The main building of the school viewed from Crail Street
The school viewed from the corner of Quarrybrae Street and Crail Street. The building at the front as I recall was some sort of Annexe and the building at the rear was the Main School Building
Quarry Brae Public School
Quarry Brae Public School (Temporary)
Quarry Brae Public School (Temporary) was opened on Tuesday 6th January 1903. The temporary school was housed in the New Public Halls, Parkhead which were located at 1286 Duke Street.
Quarry Brae Public School (Temporary) closed on Thursday 30 June 1904 at the recession for the summer holidays.
Quarry Brae Public School
The permanent Quarry Brae Public School was opened on Tuesday 16th August 1904 in Baird Street (now Crail Street) after the end of the summer vacation.
The School was designed by Ninian Macwhannell and John Rogerson. The school consisted of 3 floors of classrooms located off a central hall. When originally built it overlooked Westmuir Quarry which was filled in during 1905.
The formal opening of the school was held on Friday 9th September 1904. The ceremony took place in the evening at 8.00pm. The Chairman of the School Board, Mr. R. S. Allison presided.
The following was extracted from the log books of the school which dated from 6 January 1903 to 30 June 1959
Log Book Entries:
January 6, 1903 This school was opened this day (Tuesday). Mr. James Dunlop Martin, Headmaster. Miss Mary Isabella Mack, Assistant Mistress. Enrolled, 11 boys and 11 girls = 22.
Friday, January 9, 1903 Enrolled, 28, 15 boys and 13 girls. Wet, stormy, snowy day
Friday, 16 January, 1903 Enrolment now numbers 30 boys and 27 girls. Class IV has 1 boy and 1 girl, Class III has 6 girls, Class II has 2 boys and 2 girls, Class I has 3 boys and 3 girls. Learning 24 boys and 15 girls as infants
Friday, 23 January 1903 No. on Roll is now 66, 35 boys and 31 girls.
Friday, 30 January, 1903 No. on Roll is now 72, 36 boys and 36 girls
Friday, 6 February, 1903 Roll is now 72
Friday, 20 February, 1903 Roll is now 93
Friday, 6 March, 1903 Roll is now 114
Friday, 13 March, 1903 Roll is now 119
Friday, 1 May, 1903 Roll is now 137
Friday, 15 May, 1903 School was closed from Wednesday afternoon till this morning on account of the visit of the King and Queen to Glasgow.
Tuesday, 10 November, 1903 Annual Report for session 1902-1903
Received on above date
This temporary school is conducted under very great difficulties. The surroundings are somewhat dingy, the accommodation is unsatisfactory, and the material to work with is rather poor. It is hoped that the removal to the permanent school will be made as soon as possible. The infant division is making good progress in the circumstances. Simultaneous lessons answering should be reduced to a minimum and discipline generally should be firmer. In Reading, more care should be devoted to clear articulation and a greater effort ought to be made to teach the children English.
Class I of the Infant Division is doing very well indeed, but slate arithmetic is not practical enough. The two higher classes of the Division are under the charge of one teacher and are taught in the same room as the Senior Class. Considering this lack of accommodation, fairly good work is being done. The oral side is on the whole satisfactory, though Reading requires more attention. The Dictation exercises of III might be considerably improved both in Penmanship and on Spelling, and the Arithmetic of the same class leaves something to be desired in point of accuracy. Here again “Simultaneous Answering” is too frequent, this habit is especially to be deprecated when so many classes are taught in one room.
The highest class has made a very fair amount of steady progress.
Signed By;
James D. Martin, Headmaster
Mary I Mack, Assistant Mistress
Isabella Bell, Assistant Mistress
Lizzie Connor, Assistant Mistress
Margaret P. Watson, Assistant Mistress
20 November 1903, G.W. Alexander, Correspondent
Friday, 4 December 1903 Roll is now 217.
Friday, 15 April, 1904 The following is a report on the HM Inspector of Schools visit on Tuesday, 22 March, 1904
The conditions under which this school is conducted renders good work difficult; laxity of disciple renders it impossible. A decided improvement will be expected if unreduced grants are again to be recommended. Something more might be done in the lower part of the school to reduce the confusion which is inevitable when several classes in one and the same room are engaged in oral work simultaneously.
Thursday, 30 June, 1904
This temporary school was closed this afternoon for the summer vacation. At 16 August it will be continued in the new school.
James D. Martin, Headmaster, left 30th, transferred to Camlachie School.
Tuesday, 16 August, 1904
Quarry Brae new school was opened today with the following staff;
John Dunlop, Headmaster, transferred from Parkhead Public School, James Milne, Second Master, transferred from Kent Road School, Elizabeth Milne, Infant Mistress, transferred from Parkhead School and the following certificated assistants from the temporary school. Mary Isabella Mack, Lizzie M. Connor, Margaret P. Watson, Elspeth McBain, Isabella H. Dawson, John Miller and Janet R.N. Ward, certificated teacher.
Friday, 19 August 1904 Total Enrolled, 689
Friday, 26 August, 1904 The classes are gradually getting into working order but the want of apparatus and sufficient staff is hampering work somewhat.
Friday, 9 September, 1904
Today the scholars were kept for four hours so as to make two attendances then dismissed for the day in order to prepare for the formal opening of the school.
The ceremony took place in the evening at 8 o’clock. R.S. Allison, Chairman of the School Board presided and there was a large gathering of members of the School Board, parents and friends.
Friday, 28 October, 1904 Roll now 850.
Monday, 22 January 1906 HM Inspector of Schools Report of Tuesday, 9 January 1906.
Instruction in the infant division has been unavoidably retarded by a recent closure due to an epidemic of measles; but in the circumstances creditable progress is being made in the various subjects. With more practice in the oral reproduction of suitable fairytales the children should soon acquire a wider vocabulary and facility in expressing themselves correctly. Considering the mixed character of the classes the Junior Division is doing well. The most marked weaknesses are found in classes 1 and 5 especially in the latter. The work proceeds on very poor lines particularly in oral composition, Arithmetic and Drawing: but in Arithmetic the attention should not be confined to calculation in money. In classes 1 and 2 the poetry selected is too hard. The girls of classes 1,2, and 5 are much inferior to the boys in Arithmetic.
The Senior has many excellent features and in all classes thoroughly sound work is being done. It is a noteworthy fact the girls of class 3 are superior to the boys in Arithmetic. The two Supplementary Courses continue to perform their function with credit.
A Final estimate of the general results of instruction will be furnished, if necessary, at later period of the season.
It is to be observed that many pupils who left school on attaining the age of 14 had previously been in regular attendance.
Wednesday, 14 August 1907 HM Inspector of Schools Report for visit of Tuesday 16 July 1907
It cannot be said that the Infant Department has advanced in proficiency: but it had reached a very high level last year, and that has been well maintained by Miss Milne and her enthusiastic and capable staff. Reading is uniformly excellent, but in Wtiting and Brushwork some inequality is observed and, on the whole, the manual side of the work leaves room for improvement.
The average age of the children in the Junior Department is unusually high: in the lowest class, which left the Infant Department at Easter, about half the children are over eight, while in te highest class, about one third are over eleven. The Division as a whole is in sound condition. Here, too, the oral side of instruction is most creditable. As a rule, the pupils are responsive and intelligent, though some of the girls in 2 and 3 are somewhat dull and inert. An effort should be made to cultivate still further the equality of distinctness in Reading and Repetition, a bolder and more uniform style of Penmanship, and a neater and more delicate touch in Brushwork. Geography in its earlier stages should be taught with the help of a map or globe, and the memorising of unintelligent lists should be studiously avoided.
The Senior classes which are composed of pupils, who have not passed through the lower classes of the school, contain some weak material. But the teaching is sound and the results of instruction, especially in Drawing, Dictation, Composition, and Arithmetic are extremely creditable. The pupils presented under Article 29:1 at the December examination made a good appearance: but it was impossible to accept any of those presented on the two subsequent occasions.
An excellent feature of the Supplementary Course is the regular attendance of the boys, a large proportion of whom earned the Merit Certificate during the year.
The criticisms made in the last report still apply to some extent. But on the whole, the work has been attended with gratifying success.
Friday, 4 June 1909 The following report has been received from the Education Department Friday, 28 May 1909.
The efficiency of the infant department is fully maintained. The teaching is interesting and effective throughout, special praise being due to the Reading, Brushwork and Free arm Drawing. The speech of the children, however, is too often lacking in distinctness which characterises their Reading. In the highest class the work is very advanced and of excellent quality, physical exercises in particular calling for communication.
Much earnest and successful work has been accomplished in the Junior Division. The Spelling and Arithmetic of class 5 show some weaknesses; while in class 2 and 3 more drill is wasted in rapid oral calculation, and an attempt should be made at better phrasing in the Reading lesson. But in almost all other aspects these classes have made very creditable progress. Throughout the Division Arithmetic has especially advanced in intelligence and in accuracy. The lower class is in very good condition: While the highest, originally formed of children from at least three classes, has been gradually raised to a fairly uniform level of attainment. It falls to be noted that on the day of inspection there were 118 children present in the two highest classes and of these only 35 were under 10 years of age.
In Senior class 5 Spelling admits of improvement, and Arithmetic is remarkably weak, but in other aspects the results of instruction are thoroughly good, and the children are alert and intelligent. Class 4 as a whole, gives evidence of faithful and vigorous teaching but here again, Arithmetic falls below the level of the other subjects, and the girls take a less active part than the boys in class work. The pupils of class 3 acquitted themselves with distinction in all of the tests applied. The written exercises of class 3 and 4 deserve praise and sound work has been done in class 2, Drawing and Brushwork deserving special commendation. The general quality of the work in class 1 is good, but Grammar requires increased attention, and written composition might more frequently assume the form of a letter.
Much of the work of the higher section of the Supplementary Course is excellent, and the pupils here, with few exceptions, qualified for the award of the Merit Certificate. The boys of the lower section have a creditable knowledge of the work professed, but their records are marked by inaccurate spelling.
Friday, 25 June, 1909 Roll is now 1041
Friday, 19 November, 1909 Every day this week the frost and fog have been very severe and the attendance has been very much reduced in consequence – many of the more thinly clad being absent. Reported to the School Board all scholars in want of clothes or want of boots
Friday, 16 June, 1911 School closed on Tuesday for “Coronation Treat.” The infants were entertained in school in the forenoon and the older scholars were taken in Tramcars to the Scottish Historical Exhibition and entertained there for the day.
Wednesday, 21 June, 1911 School closed on 22 & 23 in honour of the Coronation of His Majesty, King George V
Friday, 10 November 1911 A severe storm of wind and rain prevailed on Saturday and Sunday 4th and 5th. In the height of the storm, the chimney head of the private rooms on the south side of the school was carried away. It smashed onto the roof of the number 17 classroom breaking the slates, bringing down a large part of the ceiling, and then feel on the playground. Fortunately this occurred on Sunday forenoon when no one was about.
Friday, 24 May, 1918 School closed 20th and 21st for the Kings birthday holiday
Friday, 30 August, 1918 A good many children are still on holiday with their parents and a few excluded owing to the presence of infectious diseases in their homes.
Friday, 2 May 1919 A considerable amount of parents kept their children off school on account of May Day Labour Demonstration in the city. This affected between 50-60 children.
Thursday, 1 April, 1920 Dr. Young attended on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday and vaccinated all children whose parents wished it to be done. The number for the three days this week and for Saturday was 202, 61 of these were vaccinated for the first time.
Thursday, 8 April, 1920 All of the children got 10 minutes to see the eclipse of the sun. Doctor was present.
Thursday, 8 December 1921 Windows cleaned yesterday and today. While one of the cleaners was doing the outside of Room 16, he overbalanced somehow and fell some 20 feet or so on to the roof of the boiler house. Dr. Laird called in, pronounced the man dead, and the body was removed to the mortuary in an ambulance waggon.
Friday, 20 June, 1924 A considerable number of notifications of infectious diseases received this week which partly accounts for the lower attendance
Friday, 22 August 1924 Miss Dykes appointed to class of unemployed juveniles
Friday, 29 August, 1924 Mr. Wallace, Superintendant of Drawing called regarding manual classes for the unemployed juveniles
Friday, 20 February, 1925 Headmaster left shortly before 3pm to go to the opening of Shettleston and Tollcross new District Library.
Tuesday, 28 April, 1925 School photographed by Sternstein
Friday, 29 June, 1928 Extract from Scottish Education Department Report dated Thursday, 19 April 1928
The School Choir has this year won the shield presented by Bridgeton Burns Club and a team of 2 pupils were awarded the Glasgow Herald Shield for Life Saving
Roll number at date of visit was 1135
Monday, 30 January, 1933 The Advanced Division of the school was transferred to Riverside School today. The following teachers were also transferred; J.C. Smith, John C. Paul, David Adamson, Alexander G. Simpson, Leslie Duncan, William G. Kippie and Grace Robb.
Thursday, 6 April, 1933 Extract form Scottish Education Department Report for Session 1932-1933
The activities of the school are carried on under distinctly pleasant conditions in rooms which are spacey, airy, and well lit. The industrial position of the neighbourhood may be gauged from the numbers in receipt of aid; of 1220 children, 470 are given free books; 240boots and clothing; and 50 foods. Among the others a Savings Association encourages habits of thrift
Wednesday, 5 April, 1939 Much time has been taken up during the last few days in connection with the scheme for the evacuation of the school children in the event of this country being at war. A letter to the parents and a questionnaire has been issued and statistics thus supplied will enable the authorities to ascertain what arrangements to make in a county area for the reception of those who are to be evacuated
Tuesday, 29 August, 1939 The school reopened today instead of 1 September as intended. Owing to the very serious international situation it was considered desirable to recall the scholars in order to have them on hand for instruction and quick decision regarding evacuation from Glasgow if war should break out.
Teachers and scholars attended school on Saturday 26 August in order to receive instruction regarding Evacuation Rehearsal to be held Monday 28 August.
The rehearsal was held in the morning and forenoon of the 28 August. Scholars and parents were practiced in finding their Assembly Rooms and in forming into groups, and marching.
Thursday, 31 August, 1939 Code Telegram was received today, Thursday asking the evacuation instruction to be put into operation. The school was dismissed.
Sunday, 3 September, 1939 Scholars, pre school children and parents assembled in school at 7am and were evacuated to Strichen, Aberdeenshire.
Monday, 11 September, 1939 School opened for registration of second evacuation.
Tuesday, 12 September, 1939 Teacher returned from New Pitsligo, Aberdeenshire
Monday, 3 June, 1940 Registration for evacuation continues.
Tuesday, 6 May, 1941 During the night there was an air raid by the enemy. The “raiders passed” signal was not given until 4am. School is not in session this forenoon
Monday, 12 November, 1951 School was broken into during the week-end. Entry was gained by breaking a window in the ground level. Books and documents were scattered about the floor of room 24 and pictures taken from the walls. Money was taken from teacher’s desk in room 23. No other rooms were touched but the key box was burst open and all keys removed. The matter was placed in the hands of the police who are investigating.
Friday, 16 November, 1951 Most of the keys stolen were recovered during the dinner interval on 12 November 1951. Some were found in the garden into which they had been thrown, others in an open space, and the remainder in a disused wash house. No money was recovered. As a result of investigations in school and by the police, suspicions fell on 2 pupils, Charles Blair and Thomas Burns. They were summoned to the Eastern Police Station with their parents for examination and will in due course be charged with the offence.
Tuesday, 18 December, 1951 Notice received that pupils Charles Blair and Thomas Burns had been charged before the Sheriff Court with breaking into the school and had been placed on probation for 2 years.
Wednesday, 26 August, 1953 School reopened today. The annexe in Barlanark (Pendeen Road) for infants also opened. Miss McWilliam, Infants Mistress attended at Barlanark to enrol pupils. Over 90 pupils enrolled there.
A very great number of pupils sought enrolment to Quarry Brae (over 100) but as the school was incapable of accommodating that number, about half the total were sent to Parkhead School for enrolment.
Scottish Education Department Report for Wednesday 28 October and Thursday 29 October 1953.
A recent influx of pupils from the new housing areas in Barlanark has created difficulties in organisation and has interfered with progress of the classes beyond the infant stages.
Tuesday, 21 October 1958 School library was formally opened by Dr. MacIntosh, Director of Education
Quarry Brae Public School Staff
Staff from 1903 to 1959
The staff recorded below in the log books contains all staff including temporary appointments, domestic science staff, secretaries etc. Those recorded are dependant on how well the logs were maintained.
From the log books it would appear that there was a high turnover of staff throughout the years recorded.
The table below is sorted by year to make it easier to locate teachers at the year(s) of attendace for those who wish to check teachers names.
Surname | Forename | Started | Left | Surname | Forename | Started | Left | |
Mack | Mary Isabella | 06/01/1903 | 25/07/1927 | Morrison | Marion F (MA) | 14/04/1931 | ? | |
Martin | James D. | 06/01/1903 | 31/07/1904 | Nelson | Cecelia A. (MA) | 14/04/1931 | 19/04/1931 | |
Bell | Isabella | 23/03/1903 | 15/04/1942 | Thomson | Malcolm | 14/04/1931 | 19/08/1934 | |
Connor | Lizzie | 11/08/1903 | 24/06/1906 | McComb | Mary M. | 20/04/1931 | 21/05/1942 | |
Watson | Margaret P. | 14/09/1903 | 15/08/1910 | King | Agnes | 01/06/1931 | ? | |
McBain | Elizabeth | 07/12/1903 | 17/11/1905 | Logan | Susan | 17/08/1931 | ? | |
Dawson | Isabella | 11/01/1904 | 13/09/1904 | Ramsay | Jean G. | 17/08/1931 | 16/04/1932 | |
Frew | Jeanie B. | 11/01/1904 | 29/01/1904 | Rome (Rowe?) | ? | 19/08/1931 | 29/01/1933 | |
McArthur | Jeanie B. | 11/04/1904 | 20/04/1904 | Roy | William (MA) | 02/11/1931 | 08/12/1931 | |
Milne | James | 16/04/1904 | 02/06/1928 | Hendry | Annie G. (MA) | 08/02/1932 | ? | |
Miller | John M. | 20/04/1904 | 11/10/1904 | Wighton | Dorothy (MA) | 09/02/1932 | 13/03/1922 | |
Wood | Janet | 20/04/1904 | 25/10/1905 | Barrie | Florence | 14/03/1932 | 01/09/1940 | |
Dunlop | John | 16/08/1904 | 24/12/1920 | Frank | Hannah (MA) | 19/04/1932 | 24/06/1932 | |
Milne | Elizabeth | 16/08/1904 | 31/03/1931 | Robb | Lucy (MA) | 19/08/1932 | ? | |
Chalmers | Agnes J. | 26/08/1904 | 30/09/1922 | Fraser | Elizabeth | 08/09/1932 | 31/08/1948 | |
Wright | Allan B. | 26/08/1904 | 01/09/1929 | Reston | Isabella M | 26/10/1932 | 27/11/1932 | |
McLean | John R. | 01/09/1904 | 27/09/1906 | Robb | Grace | 01/11/1932 | 30/01/1933 | |
Brown | Jane | 02/09/1904 | 16/04/1907 | Culbert | Mary M. | 06/12/1932 | 23/12/1932 | |
Newton | Annie M. | 02/09/1904 | 30/06/1947 | Stirling | Margaret B.B. (MA) | 10/01/1933 | ? | |
Reid | Jane | 02/09/1904 | 31/08/1908 | Mckenzie | James | 01/02/1933 | ? | |
McLarty | Annie C. | 04/09/1904 | 31/01/1905 | Hutton | Rachel S. (MA) | 17/05/1933 | ? | |
Livey | Catherine | 19/09/1904 | 16/10/1916 | Cameron | Alex | 21/08/1933 | 19/08/1935 | |
Tosbit | Janmes | 26/09/1904 | 07/01/1909 | Anderson | Barbara (MA) | 24/08/1933 | 30/06/1938 | |
McAllan | Barbara P. N. | 03/10/1904 | ? | Dougall | Adam | 01/09/1933 | ? | |
Baird | Jeanie | 12/10/1904 | 31/08/1910 | Lyall | Edna | 04/09/1933 | 06/01/1942 | |
Littlejohn | John | 12/10/1904 | 28/02/1905 | MacDonald | Margaret L. | 01/04/1934 | 28/06/1946 | |
Steven | Alec | 07/11/1904 | ? | Stephen | Catherine C. | 16/04/1934 | 25/08/1954 | |
Smith | John | 21/12/1904 | 26/06/1908 | Johnston | David C. | 17/04/1934 | 29/06/1934 | |
Brown | Jane Isabella | 06/02/1905 | 30/11/1908 | Grossart | Isobel D. | 02/05/1934 | 29/06/1934 | |
MacEwan | Sydney | 07/02/1905 | 31/08/1905 | Hollingsworth | John (MA) | 20/08/1934 | 15/10/1934 | |
Menilees | Archibald | 01/03/1905 | 31/08/1913 | Murdoch | Alex G.H. (B Sc) | 24/08/1934 | 06/10/1934 | |
Swan | Jean C.L. | 21/08/1905 | 03/09/1945 | McLean | Catherine D. | 27/08/1934 | ? | |
Dick | James (M.A,) | 01/09/1905 | 19/08/1918 | McCorquendale | Annie S.M | 25/09/1934 | 28/01/1935 | |
Gilmour | Williamina | 04/09/1905 | 31/08/1908 | Caplan | Carl | 11/10/1934 | 31/08/1938 | |
Thomson | Peter | 04/09/1905 | 22/02/1907 | McFarlane | Walter M (B Sc) | 16/10/1934 | 18/08/1935 | |
Steven | Miss | 18/09/1905 | 30/06/1906 | Thomson | Jenny R. | 23/10/1934 | 29/03/1935 | |
Bell | George | 19/10/1905 | 17/11/1905 | Grossart | Isobel D. | 04/03/1935 | 20/03/1935 | |
McNeil | Florence | 01/11/1905 | 30/04/1906 | McDiarmid | Elizabeth (MA) | 01/04/1935 | 29/04/1941 | |
McKenzie | Bertha | 20/11/1905 | 24/11/1905 | Campbell | John | 07/05/1935 | 06/10/1939 | |
Aitken | Mary G. | 27/11/1905 | 17/10/1906 | Bryce | Andrew | 19/08/1935 | 21/01/1939 | |
Famah | Elizabeth A (M.A.) | 01/05/1906 | 04/11/1908 | Connor | James L.C. (MA) | 19/08/1935 | 11/10/1936 | |
Gill | Jessie M. | 03/09/1906 | 20/08/1907 | Holmes | Margaret L. | 19/08/1935 | ? | |
Whyte | Maggie D. | 13/09/1906 | 27/02/1925 | Stewart | Jane | 13/11/1935 | 02/03/1941 | |
McKinnell | Annie | 08/10/1906 | 30/06/1953 | Hutchenson | Duncan B (MA) | 01/09/1936 | ? | |
McLennan | Kenneth M. | 08/10/1906 | 31/10/1907 | Nolan | Andrew | 01/09/1936 | ? | |
Bain | Janet | 15/10/1906 | 30/11/1906 | Crichton | Hugh | 19/10/1936 | 13/02/1938 | |
Cameron | Elizabeth | 26/11/1906 | 18/08/1919 | Fergusn | William | 01/03/1937 | 31/08/1937 | |
Souter | Rachel D. | 10/12/1906 | 01/05/1948 | Ford | Arthur H. | 21/07/1937 | ? | |
Dallas | Matthew M. | 16/09/1907 | 13/03/1927 | Carly | Robert | 06/09/1937 | 31/08/1939 | |
Drummond | Archibald B. | 11/11/1907 | 30/09/1908 | Poole | Sam (B SC) | 14/02/1938 | 30/06/1938 | |
Ewing | Mary | 13/01/1908 | 01/09/1911 | Bremner | Margaret S. | 01/09/1938 | 18/09/1938 | |
Williams | Henry | 11/08/1908 | 30/06/1909 | Gray | Thomas | 01/09/1938 | 04/09/1940 | |
Burns | Arthur | 01/10/1908 | 14/10/1909 | Moncreif | John S. | 01/09/1938 | 01/09/1938 | |
McFadyen | Findlay | 20/10/1908 | 20/01/1959 | Smith | David D. (MA) | 01/09/1938 | 03/10/1940 | |
Thomson | Catherine | 05/11/1908 | 23/02/1909 | Mullin | Mary M. | 10/10/1938 | 23/10/1938 | |
Smith | Mary Jeffrey | 01/12/1908 | 05/03/1909 | Mcaskie | Samuel (MA) | 07/03/1940 | 06/12/1943 | |
Forbes | George M. | 11/01/1909 | ? | Peebles | Thomas (MA) | 22/04/1940 | 30/06/1942 | |
Ross | Oswald B. | 08/02/1909 | 24/08/1909 | Kelly | Isabella | 16/09/1940 | 30/04/1942 | |
Cowan | Minnie | 08/03/1909 | 31/03/1931 | McDonald | Robina | 05/11/1940 | 06/11/1940 | |
Kennedy | David (M.A.) | 30/08/1909 | 17/03/1916 | McLean | Jean B. | 05/11/1940 | ? | |
Kennedy | David | 30/08/1909 | 17/08/1930 | Dempsie | Jean | 24/01/1941 | 06/01/1942 | |
Thomson | Matthew M. | 18/12/1909 | 26/02/1915 | Thomson | Elizabeth | 05/01/1942 | 03/05/1948 | |
Templeton | Mary B. | 18/01/1910 | 15/08/1910 | Stopper | Dorothy | 26/03/1942 | 03/05/1942 | |
Stalker | Duncan | 23/05/1910 | 15/08/1910 | Grant | Jessica D. | 13/04/1942 | 31/08/1942 | |
Stratton | Margaret J. | 22/08/1910 | 17/03/1911 | Young | Jemima | 16/04/1942 | 25/11/1942 | |
Campbell | Elizabeth B. | 01/09/1910 | 31/08/1946 | Stewart | Elizabeth T.H. | 04/05/1942 | 30/09/1943 | |
Barr | Alex | 19/10/1910 | 11/11/1910 | Shaw | Annie M. | 01/06/1942 | 31/08/1943 | |
Thomson | Andrew | 20/10/1910 | 01/12/1910 | Gibson | Jessie R. | 01/09/1942 | 26/02/1943 | |
Dickson | Mrs. | 27/10/1910 | ? | McWilliam | Margaret | 01/09/1942 | 09/09/1954 | |
Hoggan | Jane P. | 02/12/1910 | 11/01/1911 | McPhail | Lachlan | 01/09/1942 | 15/12/1945 | |
Reid | Margaret | 02/02/1911 | 01/05/1911 | Reid | Marjorie | 01/09/1942 | 04/01/1943 | |
Gibson | James (M.A) | 09/02/1911 | 04/03/1911 | Burns | Gertrude | 16/09/1942 | 04/01/1943 | |
Hillcoat | William T. | 06/03/1911 | 24/04/1911 | Morrison | Margaret S. | 09/12/1942 | 04/01/1943 | |
Norton | Sarah | 20/03/1911 | 13/10/1915 | Shaw | Annie M. | 05/01/1943 | 25/08/1954 | |
Stewart | Wylie W | 24/04/1911 | 20/03/1914 | Stevenson | margaret M. | 05/01/1943 | 31/08/1943 | |
McVicar | M | 04/09/1911 | 01/09/1912 | Young | Jemima | 05/01/1943 | 08/03/1943 | |
Crookston | Janet Glen | 07/09/1911 | 02/09/1912 | Logan | Annie | 25/01/1943 | 31/08/1943 | |
Ross | Donald | 11/09/1911 | 31/08/1914 | McNaughton | Elizabeth (MA) | 25/01/1943 | 06/04/1943 | |
McNicol | Mary R. M. | 17/11/1911 | 22/11/1911 | Gibson | Jessie R. | 27/02/1943 | 31/08/1943 | |
Cowan | Isabella | 29/04/1912 | 11/05/1912 | Morrison | Jacob (MA) | 01/03/1943 | 09/10/1943 | |
Watson | Mary M. | 11/05/1912 | 01/09/1912 | Reedy | Thomas | 05/04/1943 | 07/10/1946 | |
Allan | Elizabeth | 02/09/1912 | 04/02/1914 | Wetherstone | ? | 03/05/1943 | 31/08/1943 | |
Booth | Agnes M. | 02/09/1912 | 24/04/1913 | Young | Jemima | 03/05/1943 | 20/09/1943 | |
Ewing | Mary | 02/09/1912 | ? | Gibson | Jessie R. | 01/09/1943 | 30/09/1958 | |
Powrie | Jessie M. | 02/10/1912 | ? | McLean | Mary C.C. | 01/09/1943 | 04/09/1944 | |
Brough | Elizabeth B. | 03/02/1913 | 07/04/1913 | McNaughton | Elizabeth (MA) | 01/09/1943 | 06/11/1943 | |
Fairweather | Louise T | 10/02/1913 | 31/08/1913 | Watt | Mary M. | 01/09/1943 | 11/09/1943 | |
Salmond | Jenny | 10/02/1913 | 31/03/1914 | Fraser | Stewart | 01/10/1943 | 02/09/1945 | |
Gamston | Barbara G. | 11/02/1913 | 13/06/1913 | McEwan | Isabella | 04/10/1943 | 04/09/1944 | |
Paterson | Amelia | 06/03/1913 | 10/04/1913 | Ross | Mary B. | 13/10/1943 | 23/12/1943 | |
Kelly | Mary | 19/05/1913 | 31/08/1913 | McIlwain | Elizabeth | 20/10/1943 | 23/10/1944 | |
McDonald | Elizabeth K. | 20/06/1913 | 31/08/1913 | Reid | Marjorie | 08/11/1943 | 31/01/1946 | |
Gilmour | Charlotte M. | 06/10/1913 | 06/09/1918 | Urquhart | Christina (MA) | 17/04/1944 | 20/09/1944 | |
Rae | Mona | 09/02/1914 | ? | Gallacher | Honora C. | 04/09/1944 | 11/09/1944 | |
McComb | Helen S. | 20/02/1914 | 17/03/1914 | McInnes | Letitia | 04/09/1944 | 30/06/1966 | |
McKinnon | Robert | 23/03/1914 | 07/02/1919 | Forsyth | Elizabeth | 11/09/1944 | 13/11/1944 | |
Young | Isobel M. (MA) | 01/04/1914 | 06/04/1914 | Proudfoot | Jane | 22/09/1944 | 30/06/1947 | |
Montgomerie | Elizabeth M. | 03/04/1914 | ? | Leary | Owen | 16/10/1944 | 04/02/1946 | |
Clarkson | James | 01/09/1914 | 03/09/1914 | Urquhart | Christina (MA) | 18/10/1944 | 29/08/1955 | |
Shearer | Elizabeth | 15/09/1914 | 05/12/1914 | Collins | Agnes M. | 31/10/1944 | 02/01/1946 | |
Bett | Lizzie M. | 21/09/1914 | 05/10/1914 | McDonald | Ewan | 01/06/1945 | 31/08/1945 | |
Millan | Charles M. | 30/09/1914 | 23/08/1915 | McLean | Wendy M. | 01/09/1945 | ? | |
White | Mary A.A.D. | 11/11/1914 | 16/11/1914 | McInnes | Margaret L. | 03/09/1945 | 31/08/1948 | |
Crawford | Annie K. (M.A) | 17/11/1914 | 30/06/1958 | Holburn | Mary G. | 18/09/1945 | ? | |
Steel | William | 01/03/1915 | 11/09/1916 | Morrison | Alick (MA) | 01/10/1945 | 31/10/1945 | |
Pride | Robert M. | 27/04/1915 | 27/05/1915 | Mcmanus | Margaret | 03/01/1946 | 31/08/1946 | |
Lakin | Alexander | 23/08/1915 | ? | Poole | Sam (B SC) | 08/01/1946 | 02/06/1946 | |
Marshall | George | 23/08/1915 | 15/11/1915 | Peden | Christina B. | 28/01/1946 | 03/05/1948 | |
Moore | Arthur | 19/10/1915 | 21/01/1916 | Ross | George | 10/06/1946 | 01/07/1948 | |
Milne | Archibald (M.A.) | 10/01/1916 | 01/05/1916 | Calder | J (Miss) | 02/09/1946 | 21/05/1954 | |
Brown | Jessie M. | 23/08/1916 | ? | Cleland | Mr. | 02/09/1946 | ? | |
Mark | William F. | 11/09/1916 | 30/06/1917 | Graham | Agnes (Miss) | 02/09/1946 | 30/09/1946 | |
Smith | Jabina | 13/02/1917 | 21/03/1917 | Mathison | Mr. | 02/09/1946 | ? | |
Borthwick | Annie K. (M.A) | 23/04/1917 | 19/08/1917 | Thomas | Mr. | 02/09/1946 | 24/12/1947 | |
Mckenzie | Diana | 20/08/1917 | 31/10/1918 | McKinnie | Dougald (MA) | 08/10/1946 | ? | |
Stevens | Thomas | 20/08/1917 | 29/06/1923 | Stirling | Louise | 27/01/1947 | ? | |
Dykes | Janet F. | 25/02/1918 | 09/10/1927 | Gallacher | Margaret | 01/09/1947 | 26/02/1948 | |
McAlpine | Margaret | 06/05/1918 | 19/08/1918 | Traynor | Mary | 01/09/1947 | 02/10/1947 | |
Scott | Marion | 09/09/1918 | 11/07/1923 | Wheelan | Alfred (MA) | 05/01/1948 | ? | |
Young | Elizabeth M. | 09/09/1918 | 31/08/1943 | Crosbie | Janet C. | 26/02/1948 | 31/08/1948 | |
Powrie | Jessie | 02/10/1918 | ? | Boyd | Janet | 05/04/1948 | ? | |
Howie | William | 18/02/1919 | 07/10/1919 | Carr | Mary | 03/05/1948 | 31/05/1948 | |
Fraser | Annie K. (M.A) | 23/05/1919 | 05/01/1936 | Ferguson | Elizabeth | 03/05/1948 | ? | |
Baxter | Joseph | 30/09/1919 | 07/09/1932 | Delaney | Mary | 01/09/1948 | ? | |
Irvine | Alex | 09/10/1919 | 29/01/1933 | McDonald | Margret | 01/09/1948 | ? | |
Rowan | Clarinda N. | 16/11/1920 | 28/04/1922 | Harkness | Joan | 02/09/1948 | ? | |
Dougall | Jessie M. | 03/12/1920 | 13/01/1922 | Campbell | Murdina | 28/08/1950 | 31/11/1953 | |
McGrowther | James | 10/01/1921 | 11/02/1921 | Coulson | Agnes | 28/08/1950 | 02/04/1951 | |
Hamilton | William B. | 14/02/1921 | 31/05/1925 | MacGrigor | Grigor (MA) | 28/08/1950 | 11/02/1955 | |
McIntosh | Dorothy | 10/11/1921 | 26/04/1923 | Cuthbertson | George H. | 01/02/1951 | 20/12/1954 | |
McLuckie | Jeanie | 04/04/1922 | 10/10/1923 | Porter | David S. | 02/04/1951 | 29/08/1955 | |
McGilvaray | Catherine | 17/05/1923 | 11/10/1923 | Pinkerton | Helen W. | 27/08/1951 | 25/02/1952 | |
Howie | William | 21/06/1923 | 24/01/1937 | Rodger | Cecelia (MA) | 25/08/1952 | 26/01/1953 | |
Ormond | Kate | 19/08/1924 | 18/08/1925 | Bell | Muriel | 29/08/1952 | 02/12/1953 | |
Laverick | Edward | 25/08/1924 | 11/09/1924 | Anderson | Joseph | 26/08/1953 | ? | |
Cowie | Alex | 15/09/1924 | Did not start | Hewitt | Catherine (MA) | 26/08/1953 | ? | |
McDonald | Alex | 18/09/1924 | 26/01/1925 | MacNamara | Bridget | 26/08/1953 | ? | |
Hornshaw | Janet (MA) | 23/02/1925 | 06/05/1925 | Marshall | Isabella | 26/08/1953 | 24/01/1958 | |
Murdoch | Janet S. | 02/03/1925 | 29/03/1925 | Jackson | Annie | 31/08/1953 | ? | |
Wilkie | Charlotte C | 30/03/1925 | 07/09/1925 | Aitken | Emily | 07/09/1953 | ? | |
Thomson | Thomas P. | 01/06/1925 | 03/05/1935 | Hay | Ellen | 10/09/1953 | 25/08/1954 | |
Keppie | George | 19/08/1925 | 29/01/1933 | MacDonald | Peggy | 25/09/1953 | ? | |
Pringle | Margaret | 08/09/1925 | 01/09/1940 | Pratt | Ronald (MA) | 12/10/1953 | ? | |
Anderson | Elizabeth W. (MA) | 12/10/1925 | ? | lawrie | Susan | 01/11/1953 | 11/02/1955 | |
Smith | Thomas C (MA) | 16/11/1925 | 29/01/1933 | Irvine | Margaret | 16/11/1953 | ? | |
Adamson | David (M.A.) | 14/03/1927 | 29/01/1933 | Aitken | Annie | 25/01/1954 | ? | |
Menzies | Grace | 22/08/1927 | 27/08/1928 | Laird | Elizabeth | 28/01/1954 | ? | |
prentice | Jeanie F.B. | 22/08/1927 | 04/09/1933 | Anderson | Catherine P. | 25/08/1954 | ? | |
Nairn | Andrew | 02/09/1927 | 02/10/2027 | Graffin | Margaret | 28/08/1954 | 05/09/1955 | |
Hastie | Jean | 06/09/1927 | 29/01/1933 | Ferguson | Emily | 06/09/1954 | 29/08/1955 | |
Bell | Mary | 22/09/1927 | ? | Macann | Christina | 04/10/1954 | ? | |
McVean | John M.G. | 03/10/1927 | 06/12/1927 | Chisholm | Donald | 20/12/1954 | ? | |
Baxter | William | 17/10/1927 | ? | McCormick | Mary | 31/01/1955 | 29/08/1955 | |
Allison | Robert | 06/12/1927 | 23/12/1927 | Johnston | Robert E. | 14/02/1955 | ? | |
Cambell | Ian | 16/01/1928 | 05/10/1930 | Cairns | John G. | 29/08/1955 | 31/10/1955 | |
Moore | Charles M. | 20/02/1928 | 07/11/1928 | Gallager | Helen S. | 29/08/1955 | 30/06/1959 | |
Brodie | William George M | 20/08/1928 | 26/06/1936 | Love | William C. | 29/08/1955 | 27/01/1956 | |
Lees | Penelope | 27/08/1928 | ? | Scouler | Jessie | 01/09/1955 | 23/09/1955 | |
McInnes | Letitia | 27/08/1928 | 08/05/1944 | Scott | Marion | 03/10/1955 | ? | |
Richie | Eunice H. | 03/09/1928 | 30/09/1928 | Coltman | Hugh F. | 21/11/1955 | 27/01/1956 | |
Torrance | L. | 08/11/1928 | 20/05/1929 | Donnely | Mary | 30/01/1956 | 29/06/1956 | |
Martin | Mary | 05/02/1929 | ? | Cullen | Edith M. | 27/08/1956 | 30/06/1959 | |
Cuthill | Agnes J.M. | 21/02/1929 | 09/04/1929 | Kerr | Sheila | 27/08/1956 | 21/05/1957 | |
Robertson | Annie | 19/04/1929 | 12/05/1929 | Grigor | Jean | 28/08/1957 | ? | |
Crawford | Andrew (MA) | 21/05/1929 | 14/10/1929 | McConnell | Ellin | 28/08/1957 | 30/06/1961 | |
Paul | John C. | 04/09/1929 | 29/01/1933 | McCrossan | Sheila C. | 28/08/1957 | 30/06/1966 | |
McIntyre | Janet M. (MA) | 03/10/1929 | 06/11/1929 | McKay | Monica C. | 28/08/1957 | 23/01/1959 | |
Young | Charles K. (B Sc) | 15/10/1929 | 29/01/1930 | Pickering | Janet M.C. | 28/08/1957 | ? | |
McLaren | Margaret | 30/01/1930 | 04/02/1930 | Hamilton | James | 27/01/1958 | ? | |
Duncan | Leslie H. (MA) | 05/02/1930 | 29/01/1933 | Gladhill | Edgar | 03/09/1958 | 17/10/1958 | |
Cambell | Agnes N (MA) | 28/03/1930 | 04/05/1930 | Fowler | June | ? | 30/06/1947 | |
Leslie | Sheila J. | 02/04/1930 | 03/06/1930 | Goodwin | Andrew | ? | 08/09/1930 | |
Simpson | Alex G.(B Sc) | 18/08/1930 | 29/01/1933 | Grant | John (MA) | ? | 04/09/1950 | |
MacKay | Alasdair G.D. | 06/10/1930 | 29/01/1933 | Hamilton | Maribel (LRAM) | ? | ? | |
Gray | George E. | 20/10/1930 | ? | Murray | Eunice H. | ? | ? |
I attended Quarrybrae from 1955 till 1962 and then to Eastbank Academy. When there I had a roll run for Greens bakery the rolls were delivered to my house during the night I had to make up the deliveries and deliver them before school the rolls were 2 pennies each I got 1 penny per roll lucrative business.
I attended Quarry Brae School from 1953 to 1960, my teachers were Miss McLean and Miss McInness mostly, she was strict but a very good teacher, fond memories. The headmaster was Mr Johnston and the PE teacher Mr Elder. Miss Marion Scott gave lessons on the violin and Miss Mailey was the Music teacher. We had a good education at Quarry Brae it was a very good school.
I attended Quarrybrae School from 1946-1953. My teachers were,,,Miss McLean,Miss Shaw Mrs Holburn And Miss Anderson. Many happy memories of my time there.I remember that sometimes there would be a green slip of paper clipped to the teacher,s register which meant that someone was due to visit the dentist[at the corner of Crail St. and Tollcross Rd].You could sense the terror till you found out that it wasn,t you. Went on to Eastbank Academy in Shettleston with my good friend Alex Frame With whom I,m still in touch.We both stayed in Sorby St. Parkhead at that time.So sad to see the old school is no more.
I remember you and Alex .both in my class . Margaret Moore .we lived in crail street then moved to drumchapel . Live in England now .
I attended quarry brae st around 1962 give or take a year my father robert dickson went there with his brother jackie sisters grace and margo had to be around 1926 for anfew years. Lived with my grandparents grace and samuel Dickson 69 Quarry brae St only went there for a few months but fond memories
I attended Quarry Brae Street Primary school from 1952 I remember my teachers being the 2 Miss Robb,s and later teacher Miss Cullen who later married to become Mrs Fotheringham and the head master was Mr Johnston,happy memories from that period I lived at 106 Quarry Brae Street
I attended Quarrybrae from July 1942 till may 1949. Our headmaster was the dreaded “clock man” Mr Ross. The basement was used as a bomdshelter.we sat there with our gasmasks on. So sad to see it is no longer there.
I attended quarrybrae primary school ,I lived in the tenement building direc tly facing it in crail stree I always remember this teacher I had–Miss Gibson. she always
wore tan clothes ,never any other colour, that was way back in the early fifties
I attended Quarrybrae in P7 in 1982, leaving in June. I remember the cakes we’d buy in Westmuir street! I also remember that once a week the truck would drive by heading to the local abbatoir, and the whole neighborhood would stink, it smelled like sick!
It was my mum that gave you the cakes. The shop was Greens the bakers.
I was at this school and attended in P1 in 1977, left after then and moved down to England. Came back in 1982 where I went into P7. My cousins also attended there. Edwina Reilly was the same age as me, her siblings Athena, Daniel, George and Anna also attended there, they lived in Beattock Street just across the road, I lived in Quarryknowe Street. Anyone remember the penny bags that were filled with broken cakes you could by from the bakers on Westmuir Street?
I can only really remember a couple of people from the school, 1 guy was the best at keepy-uppy, quite a tall boy and the other guy has his birthday the day after mine. My dob is 17/02/72 and his is/was 18/02/1972. ive forgot his name but remember him from his fair curly hair like Leo Sayers lol, his first name was Justin…any takers?
forgot to mention, my name then was James McNaught. :)
the broken cakes were from Greens the bakers, even when I was at quarrybrae in the fifties ,, that was a great stop off
I used to get a penny bag and ask for gingerbread edges ,,my favourite ..
My mum worked there. Happy days.
My mum worked in Greens the bakers shop. That’s where you and i got the bags,
I think I was in the class with George…was he in the year below?
Always find it so strange…can remember so much (names, faces, places)…and yet at the same time so little…the name triggered the memory! I went on to Whitehill and then moved to England in 1986…end of second year.
Hi i came across the post a remember the lad Justin back in the day he was from lily bank, i was in the same yr as him, Gary Elliott 21-2-72 i came from westmuir st in walked along like the rest of the post ta greens for a penny bag!! The things kids did back in the day kids today don’t or wouldn’t be allowed to do
Quite interesting but I’m dissappointed that you chose to cut things off at 1959! I attended between !965 and 1969 before my familly moved to Springboig, I remember my last teacher here being a lovely redheaded lady named Mrs or Miss Finnegan. I lived across the road from the school in the only close still standing.
My maiden name was Nicol and I was in the same class as an Ian McLean. I also remember Miss Finnigan,with red hair, and I remember we used to sing the song “there was an old man named Michael Finnigan” (behind her back). I was friends with Karen Anderson, Ann Graham and Catherine McKinlay.