Knocked Down
Ann Gilban or Govan, 47, a weaver, was knocked down on Saturday by a car near Camlachie Institute. On being removed to the Royal Infirmary, she was found to be suffering from a fractured skull.
Edinburgh Evening News, Monday 28th September 1903
Accidental Death
About five o’clock yesterday morning Police Constable Weir, in the course of his rounds, discovered the dead body of a woman entangled in a wooden pailing at the back of Camlachie Church, and about fifty yards from Great Eastern Road. The head was firmly fixed between two of the upright posts of the pailing, the face looking partly upwards, the body twisted back into a crescent shape, and the feet resting on the ground. Death it was quite clear, had resulted from strangulation. The body has been claimed by William Fleming, tailor, Wallace Land, Hogganfield, as that of his wife. Fleming states thet he accompanied the deceased to Glasgow on Saturday afternoon with the purpose of buying provisions, and that he had left her while on the way home, in order to visit a friend. She was then he states, perfectly sober. The presumption is that she attempted to climb the pailing in order to get home by a nearby path, and that in the act of getting over, her feet slipped and she fell forward, and her head getting fixed in the way above described. Judging from the position in which the body was found, death must have occured very speedily. The basket of provisions was found nearby. Dr Young of Great Hamilton Street, examined the body of the deceased, and has reported to the effect that there is no apparent reason to suppose her death was other than accidental.’
Glasgow Herald, Monday 16th March 1868
Wife Beater
Of late charges of aggravated wife beating have been ominously on the increase in the Glasgow Police Courts. A case which came up at the Eastern on Saturday is probably one of the worst of recent occurrence. A woman named Morrison, the wife of a workman residing in Coalhill Street, Camlachie, had given birth to a child on Thursday morning, and her busband, who had been out drinking, came in in the afternoon, and after rough words proceeded to blows, dragged the unfortunate woman out of bed and over the floor by her hair, kicked and abused her in such a shocking manner that, ill as she was, she was forced to leave the house with her infant, and made the best of her way to the police office for protection. Her husband was apprehended and on Saturday fined 21s, with the alternative of fourteen days imprisonment, the Magistrate yielding to the entreaties of the woman for a lenient sentence.
Evening Telegraph, Monday 25th February 1878
Between eleven and twelve o’clock on Saturday evening, a stabbing case of a very serious nature took place in Camlachie. The members of a social party, which was being held in the house of a man named David Canning, residing at 14 Broad Street (later Biggar Street), became somewhat hilarious as the evening advanced, and several indulged in dancing. Canning’s house is situated upstairs and the neighbours in the lower flat naturally complained of the disorderly proceedings of those overhead. Canning was remonstrated with, and he was requested to put an end to the dancing, but that he declined to do, and instead flew into a violent passion. Vowing all manner of vengeance against objectors, Canning descended to the lobby below, where amongst others, resided a man named John Turner, with whom Canning got into grips. In the course of the scuffle which ensued, turner was heard to exclaim that he was stabbed, and on the neighbours proceeding to the rescue canning decamped. The injured man, from whom blood began to flow copiously, was at once conveyed into his own house, where Dr. Wilson, Dalmarnock Road, was promptly in attendance. On examination, that gentleman found that Turner had received a deep wound on the side, almost penetrating the abdomen. A razor was found lying in the lobby where canning made the attack, and it is supposed that the deed was committed with that weapon. The assailant was apprehended in due course and from today’s Eastern Police Court, he will be remitted to the Sheriff, pending the result of the injuries which are considered dangerous, inflicted on Turner.
Glasgow Herald, Monday 10th May 1875
Prize Fight
The sequel to a prize fight, or to be correct, a glove contest, was reached in the Eastern Police Court, Glasgow, yesterday morning when the principles Bill ‘Nune’ Wallace of Glasgow, and Myer Stringer of Leeds pleaded guilty to a charge of assaulting each other, or a breach of the peace in a store at 26 Croft Street, Camlachie; or otherwise engaged in a prize fight in breach of the peace. The Magistrate sentenced each of the accused to pay a fine of £5, with an alternative of 30 days imprisonment.
Falkirk Herald, Wednesday 15th July 1903
Remarkable Instance of Canine Affection
A boy belonging to Camlachie, when he was a little urchin, about 12 years ago, got a pup which he reared, and has since kept as his own, and the warmest attachment has subsisted between them. The boy, who poor, often shared his scanty meal with his dog, and frequently the dog’s share was the largest. Some time ago the boy got employment in a dyework at Camlachie, and at every meal and morning the dog accompanied the boy part of the way on his return from his father’s house in Crownpoint to the dyework at Camlachie Bridge. One day lately the poor boy missed his footing while crossing a vat filled with boiling liquid, and tumbled headlong into it, and he was so severely and dangerously scalded that he had to be carried home. The dog, which was at home, no sooner saw the boy in distress, that he set up a dismal howl, and was with difficulty prevented from jumping upon him. The boy was taken immediately to the infirmary where he still lies in a dangerous state. The dog was forcibly prevented from following him, yet he refused again to enter the boy’s house, and sat in despair, a little way from it, uttering incessant dismal cries. He was offered food and drink and refused them, and he continued all that day and the following night, sitting in one position, whining and howling most piteously. In the morning he was paralytic, and could scarcely drag his hind legs after him. His brain was evidently oppressed, and he died before mid-day, a victim to intense grief.
Sherborne Mercury, Saturday 22nd June 1844
In 1871 there were in Parkhead and Camlachie 2469 inhabited houses, containing a population of 11,800 individuals. There were only 72 houses out of that number whose rental was over £8 ; all the rest were low rentals, averaging in Camlachie from£3 to £4, and in Parkhead from £5 to £6. There was only one Protestant church – an Established church – in Parkhead and about a quarter of a mile from that there was a Free Church. There were four missionaries working in that district – three belonging to the City Mission, and one supported from other sources, and the services carried out by these missionaries were well attended. It was supposed that nearly one third of the inhabitants of Camlachie were Roman Catholic, but although the number was deducted from the 11,800, it still left 9,000 individuals in these two places that belonged to no Protestant persuasion. For the accommodation of that 9,000, there were only two churches capable of containing probably about 1500, but supposing that they were to allow 2,000 as attending church, there was still 7,000 left who went nowhere,
Glasgow Herald, Friday 5th April 1872
Body Found
Yesterday a man having the appearance of a tramp was found dead on a rubbish coup near Croft Street, Camlachie. The cause of death is not stated, but was probably due to suffocation, the body having been discovered lying near a heap of smouldering ashes. Deceased would be about 45 years of age.’
Evening Telegraph, Saturday 11th May 1901
Ex Celt Dies
Michael McKeown, who ten years ago was a famous football player, has died at Camlachie, Glasgow under sad circumstances. He was destitute, and was found in a limekiln, where he had gone to shelter from a storm. He played back for Celtic, Sunderland and Blackburn Rovers, and had also won international honours.
Western Times, Wednesday 28th October 1903
Fire Rages at Car Company Premises
Last night a fire of somewhat alarming character broke out in the premises of the Mo-Car Syndicate (Limited), Yate Street, Camlachie, Glasgow, about a quarter past ten, but owing in part to the building being detached the fire brigade were able to prevent it spreading to any extent. The building in which the fire occurred has a frontage to Yate Street of about 90 feet, and extends to the west about the same distance. It is two storeys in height, built of brick, and constructed in five bays of sheds. The building was filled with engineering plant and motor cars in the course of construction. How or where the fire occurred is not known, but it was observed at a quarter past ten by Constable No. 164, who immediately summoned the fire brigade. The fire seemed to attain great power in a short time, and to spread through the building which was comparatively open, with great rapidity, when the fire brigade arrived. As the appearances were rahter alarming steamers were sent from the Central, Eastern, Northern and Southern districts, and along with the steamer each station sent a hose carriage. In a very short time the brigade had branches playing on three sides of the building. The roof fell very soon, and the flames shot up high in the air, sending sparks all around. Fortunately the wind was from the north, and as the ground to the south was vacant the danger was very little. The firm evidently made their own gas, the holder, which was almost full, being on the south side. A large gas pipe near the north corner of the building had got broken, evidently by the fall of some part of the machinery. The gas blazed out in large flames, and it was some time before the gas could be turned off. When the roof fell the flames leaped across a lane of about 20 feet to the west and caught another two storey brick building, used as an office and a pattern loft. It was about 60 feet by 40 feet, but as soon as this was observed the brigade turned their attention to it, and soon had it completely subdued. To the north of the Mo-Car Syndicate’s premises were the works of Messrs George McGhee & Co., gas enginemakers and engineers, and Messrs Winning, Mellis & Co., millwrights, and Messrs George Alexander & Co., ironfounders, but though these were close to the burning building they escaped injury. By midnight the fire was completely under control, and as all danger of it spreading was past Captain Paterson began to send away a number of his men. The fire naturally attracted a considerable number of people, but they were kept well back by a number of constables under Superintendent Colquhoun. The damage is estimated at from £10,000 to £12,000.’
Evening Telegraph, Thursday 9th May 1901
New Premises for Car Company
‘The Mo-Car Company (Limited), whose works in Camlachie, Glasgow were destroyed by fire the other night, have acquired a large portion of Underwood Mills, Paisley. The effect will be to transfer the work of about 500 persons to Paisley.’
Evening Telegraph, Friday 17th May 1901
“The Camlachie Mouse”
A prize fight came off about three o’clock yesterday morning on a field in the neighbourhood of Castlecary Station. The combatants, John Hamilton, alias Reddie, and Dennis Harvey, alias the ‘Camlachie Mouse’, hail from Glasgow, and the county police having got a hint on Monday night of the coming fight, were on alert in all the districts around the city. Sergeants Jeffrey and Robertson traced the crowd, numbering about 300, to Castlecary, and succeeded in stopping the fight, but not until 63 rounds had been fought, and both the principles had been severely cut and bruised. Hamilton has been apprehended, as have also John Docherty, one of the seconds, and Dennis Docherty, the umpire. The other principle, Harvey, is still at large. The prisoners have been handed over to the Dumbarton County authorities, in whose jurisdiction the fight took place.’
Edinburgh Evening News, Wednesday 14th June 1876
Tragic Child Death
Mary Pollok, wife of a weaver in Camlachie, was apprehended yesterday pending enquiry into the death of their infant. It is alleged the parents went drunk to bed.
Dundee Courier, Monday 12th August 1877
The Glasgow Eastern District police are investigating a case of infanticide. On Sunday afternoon the body of a newly born fully grown male child was found lying in a brickfield adjoining Janefield Street, Camlachie. It was wrapped in an old grey wincey gown lined with white cotton, and a number of bricks were piled over it. The body was taken to the Eastern Police Office and, on examination by Dr. Young, the divisional surgeon, it was found that death had been caused by strangulation. No clue has been obtained as to the whereabouts of the mother of the child.’
Dundee Courier, Tuesday 27th March 1883
Suspicious Death
William Hunter, a bottle blower, residing at 3 Society Street, Camlachie, Glasgow was apprehended last night pending a report from the Sheriff’s Fiscal. It seems that his wife, Ann Woods or Hunter, died yesterday, and that she had stated to a neighbour that on Saturday her husband had given her a ‘punching on the stomach’. Since receiving the alleged injury she had been complaining of a pain in her left hand side. The doctor refused to give a certificate as to the cause of her death, and informed the police.’
Dundee Courier, Saturday 21st December 1895
Death Suspect Cleared
As a result of the post-mortem examination on the body of his wife, whose death took place under what were considered suspicious circumstances, William Hunter, bottle blower, 3 Society Street, Camlachie, has been discharged.’
Evening Telegraph, Monday 23rd December 1895
Murder Suspects
Three brothers, William, Henry and James Thornton, residing in Camlachie, Glasgow, have been apprehended for causing the death of John Banks, aged 50 years, also residing in that district. The brothers held a grudge against a man named Connelly, who courted the deceased’s daughter. They tried to find Connolly on New Year’s Day, but failing to find him, they got Banks, and it is alleged kicked him so that he never rose from his bed, and died last night.
Edinburgh Evening News, Monday 5th January 1885
Camlachie Institute Opens
The Camlachie Institute, situated in Great Eastern Road, and which has been erected with funds contributed by public subscription, and realised as the proceeds of a fancy bazaar, was formally opened last night. The Institute which has already been described in the Herald, is built on the site formerly occupied by Yates Memorial Rest, and recently granted by the Magistrates and Town Council at a small nominal charge. The building, which is designed in a late period of Renaissance architecture, has a frontage 150 feet to the Great Eastern Road. On the ground floor there is a large hall, ladies cloak-rooms, committee rooms etc. A stair communicates to the basement, which is level with the street behind and has tea kitchen accommodation, lavatory, and committee or retiring rooms. On the upper gallery floor, there is a lesser hall with accommodation for 200 persons. The Memorial Rest is placed at the extreme east of the buildings, forming an octagonal end, and contains a spacious shelter, with seats and drinking fountain in centre; also a caretaker’s house. The Institute it should be stated, is unsectarian in its constitution, and will be used for religious, educational, social and general philanthropic and public purposes. The ceremony took place within the Institute and was attended by a company numbering about 800 ladies and gentlemen. Tea was served in the hall between seven and eight o’clock. At the latter hour the company assembled in the large hall.
Mr A S Bryce, chairman of the Building Committee, occupied the chair, and was accompanied to the platform by Messrs Robert Dick, Alexander Cross, Levi Brown, United States Consul, James Dick, James Mowat, vice-chairman, George Macfarlane, Bailies James and J H Martin, Messrs James Begg, D M Scott, F Findlay, Robert Oliphant, Rev. Dr. John Stewart, Re. Andrew Miller, Rev. Mr. Smith, Rev. James Welsh, Rev. Mr McEwan, Rev. Mr. Renfrew, Dr. Martin, Mr. David Fortune, and Mr John Cullen. Apologies for absence were received, among others Sir Archibald Campbell, M.P. Sir Charles Tennant ; Sir James King, Sir William Collins, Sir William Arrol, Sir George Trevelyan M.P. ; Sir John Neilson Cuthbertson, Sir Michael Connell, Mr. Hugh Watt M.P. ; Mr. A Cameron Corbett M.P. and Lord Provost Muir.
The Chairman, in the course of an address, traced the origin of the Institute, making reference to the musical assistance the promoters had received from Mr Robert Dick, and the services of Messrs Oliphant and Bathgate with the object of furthering the end in view. He acknowledged the valuable assistance given by the ladies in connection with the bazaar. The Institute, he proceeded to say, would be available in the first place, for public meetings called to consider questions of general and local interest. Within it their municipal magnates might orate to any extent upon questions of such solemn importance as an increase in wages of a shilling a week to the lamplighters (laughter and applause) – and upon topics such as were usually under consideration in times of electoral fervour.
Within its walls the popular lecturer might hold forth on science or literature, severe or serene philosophy, and local or wandering minstrels might find appreciative audiences (Applause). But , most important of all, the halls would be devoted to the holding of services of worship and to the instruction of the young in the Sabbath School. (Applause) Mr. Robert Oliphant submitted a statement of the finances, from which it appeared that the subscriptions towards the cost if the Institute, including the handsome sum of £1000 from Mr Robert Dick, amounted to £2147 0s 6d. The bazaar realised £1318 0s 3d, and bank interest amounting to £36 19s 3d, brought the total income to £3502 (Applause). The expenditure, including £500 for the Rent, amounted to £4000. There was thus a deficiency of £498. A strong effort would be made to clear off the debt as early as possible (Applause).
Mr Robert Dick, who received with prolonged applause, formally, and in a single sentence, declared the Institute duly opened. Mr Levi Brown, who was called upon to address the meeting, expressed the satisfaction it gave him to be present and to encourage, so far as he could, an enterprise such as that in connection with which they were met. Any institution which had for its object the uplifting of the masses, the helping of the people to intellectual development, moral growth, and wholesome recreations, deserved the patronage of all liberal-minded people (Applause). Other addresses were afterwards delivered, and in the course of the evening selections of music were given by the choir of Regent Place United Presbyterian Church and other recitals.
Glasgow Herald, Saturday 3rd May 1890
Temperance Tea Meeting
On Saturday evening a gospel temperence tea meeting was held in the Camlachie Institute – Mr John Colville M.P. presiding. A deputation from the Camlachie Carter’s Mission, who rendered solos and delivered several short, pointed addresses, which were greatly appreciated by all peresent. At 10 p.m. tea was served after which a watch night service was held. The service took the form of a testimony meeting, several of those present saying a short word.
Motherwell Times, Friday 6th January 1899
Camlachie Burn
Yesterday morning the Magistrates gave work to 250 unemployed weavers at forming a tunnel to the Green, for containing Camlachie Burn from the Episcopal Chapel to William Street (later Templeton Street) at the head of the Green, and this morning increased the number to 350.
Morning Post, Saturday 7th August 1819
Drowning in Camlachie Burn
On Saturday afternoon a boy named Samuel Thorpe, 11 years of age, son of a spirit salesman residing at 10 Wilkie Street, Camlachie lost his life under distressing circumstances by falling into Camlachie Burn at a point near Vinegarhill Street. With some companions the lad was walking along the banks of the stream, inside the fence when his attention was attracted to a bottle floating in the water. In attempting to reach it he slipped and fell, and the burn being in flood he was rapidly carried away by the current.
Hugh Devlin who occupies a caravan on the showground adjoining, came upon the scene in response to the calls of Thorpe’s companions, and attempted to rescue but failed. A man named Thomas O’Connor, 165 King Street, Calton, leaped into the stream and succeeded in bringing Thorpe to the bank. He then carried him to the Camlachie Police Station where efforts made to resuscitate him were unsuccessful.’
Evening Telegraph, Monday 23rd January, 1899
Accidental Drowning in Wash House
A pathetic occurrence is reported by the Eastern Police Office, Glasgow. On Friday afternoon John Craig, aged two years and four months, son of Robert Craig, carter, 7 Morrison Place, off Janefield Street, Camlachie, was found by his mother to have accidentally drowned in a tub containing about six inches of water in a wash-house in the court at this address. From enquiries made it appears that the child was last seen alive by his mother shortly after one o’clock in the afternoon. at that time he was playing in the court. His mother missed him shortly afterwards, and going in search of him was horrified to discover him face downward in the tub of water. With the assistance of a neighbour she carried the child into the house and endeavoured to restore animation, but without success. A doctor was sent for, and on arrival pronounced life to be extinct.’
Evening Telegraph, Monday 9th June 1902
Boiler Explosion
On Wednesday afternoon last week, a steam boiler in the premises of Messrs Aitken & Co., dyers, Camlachie, exploded and killed three individuals, one of the workmen, a boy and the fireman. Seven other persons were more or less hurt. In addition to the personal injury and loss of life, the walls of three seperate buildings have been levelled with the ground.’
North & South Shields Gazette and Northumberland and Durham Advertiser, Friday 16th February 1855
Scaffold Collapse
On Wednesday forenoon, a man named George Turner was severely injured in the Mountainblue Ironworks, Camlachie. A scaffold weighing 8 tons gave way, and Turner, who was at hand was severely crushed. His right leg was smashed, and he was severely injured internally. Turner was removed to the Royal infirmary in an ambulance van.
Dundee Courier, Thursday 13th August 1896
Furnace Explosion Fatality
Yesterday morning a shocking accident occurred in the bottle works of Robert Paul, 74 Broad Street (later Biggar Street), Camlachie. It seems that a labourer, named John Morrow, who had casual employment there, was standing leaning against a wall a few feet behind the back of one of the furnaces. Without warning the furnace exploded, and the molten glass rushed out completely surrounding the unfortunate man, without, however touching him. The excessive heat caused pitiable agonies to Morrow, and prevented workmen from getting near to rescue him. To get at him a hole had to be cut through the wall, but though that was done as speedily as possible, by the time he was reached he was roasted almost to a cinder, and was quite beyond recognition. Deceased, who was thirty five years of age, had no fixed place of residence.’
Dundee Courier, Wednesday 5th August 1896
Fire Destroys Bottle Plant
This morning fire broke out at eight o’clock in the store for finished goods at the glass bottle manufactory of Robert Paul, Broad Street (later Biggar Street), Camlachie, Glasgow. When the fire brigade arrived the entire store was prey to the flames. It was totally destroyed, and an adjoining building was partially destroyed. The damage is estimated at £1000, which is covered by insurance.’
Edinburgh Evening News, Saturday 16th October 1886
Fire in Millwrights
A destructive fire broke out yesterday in the pattern loft in connection with the engineers and millwrights’ shop of Messrs John McPherson & Co, Mountain Blue, Camlachie. Owing to the inflammable nature of the contents damage to the extent of some £6000 was done to the stock before the fire was subdued, while the building was also much damaged’
Dundee Courier, Wednesday 13th January 1875
Child Death
Thomas Queen, weaver, 24 Broad Street (later Biggar Street) and his wife have been apprehended in connection with the death of their child, which was six days old. It is alleged that Queen and his wife were the worst for liquor on Saturday evening, and were quarrelling with each other. In the morning the child was found dead in bed, and the doctor who examined the body is of the opinion that the infant had been overlain.
Evening Telegraph, Monday 17th June 1878
For Sale
Foundry For Sale: Upset Price reduced to £6000. The extensive iron foundry at Camlachie, near Glasgow, lately occupied by Mr David Napier. These works have been finished within the last twelve months, are in every respect complete, capable of producing 25 to 30 Tons of Castings per day, and of any size, and a purchaser may have the whole Plant at a valuation. They have been in active operational until within the last few weeks, and a person of adequate capital will seldom find a more eligible opening.
Glasgow Herald, Monday 9th October 1848
D. King & Company, manufacturing chemists, Camlachie, Glasgow, and Daniel King, manufacturing chemist there, the sole partner of the firm, as such partner and as an individual. Creditors meeting in the Faculty Hall, St. George’s Place, Glasgow, 17th July at twelve o’clock.
Dunfermline Press, Thursday 12th July 1860
Watt & Company, potters, Camlachie Pottery, Glasgow – creditors meeting in the Faculty Hall, St George’s Place, Glasgow 21st December, eleven o’clock,
Caledonian Mercury, Wednesday 25th November 1863
Glasgow Dean of Guild Court: Clark & Struthers, gingham and pullicate manufacturers in Glasgow to erect a one storey weaving shed, to front Hope Street (later Holywell Street), Camlachie, and the road leading from Camlachie to the Clyde Iron Works.
Glasgow Herald, Friday 9th June 1871
Dean of Guild Court: James Napier & Co., chemical manufacturers, Vinegarhill, Camlachie, to remove the roofs from off sheds already erected on portion of ground situated at Vinegarhill, and construct in place thereof a set of vitriol chambers and necessary shed accommodation.’
Glasgow Herald, Thursday 24th October 1872