of steele were shaped like pancakes hence the name the pancake works..ok pal.
Hi One of my relatives is the Annie Mc Killen mentioned as head teacher at st michaels infant school in the 40s. Is there any chance anyone has some stories they could share about her.
Many thanks
Hi folk, great site and well done and laid out.
Would anyone on here by any chance of heard of a Jimmy Anderson who resided in Parkhead in the late 60’s early 70’s, he was my dad’s cousin and would have been in his 40’s at the time.
Many Thanks.
I know a jimmy Anderson who stayed in the gallowgate across from the black bull he had four daughters.and married to nellie
Jimmy and nellie passed away a long time ago the two oldest daughters passed away in the last five years.the second youngest alice was a nurse in belvidiere hospital their youngest daughter catherine i do not know what happened to her.they stayed in 1305 gallowgate i stayed above them
that was my grans my mother was Margaret Anderson who moved to tranent the only sister still living is Catherine she lives near Bathgate would love to hear some more about my family
I knew all the andersons catherine margret Mary was Margret Anderson Alice’s daughter Catherine was me n my sisters friend .
My grat aunt lived at 146 westmuir st parkhead sometime in the early 20’s I believe. She then emigrated to USA around 1925 and married Robert Climie in Canada. She was a nurse and part time real estate agent. Just trying to find all my macGregor relatives since there is a sister of my grandfathers whom no one remembers her name. I’m trying to find out her name she died at 10 during the 17-19 flu epidemic.
Hi Christina,
Since we have not heard fom you then we take it that the name we emailed you was not what you were looking for. Was it?
Janefield Cemetery
Message I was delighted to see the grave of my Great Grandfather James Fyfe amongst the photographs of the Janefield Merchants. The business was sold 1902/03 as his Daughter Agnes Fyfe married Joe Muir another well known publican in Bridgeton.
Hi, just a long shot but looking to find a bit of information about a Robert Cross lived in Parkhead Area about 1933 would have been about 30 years old in 1933 he was married with a family at the time hoping someone can help me would be very Grateful for any info.Maria.
Hi Maria, my mum Ray McLaren lived in tollcross from 1931 until the mid 1950s. She knew a David Cross who lived in her Street, Tollcross Road possibly a son of Robert. It’s a long shot but may be the same family.
Nicola, where a outs in tollcross did your mother live.
My fathers family were all brought up in Holywell Street,Camlackie. They were the McAuley family, Catherine,Margaret,John,James & Joseph, sadly only my dad James and his sister Margaret are still with us. He attended St Michael’s Primary and then St Marks. His sisters went to St Anne’s and St Marys schools. Often he tells us stories about playing in Jeanfield (eastern necroplis) cemetary, going down to the banks of the clyde, Camlackie Primary school, which i too remember, my dad can still tell you everyone who lived up his close no.9 and the amount of people who lived nearby in the surrounding area. When he is with you on a journey through the area he gives you a history lesson of the area, must admit enjoy it. His oldest sister Catherine lived in Cuthleton Street, in Lilleybank, her family name was Keegans, i remember the area well as we were often there as children in the early sixties and spent a lot of our lives in this area.
Hi Maria,
Thanks very much for your comment. Have a look at the menu section under Reminiscences of Parkhead where you will see some memories of Parkhead from a few people. We would absolutely love to hear your dad’s (and family) memories of Parkhead which we no doubt would let us all share the history lesson as well as jogging other peoples memories and perhaps get them to contribute also. We want as many people as possible to give us their memories of the area. So please start noting down and send us your dads memories and we will publish them.
Thanks again.
My name is billy Kerr born mc duff st newbank,1956 .went to newlands then rivvy.married to Ann mc namee born and bred oh quarryknowe stbin 1955 .went to quarrybrae then wellshot.we would love to hear from any old freinds who remember us
aye newlans think i rember you did you play fitbow
Bit late with my response Billy, Think I knew all the McNamee’s from Quarryknowe St, Tam, George, Ina and Bennie. Your wife Ann was a bit younger so only just remember her. Tam I think was the eldest, he and his mate big Dougie were always trying ways to beat the bookie, Ina was ages with me, and taken far to young, George and I as kids bolted the course to Port Seaton, we lasted 2days [ neabody missed us ], George created our gangs war cry. I worked with Bennie, clever guy and like his brothers a good fitba player. Aye Billy anyone that lived around that part of Parkhead 50s 60s 70s 80s will not forget the McNamee’s They along with others made our street special to us, we lived across from Annie McNamee’s family at 86 Quarryknowe. Alex
Hi Alex
Granny polly Scott and Aunty cissy Laird or Scott lived in the house above us
Ceilia Kelly was across the landing from them
We the steels and before them my granny Jessie Jardine nee Stewart my mum molly was Molly Jardine.
Before my Granny Jessie it was my GGran Mary Ann Stewart formerly Scott maiden name Mcgill and G granda Joe Stewart
My uncles Joe and John were known as Jardine but were named Philp . Their father was Lorne Philp
My mums other brother was George Jardine and he was older than John and Joe
Across the landing from us was the Shannon’s again related by marriage
Under us was Net and across from her was the conways
Most of that end of the street were either related or from the same streets in the Calton.
My mum was born in Claythorn street 1930 Then moved to the new house in quarryknowe st. It must have been luxury to them all. Although I do have to say it was a struggle with molly chic and the three of us.
They had Joe Stewart, Mary Ann McGill, Jessie Stewart Peter Jardine, molly and George at least in that two bed flat three generations . Granny polly husband George Scott was Jessie’s step brother and Mary Ann McGill’s son and they were above us. What’s your surname Alex.
Ann Robertson MBE (steel)
Hi, Would anyone know where McCauslin Street is or was. I may have mis-spelt it, but my family lived there, they were in the tenements, a pawn shop was opposite and public baths were at the end of the street. Any help in locating this street would be appreciated.
Hi Catherine,
It may be McCaslin Street you are thinking of. It still exists in Townhead, Glasgow. If you type St. Mungos Church into Google Maps it will take you to McCaslin Street and you can go to street view to see it as it is today.
Also if you go to the Virtual Mitchell site and do a street search for McCaslin Street there are 10 photos of it from the 1960’s
Try this link;
Hi Catherine, McAslin Street ran from 19 Martyr Street to 307 Parliamentary Road and was named after John McAslin, a partner in the firm of Austin & McAslan. Parts of the street were previously known as Albert Street and Catherine Street. The street was a mixture of tenements and small works, and at number 340 stood the Catholic Apostolic Church, built in 1852 to a design by Augustus Welby Pugin.
Like much of Townhead McAslin Street no longer exists.
I was born in McCAUSLIN STREET IN 1953.
Great to see a site about Parkhead. My mum was born at 412 Westmuir in 1913. Except for a period between 1923 and 1927 her Bradley family had always lived on Westmuir. They lived at 448 from 1927 to about 1992.
Hi Mary Ann
My mum lived at 448 westmuir st next door to Phil Bradley. mum and Phil worked for the same company I remember Phil sister too but can,t remember her name.
Sorry Ann Marie I didn’t get notice of your message. I was here today looking at old pictures. My aunt was called Mary. Her married name was Gemmell. If I remember correctly she ran a tobacconist store at one point but I’m not sure on what street. Philip Bradley died in 1992. Mary moved to the Hull area about 1980ish and died in 2010.
My great grandparents name of Mulgrew lived at 412 and 418 Westmuir street at various times.
My grandparents daughter Hannah visited them at 418 Westmuir on 8 June 1914
I really enjoyed the site but I think you should include the presence of the Catholic schools and churches in the area for the benefit of us who attended them.
Hi John,
Thanks for your post. We have been in touch with St Michael’s and await a reply. It is our intention to include as many aspects of life in Parkhead as possible.
Hi John,
My name is John Kelly and I was born in 1955 at 107 Westmuir St next to the Prince Charlie pub.I attended Elba Lane nursery,then St MIchaels’s Primary in Springfield Rd,then I passed my ” Qually” (?) and went to St Mungo’s Academy in Townhead.My wee Ma must have bribed the Headmaster, ha ha .You had to wear a tie at all times in St Mungo’s.
One of the teachers demanded it was a Windsor knot in the tie.If you didn’t have a tie you were sent home. I was an altar boy in the old St Michael’s which was in Salamanca St.I remember when I was young we used to wait on the big lorries leaving the Forge and jump on the back and get a “huddgie” or “huggie”.I shudder when I think of some of the things I used to do then.Most of my days were spent playing fitba on the spare “grun” behind the Charlie..There was a pub just next to me ,Wards,which was called the “Daft Shoap”. It wasn’t misnamed.I remember being told years later that when the Forge was at it’s peak the Charlie took in more money than any pub in Glasgow.
I think the Gibbie Watson bakery in Parkhead was my Great Grandfather Gilbert Watson who lived from Jan.4,1837 to August 4, 1894.
Any more information and pictures you have would be great. I am attempting to write a children’s book about the stories that were past down to me from my mother and grandmother Margaret Gardner Gilbert’s daughter.
Hello Mary Lou,
The Gilbert Watson we refer to was born in 1799 and died in 1866. The Gilbert Watson you refer to was his son and therefore our Gilbert was your Great Great Grandfather.
hi tam , when did jeanfield become janefield and why, was it just people getting name wrong?
I am convinced that the White Horse Inn mentioned in the murder most foul story was actually the Tollcross Tavern building as we know it today. Seems Mr.Anderson was spared the galllows and sentence to 15 years transportation.
Hi Charlie,
Have a look at the page “Willox Book Characters” for info on the murder. He got off much lighter than everybody thinks.
I lived in 1203Gallowgate ,my gran was a midwife in park head area ,her name was nurse banks she married Sandy Willox whos brother owned the hair work facing Janefield he was also the bailey. I heard that Janefield cemetery was called after a lady called Jane who was hurried there that is why it is called Janefield. ( field of Jane)
great site tam , loved the ads in the paper and the pics.
This is a great site, highlighting the Parkhead area in specific details. Look forward to viewing more interesting facts as you discover them.