The following extracts are taken from the log-book for Riverside Secondary School between the years 1933-1960. Most of the logged details are of a mundane nature stating that a teacher is absent due to a cold or that a teacher returned to duty.
I have included extracts which I consider to be of social interest. I have not included Inspector’s reports or exam results. These will be included at a later date. If anyone requires more specific information please do not hesitate to contact us.
30 January 1933
Riverside Advanced Central School opened.
Headmaster William Tannock M.A. Bsc. A.R.C.S.
Number of pupils 857
Andrew Calderwood- 2nd Master
Jeannie Cooper- Senior Woman Assistant
Duncan Graham-Assistant Master
9 Men
10 Woman
2 Art Teachers
4 Manual Instructors
5 Domestic Science teachers
I male PE
2 women PE
Visiting music teacher-Mr McKay
8 February 1933: Playground not finished. PE limited to 3 periods per week.
24 February 1933: HMI Mr King visited to discuss the qualifications of the teachers.
24 March 1933: Those leaving school at this date were assembled during the afternoon and received EVENING CONTINUATION ENROLMENT CARDS and Letter of ‘FRIENDLY COUNCIL’ from the Education Committee.
10 April 1933: Dr Sinclair visited to carry out medical inspection. (these were conducted at regular intervals by a variety of doctors)
21 April 1933: William Kennedy (4th year) broke his arm by falling from a ladder in the Gymnasium today)
27 April 1933: Inspector Beattie from the Eastern Police Division addressed the senior scholars on the danger of the street traffic
19 May 1933: Qualifying exam for Pupils entering on a three years course held here today. 23 candidates.
14 June 1933: Spray baths opened.
15 June 1933: Fire-drill taken today. Time taken to clear the school 1 ¾ minutes.
30 June 1933: School closed today for Summer Vacation. Prizes presented by Councillor Taylor. Rev Henry Wallace presiding.
21 August 1933: Opened after summer
6 September 1933: Mr John Ross M.A. F.R.A.S. visited the school to give a demonstration with the WILSON ASTRONOMICAL MODEL.
29 September 1933: Nurse Smith visited.
9 October 1933: A Savings Association was started today when there was a satisfactory response on the part of the pupils, 155 transactions being recorded.
19 October 1933: Work in the manual department is being hampered for lack of wood. Office notified again today.
14 February 1934: School broken into during the night. 2 overalls and 2 lamps stolen.
27 February 1934: Mr Hislop HMI visited the school to examine the candidates for the DAY SCHOOL CERTIFICATE (Higher) in Science
1 March 1934: Mr J. McDonald visited for English
6 March 1934: Mr McGregor HMI DSC in Bench-work, Technical Drawing and Art
7 March 1934: Mr King HMI in Maths and Arithmetic
20 March 1934: Miss Kennedy HMI in Domestic Science
4 May 1934: Miss Smith carried out Dental Inspection
30 May 1934: Miss Smith carried out dental examinations
1 June 1934: Scripture examination
20 September 1934: Dr Cossar visited the school today and gave an address on ‘Temperance’ to classes of boys and girls.
27 September 1934: Dr Cossar visited school to give a lecture on Temperance.
30 November 1934: School closed yesterday for ROYAL WEDDING.
9 January 1935: The Senior Classes of boys attended the Orchestral concert in St. Andrew’s Hall this afternoon.
14 January 1935: School was broken into during weekend and all lamps taken from room 41.
16 January 1935: Senior Girls attended Orchestra Concert.
17 January 1935: School was broken into (room 60) during the night and headmaster’s desk burst open and papers all scattered about. Police informed.
21 January 1935: The school was again broken into at the weekend and 10 lamps taken away. Police were informed and detectives visited the school.
22 January 1935: Janitor unfit for duty after fall of plaster. Fall of plaster in Girls verandah.
28 January 1935: A burglar was caught entering the school on Saturday evening and taken away by the police Influenza outbreak.
21 May 1935: School was closed yesterday for the King’s birthday.
Report 1934-35
There are at present 909 pupils on the roll;attendance throughout the session has been very regular. The accommodation is excellent; the children have, to a limited extent, the use of a neighbouring football field as a sports ground.
From a school fund raised last year, the stock of books in the library was largely increased and a radio gramophone purchased. Broadcast lessons are taken occasionally but the instrument is used chiefly to develop musical appreciation.
A holiday camp for the boys, conducted every year by the men of the staff, usually accommodated a company of about 60.
9 December 1935: School was broken into on Friday night 6th Decemeber the windows of rooms 31 &32 having being forced.
22 January 1936: School assembled in hall to listen to the Broadcast of the proclamation of the new King.
29 January 1936: School closed yesterday owing to King’s Funeral.
27 October 1936: Plaster work on S.E. staircase cracked by storm. Stair closed and reported to Master of Works. Also several windows blown.
16 December 1936: 44 girls and 2 teachers attended a matinee performance of Hansel and Gretal today. Time-tables adjusted to suit.
12 May 1937: School closed today for Coronation holiday.
14 may 1937: Scholars all taken to Ardgoil as a Coronation treat by the corporation.
9 June 1937: Mrs Dougherty called this afternoon to inform me that she was going to lodge a charge of assault against Miss Fyffe on account of an incident which happened during a game of net-ball. I found there was no ground for complaint but she refused to be pacified.
15 June 1037: Constable called in the afternoon to interview some girls in connection with Wednesday’s complaint.
1 September 1937: School re-opened today after the summer vacation. Mrs Martin (Physical instructess) reported for duty in place of Miss Fyffe transferred to Eastbank.
11 November 1937: Armistice Day. The whole school assembled in the gymnasium for the Armistice Service from 10:30 am to 11:05.
11 April 1938: The headmaster was absent in the forenoon attending a course in Air Raid precautions which will last till Thursday.
9 May 1938: Miss Douglas absent from school during forenoon attending a course in Air Raid Precaution.
27 September 1938: Classes were assembled in the hall to hear the broadcast of the launching of the Queen Elizabeth Mr Paul absent for the afternoon on duty at the launch(permission granted).
19 December 1938: Temperature of the school very low in the morning. (40 degrees F. In classrooms) reported.
21 December 1938: New supply of coal received. Heating now satisfactory in classrooms.
16 January 1939: Window of Manual Room (56) was broken during the weekend and some tools taken away.
24 January 1939: James Scott fell in gymnasium and hurt his arm.
22 February 1939: The girl Bethie Watson (6) had an accident in the gymnasium today. Doctor called.
23 February 1939: Boy John Galloway cut his wrist at 4pm on 22nd by accidently putting hand through a window.
22 March 1939: Boy’s bicycle stolen from school. Police notified.

JAN 1952: Roll 557 + 557 = 1114
8 January 1952: Miss Young had a bad fall in the playground and sustained a wrist injury. She was taken to the Royal Infirmary at 9:40am
15 January 1952: Mr Lewis leaves today on National Military Service; his service terminated as from tomorrow ( l days leave of absence). A 2 minute silence in tribute to the late king was observed in the classrooms ,( 2-2:02 pm). Thereafter the ‘Flowers of the Forest’ was played by the Assistant Janitor Pipe-Major Pryde.
9 May 1952: Party of 90 pupils with 5 teacher escorts today visited Calderpark Zoo (2-4 pm)
15 May 1952: School- class group photographed today.
23 May 1952: Party of 100 pupils and 5 teacher escorts visited Calderpark Zoo this afternoon.
23 June 1952: A successful Mannequin Parade , organised by the Sewing Department was held in the Girls’ Playground at 2pm toady.
25 June 1952: Excursion to Burns Country today ( 74 pupils of 3rd year) escorted by Mr Palmer, Miss Dewar and Mrs Smyth. H.M.I. Miss Marshall visited school to dicuss Needlework experiment with Sewing Teachers.
25 August 1952: School resumed today after the Summer Vacation. Painter work has been held up during the holidays due to receipt of inferior paint; and in consequence many room interiors have still to be done. I have arranged for as little disturbance as possible of school work and only 2 rooms at a time will be decorated.
28 August 1952: Several teachers have complained of articles lost from desks and rooms during the holidays. The Director of Education and the police will today be informed.
4 September 1952: Mr L. Smith who visited the Meigle Camp testerday, today reported that accommodation was very satisfactory. Accordingly, the allocation of 60 boys there has been accepted.
11 September 1952: Mademoiselle Micheline Nicolle, French student reported for duty at 9am.
25 September 1952: Mr Marle and 20 boys of 111a this afternoon visited the Castle Toward Art Exhibition at Bellahouston. 79 boys and 4 teacher escortd this afternoon visited the ‘Battle of Britain’ feature (Lancaster Aircraft) at Art Galleries.
25 September 1952: 2 teachers and 35 boys visited the Castle Toward Art exhibition this afternoon.
30 September 1952: HARVEST CAMP. 57 boys under Mr. L. Smith left this morning for Meigle ( Belmont Camp)
8 October 1952: Headmaster today visited the boys at Meigle Harvest Camp and found the conditions excellent and the boys in fine health and spirits.
13 October 1952: Riverside’s first printed magazine was on sale today. All concerned are to be complemented on this successful compilation.
15 October 1952: Mr Clark and 13 pupils in 1v-v1 today attended the performance of The Pamela Stirling Players at the Citizens Theatre.
16 October 1952: 21 pupils and 12 teachers attended Scottish Orchestral Concert at 2pm this afternoon.
20 October 1952: Harvesters returned on Saturday to Glasgow and to school today.
24 October 1952: U.N . Day: 6 pupils , members of C.E.W.C. went round the rooms giving classes v1-11 a talk on World Citizenship.
1 December 1952: 180 pupils and 11 teachers attended the Scottish Orchestral Concert this afternoon.
9 December 1952: 18 girls from Eastbank S.S. and 40 girls of this school were addressed by Miss Dewhurst today on the Mobile Nursing Unit Film.
26 March 1953: At 2:10 pm an informal ceremony of Tree ans Shrub planting was held. 4 Silver A— trees were planted at the front of the school by the School Captains and Captains and Vice-Captains of the two youngest classes. Prefects and class Captains helped to plant a number of shrubs at the Kempoch Street exit from boys’ playground. Apart from improving school amenities the planting is associated with the year of Coronation.
27 March 1953: Final of the Girls’ Hockey Tournament was held at Westhorn Park at 3:30 today , all girls in the school being in attendance.
22 April 1953: Party of 40 pupils an 2 teacher escorts attende th ‘Osoris’ production of ‘Midsummer Nights Dream’ at Berkley Hall this morning.
24 April 1953: Hockey Match. Staff (Ladies v Girls) Westhorn Park 3:30 pm today. No disturbance to the work of the school generally which dismissed at 4pm as usual.
21 May 1953: Party of 200 pupils and 11 teacher escorts attended Scottish Orchestral Concert in St Andrews Halls this afternoon.
22 May 1952: Party of 19 pupils escorted by 1 teacher visited the Peoples Palace this afternoon. (Old Glasgow Section) Distribution of ‘Coronation’ Gifts of Sweets took place today at 3pm.
25 May 1953: School closed Queen’s Birthday Holiday.
1 June 1953: School closed 1st, 2nd,3rd June-Coronation Holiday
12 June 1953: Staff Bus Outing to Lake of Menteith took place today (4:15pm and evening). Very successful.
15 June 1953: Party of 27 pupils and 2 teacher escorts visited the Hunterian Museum.
18 June 1953: Bus excursion (3rd,4th,5th,6th years) to Stirling and Aberdour took place today.
19 June 1953: School Sports were held at Westhorn Park this afternoon in dull weather.
23 June 1953: Mannequin Parade (2-2:40)
24 June 1953: Party of 120 boys and girls with 6 teacher escorts attended ‘Coronation’ Film Show in Parkhead Palace this morning. Party of 10 senior pupils and 1 teacher escort attended show of Physics Dept. (University) this afternoon.
25 June 1953: School was dismissed at 11am (Queen’s visit)
28 August 1953: Boys:494, Girls: 579, Total: 1013
3 September 1953: Mademoiselle Jeanne M. Bidesgain (French student teacher) reported for duty today at 9am.
29 September 1953: Party of 35 girls and 4 non-teacher escorts left school at 9:45am for Auchterarder Potato Camp.
1 October 1953: 90 pupils were vaccinated ( BCG, TB immunisation)
7 October 1953: 40 pupils attended the Citizens Theatre Performance of ‘The Thistle and The Rose’ this afternoon.
14 October 1953: 30 pupils and 2 teachers at Art Films (2-4) Art Galleries.
15 October 1953: 20 pupils and 1 teacher at Art Films (2-4)
20 October 1953: 46 pupils and 3 teachers visited the Modern Homes Exhibition.
30 October 1953: Mr Walter F. Grieve, Headmaster retired today, having completed 40 years service.
2 November 1953: Mr Robert Moffat entered on duty today as Headmaster.
5 November 1953: Mr John McDonald, Bridgeton Boys Club visited out what activities if any were to be done by the school in connection with their annual competition.
8 December 1953: Mr A.J. Emond and Mr K.E.Miller HMI visited the school today. Mr Edord to inspect the new layout of the Technical Rooms and Mr Miller to discuss schemes of work with Mr Maule.
25 January 1954: School broken into on night of 23rd or morning of 24th. Rooms, 2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 entered and damaged, lockfast cupboards and drawers forced open and books, jotters, registers, attendance cards maliciously and wantonly destroyed or damaged. Matter reported to the Director and to Police.
New term begins today. 5 classes telescoped into others and 5 new classes formed-two transitional classes, two Junior Secondary classes and one Modified Secondary class. 53 transitional pupils, 56 Junior pupils and 38 Modified pupils enrolled.
BOYS: 495, GIRLS: 525; TOTAL: 1020
24 February 1954: Mr McLaren and 19 class captains from 1st and 2nd years visited the ‘Living Dangerously’ exhibition in McLellan Galleries this afternoon.
30 March 1954: Dr MacIntosh, Director, visited the school today about numbers in 4th and 5th years and discussed possibilities of having vocational courses to increase the numbers in the top classes.
6 April 1954: 600 pupils and 30 teacher escorts went to Palace Cinema this forenoon to see the ‘Ascent of Everest’ film.
7 April 1954: Headmaster attended meeting in Education Offices, with the Headmasters of Knightswood and of the two new secondary schools opened at Pollock and Milton in connection with proposed scheme for Comprehensive Schools, Riverside with the other three to start a three years experiment during which time the pupils of certain Primary feeding schools will be promoted with no calibration category label attatched to them. These pupils will take the Calibration Test in the usual way but the Test papers will be marked by other schools and the categories determined by the Promotions board filed in the Education office for follow up purposes only.
12 April 1954: Headmaster attended meeting in Education Office in connection with the proposed modified Calibration Test for 4 selected secondary schools including Riverside. All the Head Teachers involved attended this meeting. Considerable opposition was voiced but the only changes made in the proposed scheme were of a very minor nature.
7 May 1954: Headmaster at Conference of Senior Secondary Headmasters Association in Dunblane.
Fatal accident occurred in school at door of Room 2. Robertson Quigley, 5th year pupil, when opening the door had the door handle blown out of his hand by wind. The door swung open in the face of an oncoming pupil who put up her hands to save her face. Both hands went through the glass panels and a pice of broken glass entered Quigley’s abdomen severing an artery.
11 May 1954: Funeral of Robertson Quigley attended by Headmaster, 9 members of staff and a representative attendance from 3rd, 4th and 5 year pupils.
18 May 1954: Mr Bain, Deputy Director of Education and Mr McNab, Chief Architect visited the school to examine door of Room 2 where fatal accident happened on 7-5-54
Meeting of parents of new pupils at 2pm. About 40 parents attended and some were very critical about the new promotional scheme affecting Riverside. It seems that one Primary Headmaster was indiscreet enough to give the parents of his pupils estimated category marks for these pupils and the parents of pupils from other schools were indignant that they had not got Category marks for their children. On the whole the meeting was satisfactory in that all the parents interviewed were satisfied with the courses proposed for their children.
4 June 1954: Mr Reid, solicitor acting for the Education Authority’s Insurance Company, visited the school to interview Miss MacPherson and witness in connection with the contested claim for damages by the parents of Irene Irving
8 June 1954: On 8th, 9th,10th June 2 teachers and 25pupils in 3 parties took part in School Childrens Art Competition in Art Galleries.
10 June 1954: Miss Jeffrey and 24 pupils visited the Hunterian Museum this afternoon.
18 June 1954: Annual Sports held in Westhorn Park this afternoon. Weather excellent.
6 September 1954: Mlle Collette Segond French Student Teacher reported for duty today. She will take French classes on Monday forenoons.
Fraulein Elisabeth Zimmermann, German Student Teacher reported today for duty with German classes, Monday afternoons.
4 October 1954: Headmaster attended meeting in City Chambers with 26 other Senior Secondary Headmasters and sub-committee of Education Committee to dicuss the provision to be made in the Sen. Sec. Schools for playing association and Rugby Football. In the end it was decided that the matter should be left to the sympathetic consideration of the Headmasters. BCG vaccination started in scool today for pupils 13 years of age and upwards. (4-10-54 to 7-10-54)
8 October 1954: Miss Young and Miss Aitken accompanies by 20 pupils visited Crail Street Day Nursery.
11 October 1954: 8 teachers and 167 pupils went to St Andrews Hall for a concert by Scottish National Orchestra.
12 October 1954: Mr McGeachin and Mrs McLennan accompanied by 25 pupils visited the McLellan Galleries for the ‘Oil for Britain’ exhibition. Mr Young with 15 pupils visited the Palace of Art for the Exhibition of work by the students at Toward Castle in July.
13 October 1954: Miss Wright with 10 pupils visited the Citizens Theatre for a performance of ‘La Malade Imaginaire’
15 October 1954: 15 pupils visited the Palace of Art exhibition.
19 October 1954: 40 pupils and 2 teachers visited the Citizens Theatre this afternoon for a performance of, ‘Much Ado About Nothing’
12 Novemebr 1954: Mr Reid, Solicitor for the Corporation, Mr John Forrest, Property Dept. and Mr Paterson Architects Dept. visited the school for an enquiry into the circumstances of Robert Quigley’s death in 7-5-54. The following members of staff were interviewed; Mr McLintock, Mr Mackay and Miss Hewitt.
ROLL: BOYS: 391, GIRLS: 439, TOTAL: 830
21 January 1955: Aldis Film-Strip Projector reported missing from the place of storage in the Correction Room. Slide-carrier also missing and nothing else in the cupboard disturbed. Matter reported to C.I.D. and Detective Sergeant Deas visited the school to take particulars.
1 February 1955: Miss Jeffrey promoted to Woman Adviser.
27 April 1955: 200 pupils attended the ‘All Scotland Crusade’ meeting in Kelvin Hall to hear Mr Billy Graham.
13 May 1955: Dr Strachan and Miss Duncanson H.M.I. visited the school with a deputation from Jugo-Slavia to show the visitors a typical Comprehensive School
27 May 1955: Mr Gillies H.M.I. visited the school to hear our views on the Youth Employment service, with particular reference to their recent efforts on Talks on Jobs. Various Teachers who were at those talks were interviewed and our criticisms will be sent to the Education Offices by letter.
8 June 1955: 89 pupils (J.S.) and 6 teacher escorts had an all-day excursion to Aberdeen via Stirling and Dunfermline.
22 June 1955: Mannequin Parade organised by Domestic Science Dept. 96 pupils (S.S.) and 6 escorts had an all-day excursion to Ayrshire Coast.
30 June 1955: BOYS: 422, GIRLS: 462, TOTAL: 884

In the photo are the school prefects for that year (Form V, 1956):Back row – Ian Brown, Robert Dunlop, John Conn, David Kerr Front row – Jean Brownlie, Mr Murray (?), Irene Duncan, Mr Moffat (Headmaster), Helen Doole.
29 August 1955: BOYS: 441, GIRLS: 477. TOTAL: 918
3 October 1955: 27 boys off to potato harvesting at Inverbervie.
5 October 1955: 2 teachers and 43 girls to Camlachie Institute this afternoon for ‘Talk on Jobs’.
6 October 1955: School photographed by Prophet (by classes). Staff was also photographed.
12 October 1955: Party of boys to Camlachie Institute for Talk on jobs. Headmaster in the chair.
25 October 1955: Classes containing pupils who were involved in potato harvesting photographed. Potato harvesters returned to school on 24-10-55
1 November 1955: BCG vaccination all day.
23 November 1955: Sudden death of Mr Simpson who has been a member of the Science staff of Riverside since the opening of the school in 30-1-33. Death due to thrombosis in his sleep during the night.
20 December 1955: Pupils dismissed today at the end of the forenoon session. Members of staff absenting themselves to attend an EIS protest meeting in the afternoon during school hours. School Party held from 6:30pm till 10pm.
January 1956: Boys:490, Girls: 493, TOTAL: 983
31 January 1956: Mw H.M.I. visited the school in connection with the new timetable to discuss how best to meet the worsening conditions due to shortage of staff.
23 February 1956: Mr Ian Robertson ceased duties as from today because of National Service.
16 April 1956: Mr Paton back on duty after knee strain caused by football match against the boys.
2 May 1956: A mixed party consisting of 111a and selected pupils for 111b and 111c started a weeks educational tour of the Border country under Mr Donald Taylor assisted by students from Jordonhill. Party to stay each night at Youth Hostel.
1 June 1956: Mr Barclay absent-leave of absence for European Games at Prague.
4 June 1956: Party of 3rd year and senior pupils on educational excursion to Perth.
14 June 1956: 3rd year pupils to Aberdeen on educational visit.
27 August 1956: Boys: 484, Girls: 493, TOTAL: 977

Attached, the famous impromptu boys’ hockey team of 1955. We had just defeated the champion girls’ team by a whopping margin! None of us had played before.Back row (L-R): Danny McEwan, Gordon Love, Ian Anderson, George Pate, Davie Adams Middle row: Tommy McConnell, John Patrick, Jim Downie Front row: Ian Brown, Dave Kerr, John Conn
7 January 1957: Miss Cleeve, teacher on exchange from Australia started duties for Miss Elizabeth Brown who has gone to Australia for 1 year.
28 January 1957: Boys: 517, Girls: 538. TOTAL: 1055
18 February 1957: School Dining Room broken into during the night and burgled.
29 March 1957: Burglary in Domestic Science classroom in House during night of 29th/30th March. Value of aticles stolen over £60. C.I.D. have taken all particulars.
1 April 1957: Dr Eleanor Simpson visited the school and gave a talk illustrated by film on Tuberculosis and the benefits of x-ray diagnosis to Senior pupils in the large art room.
10 May 1957: Miss Cleeve returned to duty (absent since 15-4-57 on Continental Tour arranged by league of British Commonwealth and Empire). Miss Cleeve has been absent for 4 weeks and did not think fit to notify headmaster of this absence. She was informed by the Headmaster that such an occurrence must not happen again. Miss Cleeve apologised.
17 June 1957: Mr Gillies H.M.I. visited the school with Mr Stromstedt from Sweden so that the visitor from Sweden could obtain information about a Comprehensive School.
7 October 1957: Mr MacKay, Mrs Jenkins and Miss Swanson absent-influenza. Epidemic continuing and causing almost 50% absence among pupils.
22 October 1957: Miss Dewar to receive responsibility for element of £75 for taking charge of Geography Dept. during the prolonged absence of Mr Campbell.
30 October 1957: Headmaster, Mr MacLennan, Miss Boyd, Miss J McFarlane, Miss Home absent-influenza epidemic
19 November 1957: Mr Law H.M.I. visited the school for discussion on the new 4th year certificate.
18 December 1957: School Dance for Senior pupils.
24 December 1957: Mrs Jenkins ceased teaching under Authority’s pregnancy requirements.
23 January 1958: Mr Law H.M.I. and Mr Cunningham Depute Director of Education visited the school today to discuss the staffing situation. No relief can be given and it was decided that certain classes beginning in January including the transitional classes should go on half-time.
28 January 1958: Classes 1 P 1 and 1P2 start half time each day doing the time-table for 1 week spread over 2 weeks, classes being taken alternately.
26 March 1958: Mr Law H.M.I. visited the school to discuss the installation of a proper school library.
1 October 1958: Miss Elizabeth Hewitt started part-time duties in connection with the library. ( 2hours daily)
14 October 1958: Meeting of local Headmasters of Senoir Secondary Schools with Mr De Boinville of F.B.I. and local industry representatives in Springfield Wire Works. Meeting dealt with absorption into industry of 5th year pupils.
11 December 1958: Mr Law H.M.I. and Mr Cunningham Depute Director of Education visited the school to tell the Headmaster that Riverside was one of several senior secondary schools which it has been decided would lose their 4th and 5th years after the end of the present session. It had originally been decided that the pupils in the classes concerned would be transferred to Eastbank at the end of the session but after discussion it was agreed that they would go to Whitehill or Eastbank according to what they themselved preferred.
16 December 1958: School broken into by burglars. Locks and doors in main building forced but nothing stolen. Police informed.
17 December1958: Christmas service held in Calton Old Parish church at 2:30.
BOYS: 361, GIRLS: 393, TOTAL: 754
5 January 1959: Mr Gerard Slavin entered on duties as part-time teacher of Speech and Drama (Mon, Wed, Fri)
6 January1959: Dr Stewart MacIntosh visited the school to discuss with the Headmaster the contemplated change in the status of the school.
7 January 1959: Miss Hanlon from Careers Council gave a talk to pupils and parents for those who might continue after the third years. Numbers 36 pupils, 17 parents.
20 February 1959: Hut 29 (Domestic Science) and Hut 27 ( Art) broken into by burglars during the night. Food stuffs, table-linen, Acme wringer, G.E.C. electric water heater and alarm clock stolen. Police and Head Office notified.
17 March 1959: Parents’ meeting in evening for projected excursion to Belgium at Easter.
19 March 1959: Fire alarm drill. Much too slow particularly from the Huts. The fire-alarm facilities are inefficient and worse than useless. Attempts on the part of the Headmaster to have a more efficient system are meeting with little success
13 April 1959: Mr James K.W. Thomson (Mon, Wed, Fri) entered on duties to replace temporarily Mr Gerard Slavin engaged on BBC work.
27 April 1959: Mr Murray and 30 pupils from 3rd year Junior Secondary classes assisted by 3 students from Jordanhill went off for a weeks educational tour of the Border Country.
1 April 1959: Pupil in 3rd year (111 T1) Wm Campbell, injured in Metalwork room when the hit cap of live .303 round of ammunition with centre punch held in vice. C.I.D. and police summoned immediately. On investigation it was found that 21 rounds of live .303 ammunition were stolen from Army H.Q. in Hill Street by one memebr of class. All ammunition recovered and Campbell sent to Royal Infirmary. Matter now entirely in hands of police.
4 May 1959: Mr Slavin re-appointed as before.
3 June 1959: 2 teachers and 36 pupils at Art Gallery Competition.
10 June 1959: Groundsman’s hut broken into and various articles stolen. Police notified.
30tJune 1959: School Prize-giving Ceremony held in Calton Old Parish Church. Col. Robert Begg in the Chair. Mrs Begg presented the prizes including two wristlet watches for leadership awarded by Col. Begg. School closed for the summer vacation after the ceremony.
Boys: 377, Girls: 395, TOTAL: 772
26 August 1959: Boys: 372, Girls: 378, TOTAL: 772
Mr Dewar PT Geography
Miss Euphemia Simpson Domestic Science
Miss Robina Ferguson Music
Miss Joyce Govan Art
Mr Kenneth Mackay English
Mr James D. Boyd English
Mr Alan Venters Tech.
9 September 1959: Mr Shaw H.M.I. visited the school to discuss how the elimination of the 4th and 5th years which had now been accomplished were affecting the school.
14 September 1959: Mr Slevin who had been at Edinburgh Festival as Producer resumed duties as before.
23 October 1959: Mr Boyd and Miss Slavin with 40 pupils attended a performance of Othello at the Citizens Theatre (matinee)
26 October 1959: Mr Slevin absent to produce play at Gateway Theatre, Edinburgh.
2 November 1959: Boys: 350, Girls: 362, TOTAL: 712
12 Novemebr 1959: Fire drill carried out. 2 1/4 mins for classes to clear except 2. These 2 took 3 1/2 mins to clear.
30 November 1959: School closed. St Andrews Day Holiday.
23 December 1959: Boys: 351, Girls: 360, TOTAL: 711
Mr Rober Moffat retired from teaching service as at 4-1-60
There are no more Log Book entries due to the 50 year rule which prevents access to these documents.
Mr Wm Tannock 1933-1942
Mr James H. Gilspie 1942-1945
Mr William Ritchie 1945-1951
Mr Walter F. Grieve 1951-1953
Mr Robert Moffat 1953-1959
Mr William Campbell 1959-1963
Mr Geo. W. Cameron 1963-1972
Mr William Thomson 1972-1976
Mr Stuart Ross 1976- 1982
Mr David Welsh 1982-1984
Miss Cooper of Riverside School
Dies At 85
It is with regret that we record the death at Perth of Miss Jeannie Cooper, F.E.I.S, who collapsed in the bus on her way to church and was found to be dead on arrival at Perth Royal Infirmary.
Miss Cooper, who was 85 years of age, was trained in the Glasgow Free Church Training Collage and did all her teaching in the East- end of Glasgow.
For almost forty years she was on the staff of Newlands School and from there she went to Riverside Advanced Central, when the post qualifying girls were transferred there in 1933.
In 1919 Miss Cooper was appointed Senior Woman Assistant, being one of the first women to hold that position. After her retirement in 1938 she lived in Perth.
Miss Cooper for many years served on the Parkhead Juvenile Advisory Committee under the ministry of Labour.
She also devoted much of her time to work in the Sunday school and Bible Class of Whitehill Church of which she was a member and where she was President of the Woman’s Guild.
Taken from Eastern Standard 1959
John McGinnis who taught Chemistry and played keyboards for Stone The Crows
A family photograph shows Ian Brown ( who is in the prefect and hockey photo already on the site) on the front right with the dark jacket. The chap next to him is possibly David Kerr, and on the far left John Conn? Ian died in 2000.
Photos of Riverside pupils planing trees for 73
I went to rivvy from 69 to 72 and hated it every day best thing that ever happened there was knowing it was demolished mr Cameron was the headmaster the pervert loved giving young lads the strap.Good riddance to it
1960 was last date of riversides records and the ending comment was “There are no more Log Book entries due to the 50 year rule which prevents access to these documents.” DO you know if any more Data after the 1960’s I is now available. I’m sure a lot of the persons watching this website would be interested because it would cover the time spell they had at the school. Thanks, DM
my granny used to live opposite the school 1bonness st was only maybe 4/5 but rem my dad walkjng us through there when we walked along tge clyde im sure my dad went there
I remember jimmy*harry)boyd well also Mr imrie maths Mr Reid maths Mr sinclair Mr Johnstone and the big hippy who had a yellow beach buggy the other one I only remember his nickname which I won,t say these 4 woodwork teachers all of them mental my dad john frew myself john also and younger brother davy all went to Riverside great memories of my time at Riverside noddy the music teacher was a legend for letting us have our own song book I could go on all day about some of the the memories.
Hi, my dad went to Riverside Secondary from 1937, he was Dux of the school – his name was Maurice McMahon. He took me in to see the board with his name on it, this was before mobile phones so must have taken a pic with a camera but have no idea what happened to it. Do you know of any sources I may contact to get a copy of the board from the 1939 era – the one before the 1943 board.
Many thanks
Hi, several people have requested the DUX board .Could someone load the DUX board picture to this page? Thanks.
I have just found a photo of my dad Ian Brown and two of the other prefects. Happy for it to be uploaded if you can tell me where to send it to
Thank you for a very interesting read. My favourite teachers were Miss Paton, who taught French and German and Mrs Galbraith, who taught Maths. I would be glad to see anything with my name on it, Mary Percy, between 1963 and 1967. Sadly i had to leave early to get a job. I don’t know if you have access to Barrowfield Primary where I was on the dux board, probably 1963.
Very interesting to read comments and history of Riverside School. My great cousin ( cousin Bessie ) Miss Hewitt taught there for the biggest part of her teaching career. She retired about 1960 but kept going for a while to look after the Library. I would be most grateful if anyone has a school photo with her or a staff photo with her.
Thank you,
John Hewitt
Great reading…!, I attended old Rivvy from 1981 till it’s death. My Da attended here to in the 50s along with his brother and two sisters . Loved this old school. I seen the old ‘Smokers Lane’ too in one of the old pics. Amazing. My head teacher was mr Welsh.
Brilliant reading,..! I went to this amazing school from 1981 till it’s death. John street sec was my next but nothing compares to Rivvy. My dad went there too in the 50’s along with his brother and two sisters. Great memories.
wow aint u ah blast from past lol i just came across this i was in ur class what ever happend to miss noble history miss hay too do u know
Lovely to see a couple of pics with my dad, Ian Brown in them. He sadly died suddenly aged 62 in 2000.
I just happened upon this excellent diary of events, and although I attended Bernard Street, three of my sisters attended ‘Rivvy’. I smiled at the bullet incident (maybe I shouldn’t have
I attended Barrowfield Primary from 1943- 55 I passed my Quali I was looking forward to attend Riverside Senior Secondary
I was told on the day to report to John Street Secondary to finish my education. I still wonder about my classmates who attended
Has anyone by any chance got a photo of the old DUX board from Riverside School? As I recall, it used to sit on the wall near the Headmaster’s room. Presumably, someone would have rescued it when the school was demolished?
Before the school was pulled down I was sent a picture of the DUX board. to whom should I send it? Dux names from 1943 to 1980
Hello, David. Just spotted your message. Thank you.
Hello, David. Just spotted your reply. If possible, please email photo of Riverside dux board to: gwynore@optusnet.com.au.
Thank you and best wishes,
Hi David….could you send me a copy of your photo and we can post it on the board? I was in your sister Primroses’s class.
Hi David….we would love a copy of your photo. I have left my e mail address on the board.
David I would be grateful for a copy of the Dux board photo. I believe my name may be on it. Would be very grateful. My name has changed since then both Christian and surname.
A second request please for a copy of the Dux board from Riverside. My name should be on there. (not the names I use now).
Hi I Lived in 20 McEwan St, You and your Mum, Dad, Sister, lived in the Next Tenement Block, your Daddy was a Bus Driver I think, Glasgow Cooperation.
Jimmy Bain here hope you are well, and Healthy.
Keep Well and Alls Well.
Regards Jimmy Bain
Hi Jimmy
I remember you,I lived in dechmont street.you lived through the back from one of my uncles.
Hi Colin. I lived in Dechmont Street with my Aunts Annie and Jessie Crawford. They were in the “” knitting Bee ” with Jennie Bennett and Jean Bennett who later moved to the High Flats in Helenvale Street. Knew all the Goorleys too.
Hi Jim, your right we lived in the close next to you. It was a LONG time ago but the whole neighborhood still clear in my mind. Rember playing football in our local football ground ‘ THE DUMMY’ out in the BACK ,all dirt covered with Brocken glass. One end goal was the pole and cable , and the other end was one section of the TINS. Many a games played there if enough people and most important. , who had a BALL!! The number of times the ball went over the TINS into Mcewan street, and possible hit someone windo on other side of street, ouch. And the cricket wickets , painted on the wall . Don’t forget the MIDINS especially the the one which you run on and jump across gap to land on the ground on other side . And the washing poles and smelly midins which we raked through looking for goodies, especially tin cans to be used for kick the can.
There are so many memories …..
I hope you are well.
Remember all the old folk who lived up and down the tenements, we are those people now!!!!!!!!,
Best regards, David
Hi David
I was in your sisters class right through primary and secondary,if I remember she was due at newlands,I was second never forgave her for that.only joking she was much smarter than I was and fully deserved it.
Hi, my dad went to Riverside Secondary from 1937, he was Dux of the school – his name was Maurice McMahon. He took me in to see the board with his name on it, this was before mobile phones so must have taken a pic with a camera but have no idea what happened to it. Do you know of any sources I may contact to get a copy of the board from the 1939 era – the one before the 1943 board.
Many thanks
Well, not anymore.
Exactly what I was meaning Irene
The 26 Aug 1959 must be a day which most of the ex Rivi pupils will be thankful for.
I take it you are referring to Jimmy Boyd aka ‘Harry the Hawk’! We are hoping to include a tribute written by one of his colleagues soon.
He was indeed a great man and influenced many youngsters in the east-end.