
Fatal Accident

A boy named James Arbuckle, son of a widow residing in Westmuir Street, Glasgow was last night climbing on a wall some 4 or 5 feet in height, and, dislodging one of the copestones, he over-balanced himself and fell to the ground. The stone fell upon him, and he was so severely crushed that he died almost instantaneously.’

Edinburgh Evening News, Wednesday 23rd August 1876

Fatal Gun Accident

Fatal Gun Accident – On Saturday a young man named William Paterson, residing at 694 Great Eastern Road, Parkhead, Glasgow, accidentally shot himself while in search of rabbits in a potato field at Bogleshole, Carmyle.’

Evening Telegraph, Tuesday 17th December 1878

Fatal Fire

Yesterday morning an alarming burning accident, involving one death, severe injury and no fewer than seven persons and trifling damage to property happened at Parkhead. The occurrence took place in a dwelling house, which forms part of a two storey tenement at 46 Burgher Street. It was occupied by Mr David Willox, a manufacturing chemist, whose wife it seems was assisting in the making of furniture polish. At one stage of the manufacture, it is necessary to boil ingredients, which consisted largely of inflammable spirit – turpentine. About half past eight o’clock Mrs Willox was performing this somewhat difficult part of the operation on the kitchen fire. She had almost completed the work when the turpentine, volatised by the heat, ignited. She tried to extinguish the flames, and with this end in view hurriedly drew the vessel in which the ingredients were, off the fire. In her agitation she upset the flaming compound, which was spilt about the apartment, severely burning herself and her children who were present at the time. Her husband, who was in another room, hearing the screams, rushed to their aid, as also did a young man named Watson, who lived in the same tenement. In their efforts to remove the sufferers from the reach of the fire, which threatened to assume serious proportions, they also sustained a bad scorching, Watson’s trousers being burned from his legs. Meanwhile some of the neighbours had rung the fire alarm at Great Eastern Road at the corner of Dalmarnock Street. The engines from the Dalmarnock Road, Eastern and Central fire establishments were soon on the spot, and succeeded in extinguishing the flames, which owing to the promptness with which the firemen turned out, were confined to the apartment in which the occurrence took place. Drs Jones and William and david Young were in attendance and temporarily dressed the burns of the sufferers, who were removed to the Royal Infirmary. Their injuries as already stated, were very severe, and consisted chiefly of burns about the head and arms. Mr Willox, in his endeavours to rescue his children, was very badly burned about the hands, while, as mentioned, the young man Watson was injured about the lower extremities, through, it is said, stepping into the pot of burning turpentine, which Mrs Willox in her agitation deposited on the floor. The children whose names are as follows ; Jane, 10 years, David, 8, James, 7, Charles, 5 and Alexander, 4 – had their clothing nearly burned from their bodies. As may be readily imagined, they received very serious shocks to their systems through the occurrences. The youngest, Alexander, died in the evening about half past seven. At anearly hour this morning the others were reported to be progressing as favourably as could be expected.’

Glasgow Herald, Tuesday 7th November 1882

Dynamite Accident

While at work at noon yesterday at the railway operations near Helenvale Street, Parkhead, John McCracken (15), residing at Main Street, Bridgeton, put a light to a dynamite cartridge which he held in his left hand.  The cartridge immediately exploded with disastrous results to the holder, the thumb and three fingers of the left hand being blown off and his right eye burst. The injured youth was removed to the Royal Infirmary.’

Evening Telegraph, Thursday 18th October 1894

Death After Football Match

Last evening Mr Troutbeck held an inquest on the body of George Thomas Ward, aged 33, a wine merchant of 19 Westmuir Street, Glasgow  who died at the Charing Cross Hospital, London. Evidence of identification was given by his brother, who stated that his brother came up from Glasgow on Saturday to witness the international football match at Crystal Palce. The deceased had been a well known Scottish athlete a few years ago. Mr J W Dairsa, chemist, of 390 Strand, stated that on Saturday evening the deceased and a friend came into the shop. He was evidently in great pain and asked for a simple draught which was supplied to him. Whilst partaking of the draught he fell down and cut his head. The man was then conveyed to Charing Cross Hospital in a cab. Dr Walter, the house surgeon said the deceased was admitted on Saturday night. He had three superficial cuts on the head and was detained. On sunday he was restless and excitable, and on Monday he developed delirium tremens, from which he died on Tuesday. In all probability the injury to the head brought on the attack of delirium tremens, as was frequently the case. The jury returned a verdict of accidental death.’

Evening Telegraph, Thursday 8th April 1897

Fatal Accident

James McPhee (7) of 359 Westmuir Street, Glasgow, was knocked down by a motor van near to his home last night.  He was taken to the Royal Infirmary but was found to be dead.

Glasgow Herald, 8th March 1959


Two men named Winning and Staunton have been apprehended and lodged in the Eastern Police Station, charged with seriously assaulting a woman on the Old Edinburgh Road, at Parkhead, on the evening of Saturday last. The woman who resides in Westmuir Street, Parkhead, had been set upon by four young men, and so brutally maltreated that it was thought advisable to remove her to the Royal Infirmary.’

Evening Telegraph, Wednesday 19th June 1878

Fortune Tellers

A fortune-telling case was brought before Baillie Findlay, at the Eastern Police Court on Wednesday. Two women, Jane Reynolds or Mace, and Mary Reynolds, were accused of falsehood, fraud and wilful imposition, ‘practised in order to obtain the money of others under the pretence of being able to tell fortunes’. Helen Gunn, a millworker, was induced to visit them in a tent or booth at Westmuir Street, ‘for the purpose of having her fortune spaed or foretold’. The girl having paid a sixpence was assured that her father, who was abroad, ‘would come home in ten days’ and ‘that a large sum of money was coming to her in a short time, to set her and her sister up in business.’ Payment of a similar amount by William Stewart, two days later, procured for him the intimation that ‘he had friends abroad, that he was not satisfied with his trade, that there was a girl who loved him, and that he would marry her and go abroad, and have large stores there’. The accused did not appear, but Alfred Reynolds, their brother, put in an appearance and wished to tender a plea of guilty. It was, he said, merely a fortune-telling business amounting to 6d or so, some young lady or gentleman having ‘come to the camp’ to have his or her fortune. The Assessor (Mr George Black) while characterising persons who went to have their fortunes told as silly, pointed out that the practice was against the law and those who carried it on were vagabonds. On this, the Magistrate forfeited a pledge of £10 which the accused had left for their appearance. Before Reynolds left the Court, Captain Baker, the superintendent of police for the district, warned him that he had better ‘clear out soon’ as other complaints were being received. In reply, Reynolds stated that the weather had detained him, but that he would leave next day.

Morpeth Herald, Saturday 11th March 1882

Railway Safe Blown

Yesterday it was discovered that during the night Parkhead Railway Station, Glasgow, on the North British Company’s system had been the scene of a burglary.  The iron safe in the booking office had been blown open by gunpowder, and the contents, about £2 5s stolen.  It is stated that a similar attempt had been made at Cowlairs Station, but had been frustrated by the timely arrival of a porter, who observed two well dressed men lurking about the place.  The police are making inquiries.

Evening Telegraph, Thursday 13th October 1898


At the Eastern Police Court on Friday – Bailie Steele on the bench- a young man, John Anderson, alias Charles Rowe was remitted to the Sheriff on a charge of having, on Tuesday afternoon entered a house at 95 Westmuir Street, Parkhead by means of false keys with intent, it is alleged, to steal.  It appears that the house was closed, the occupants being temporarily absent.  Their daughter, Mrs Chalmers, lives on the same landing, one stair up, and it seems she had the occasion to open her door about four o’clock.  She observed that her mother’s door was standing open, and knowing that both she and her father were absent at that hour, went into the house to investigate matters.  She stood in the lobby for a minute or two until the prisoner made his appearance at the room door.  He demanded ‘Is this your house, and if so, why is your door left open?’  The amount of assurance displayed by the youth did not mislead Mrs Chalmers, however, who calmly replied ‘It is not your house at any rate.  What right have you here?  Anderson saw he had no timid individual to deal with, and, on receiving his answer, rushed forward into the lobby.  He gave the woman a forceful push with the intention of eluding her grasp and possibly knock her down.  His calculations were completely upset by Mrs Chalmers, who stood her ground stubbornly, and, being close to the kitchen, prevented herself from falling by standing with her arms akimbo, stretched from one side of the door to the other, thus also from preventing Anderson from making his escape.  She then seized him by the tail of the coat, and her prisoner took her by the throat.  He then tried to escape by leaving his coat in her hands, but the woman observing the move, let go the lower part of the garment and seized it by the collar. Anderson got desperate and dealt her a smart blow on the arm.  Mrs Chalmers shouted for assistance, and her husband, who was in his own house, came out and tackled the fellow, who was struggling with his spouse.  Being a strong, burly man, Mr Chalmers was not long in tossing Anderson into his father-in-law’s house, where he was subdued by receiving a knock-down blow, which kept him quiet until the police arrived, and he was taken into custody.  No fewer than twelve skeleton keys of various sizes were found in the house, where he is said to have dropped them.’

Falkirk Herald, Saturday 14th October 1899

Parkhead Reformatory

The following stories relate to Parkhead Reformatory where it seems boys/youths were sent from all over the country;

The following is the report on Parkhead Catholic Reformatory for Boys, Glasgow, inspected the 18th and 26th June 1867, when the number of inmates amounted to 172 ;

Premises: No alterations.  I found a great improvement in cleanliness and good order.

Health: Had been usually good.  There were five or six patients in the sick room, but the appearance and manner of the boys was very satisfactory.

Discipline: The boys seemed in very good order, but the cases of absconding have been very numerous.

Education: I examined about 160 of the boys in the usual subjects, and found a considerable advance on the previous year.  About 140 read fairly from the ‘Easy Lessons’ to the fifth book of the Irish Series.  All wrote more or less from copies, but the writing was too careless, the first class well and the second fairly from dictation.  The ciphering of the first four classes was very good.

Industrial Training: The farm and brick making give really laborious employment to a large number of inmates, tailoring, shoemaking and carpentry to the rest.  The boys seem generally to work with attention and goodwill.

Staff: Supt. the Rev. A. Robertson; chaplain, Mr. A. Stewart; schoolmaster, assistant and industrial teachers.

Cost for 1867, £2038 15s 3d; industrial profits £360 11s 5d; cost per head £14 10s 10d

Results of Discharges in 1864-66: of 139 discharged 100 are doing well, 7 have died, 2 are unknown, and 30 have been convicted.

Glasgow Herald Monday 31st August 1868

A lad named John Campbell, who had deserted from Parkhead Reformatory, was brought before the Dundee Police Court this morning.  Campbell, who belongs to Dundee, was convicted of theft about eighteen months ago, and had completed half the period of his detention.  He deserted two weeks ago and came to Dundee where he was apprehended on Saturday.  Today the Magistrate ordered him to be sent back to the Reformatory.

Evening Telegraph, Monday 6th May 1878

A theft of rather an extraordinary character is alleged to have been committed in Glasgow on Tuesday afternoon.  The Governor of the Parkhead Reformatory sent out two of his boys to a provision dealer in Glasgow for a supply of groceries for the use of inmates.  At the Cross the boys were accosted by a man who said he had some stuff to send out with them to the joiner at the Reformatory, and that about he himself was an inmate of that institution.  Having made these statements the stranger accompanied the juveniles to the grocer: and on arriving there one of the boys remained in charge of the vehicle, while the other one went into the shop to obtain the goods.  The stranger told the boy still in the van to go into the shop and hurry out his companion.  He at once did so.  On returning to the outer door he found that the horse van and stranger had suddenly disappeared.   The lads made search in every direction, but as their endeavours were not attended with success, they reported the occurrence at the Central Police Office, and returned home about eight o’clock at night.  The Governor of the Reformatory (Mr Harvey) immediately sent out men in quest of the missing horse and van, and at three o’clock yesterday morning one of the men returned having found the horse in the possession of a Camlachie horse dealer named O’Neill.  On being asked how he came by it, O’Neill affirmed that he had given another animal and £6 in exchange for it, and he knew nothing as to the whereabouts of the van or harness.  O’Neill was taken before the Eastern Police Court yesterday, and remitted to the Sheriff.’

Evening Telegraph, Friday 30th August 1878

In Paisley Sheriff Court today Sheriff Cowan sent John McChrystal, aged 12, to Parkhead Reformatory for five years, and ordered William McKenna, 11 years, to be birched for breaking into Williamburgh Board School, paisley.  The boys entered the school on Sunday night, destroyed books, maps, desks and windows, and stole two overcoats, a marble timepiece, and about 200 rare coins. McChrystal had been thrice previously convicted.

Evening Telegraph, Thursday 18th February 1897

In Glasgow Sheriff Summary Court on Monday – before Sheriff Lee – William Murphy (13) was charged with theft from two shops in Shettleston.  It was stated that there were seven previous convictions against Murphy, and his Lordship ordered him to be sent to Parkhead Reformatory for five years.’

Dundee Courier, Thursday 25th February 1897

Peter Kidd, millworker, Small’s Wynd, a young lad, was charged at Dundee with stealing (1) five boxes of cigarettes from a shop in Dock Street, (2) a vest from the door of a tailor’s shop in Murraygate, (3) a vest from the door of a tailor’s shop in Castle Street, (4)  3d in money from a tobacconist’s shop in Dock Street.  The prosecutor, in asking that Kidd might be sent to a Reformatory, said he appeared to have been a ringleader in quite a number of thefts.  Bailie Storrie granted an order for Kidd’s detention in Parkhead Roman Catholic Reformatory for a period of years.  Several other boys charged with having been concerned in one or other of the thefts mentioned were brought before the court and admonished.

Evening Telegraph, Friday 1st October 1897

Lawrence (13) and Owen Feeley (12), schoolboys, Union Place, Perth Road, were at Dundee Police Court today accused of stealing a number of apples and pears from the garden in connection with Cidhmore, Perth Road in the 19th September.  They pled guilty. Owen was withdrawn.  Of his elder brother it was stated that he was a badly behaved youth, and beyond his parent’s control.  He had previously been in trouble.  Bailie Adamson ordered him to be detained in Parkhead Reformatory for four years.’

Evening Telegraph, Thursday 29th September 1898

Illegal Operation Charge

Dr Thomas Murdoch Campbell, a well known medical practitioner in Glasgow, appeared before Sheriff Lee at Glasgow today on a charge of having, on April 22nd or 23rd, in his house at Winston Street (later Whitby Street), Parkhead, Glasgow, performed an illegal operation, which resulted in the death of a woman. The accused pleaded not guilty, and his trial was fixed for September 9th in Edinburgh. The deceased woman is understood to have been the wife of an international goalkeeper.

Derby Daily Telegraph, Wednesday 27th August 1913

Memorial Stone

Last evening, the memorial stone of a new place of worship in connection with the Congregational denomination was laid with fitting ceremony in the Parkhead district.  The edifice occupies an excellent site on the north side of Westmuir Street, and when finished is certain to form a conspicuous object of the locality. The church is intended to accommodate 700 sitters, whose comfort will be well attended to. A congregation was formed in 1872 and on 20th April 1873, the membership numbered 40.  Worship was then conducted in a wooden erection in Ellenvale Street, but in the course of a couple of years the congregation has increased to such a degree as to make a larger edifice desirable.

Glasgow Herald, Tuesday 11th June 1878

Mysterious & Lonely Death

The death of a man under mysterious circumstances has come to the knowledge of the authorities at Parkhead, Glasgow.  A man named Adam Young occupied a single apartment therefore some time he had not been seen.  With the aid of a policeman, the proprietor at length forced open the door of the house and Young was found dead in bed.  From the appearance of the body it seems as if death had taken place some time ago.  The deceased has left a diary in which there are regular entries up till the 23rd October, the entries having reference mainly to the chapters of the Bible read daily.  In a letter which requested to be carried to the Post Office ‘by the first person who first entered the house’ the deceased said he was weary of the world.  It is believed that the man died of starvation, but the police are investigating the case.

Evening Telegraph, Tuesday 24th December 1878

School Opening Ceremony

Opening of Parkhead Public School Last Evening: Parkhead Public School was formally opened in the presence of Messrs Connal, Mitchell, Cuthbertson and Long of the Glasgow School Board: Rev. Mr. Young, Messrs John Ingram, Thomas Lamb, Ferguson, Baxter, Niven and a large number the inhabitants of the district.  When the board commenced their operations, the district of Camlachie, in which Parkhead School is situated, contained a population of about 34,086 of whom about 909 were children between 5 and 13 years of age. There was found in the district good school accommodation for 2199, thus leaving an apparent discrepancy of 6600. To meet this deficiency the Board decided to erect permanent schools and lease temporary schools giving accommodation for 5098 in the former and 1555 in the latter class of schools. Parkhead School is situated at the corner of Westmuir Street and Backcauseway arranged to accommodate the large number of 804 children at the usual allowance of 8 square feet per scholar, and in addition to the large school and classrooms, it is provided with comfortable rooms for the head master, mistress, and pupil teachers, with lavatories and other suitable conveniences.  The principle frontage is to Westmuir Street, having also a neat frontage to Backcauseway.  The building is in the Italianate style of architecture, treated with a liberal amount of well cut mountings and enrichments surincated at the south east corner by a handsome campanile bell tower, the tower forming a commanding and prominent feature in the neighbourhood.  The front to Westmuir Street is two storeys in height, with lofty ceilings, and three square storeys to the back.  The school and class rooms are all well lighted by handsome windows and thoroughly ventilated by means of inlet openings.  A door to the lobbies and classrooms is at the sides, the boys entering by the east-side and the girls by the west-side of the building.  The four large school and classrooms on the ground floor are appropriate for the senior departments.

Glasgow Herald, Friday 17th January 1879

Educational Dispute

A special case has been presented to the First Division of the Court of Session on behalf of Alexander Haddow, 124 Salamanca Street, Parkhead, Glasgow, as tutor of his pupil daughter Isabella, and of the School Board of Glasgow.  Isabella Haddow is 10 years of age, and has been in regular attendance at Parkhead Public School.  She is Standard V, and no fees are exacted.  The total cost of the books and materials required by her is 5s or thereby.  The School Board are not in the practice of supplying any books or material, and the questions are (1) Are the School Board bound to provide Isabella Haddow with the books and materials required in her studies (2) Are the School Board bound to admit the girl as a scholar although they refuse to provide the necessary books and materials, and (3) In the event of the first question being answered in the affirmative, was Isabella Haddow entitled to retain the books and materials as her own property.

Edinburgh Evening News, Friday 7th January 1898

Sudden Death of School Headmaster

Yesterday morning, while Mr Robert Lewis M.A., headmaster of Parkhead Public School, and residing at 39 Kyle Park, Uddingston, was standing reading a newspaper on the Uddingston Caledonian Railway platform awaiting the 8.09 low-level train to the city, he suddenly dropped to the ground.  He was carried into the stationmaster’s room, where he immediately expired.  The deceased was well known in the village, being an elder in the Established Church, and had a quiet and unobtrusive manner.  He was also known in the city, being many years headmaster of Milton Street Public School previous to his being transferred to Parkhead.  He had suffered for some time from a stomach complaint and affection of the heart, but had recently been enjoying good health.’

Evening Telegraph, Friday 29th September 1899


A labourer named Henry Buchanan, aged 63, died in Glasgow Royal Infirmary yesterday from carbolic poisoning.  He lived in Dalmarnock Street, Parkhead, and there he drank carbolic acid, a pennyworth of which he had previously purchased, afterwards informing a neighbour he had taken the poison.  He had been in delicate health and unable to work for five years.’

Evening Telegraph, Saturday 26th July 1902

Short Measures

Some short time since arrangement was made in the weights and measures department in the city management – one gentleman being appointed to supervise proceedings at the office indoors, and another gentleman (Mr A J Walker) attending to the outside business.  The latter, in the course of a recent raid among East-End shopkeepers, found a most deplorable and reprehensible state of matters in existence.  Scarcely a shop could show accurate standards; nearly all had deficient weights or measures.  It is usual for the defective articles to be taken possession of by the inspector on these visits; but so plentiful was the number on this occasion that it was found impossible to remove all in the large van provided.  Therefore, a selection had to be effected and a vanful only of the worst weights or measures was carried off.  The parties concerned were all before Bailie Wilson at the Eastern Police Court yesterday, they were dealt with according to their deserts.  The names of the persons before the Court and the awards were as follows;

Thomas Brown, 113 Westmuir Street, 8 weights, 20s or 7 days; Martha Clark or Nisbet, Westmuir, 6 weights forfeited; D. McLaughlin, 485 Great Eastern Road, 4 weights, 42s or 10days; Mary McDonald or Lind, 246 Great Eastern Road, 4 weights, 21s or 5 days; Adam Redpath, 12 Westmuir Street, 14 weights, 42s or 10 days; Robert Kerr, 21A Westmuir Street, 8 weights, 21s or 5 days;Robert Walker Craig, 25 Westmuir Street, 5 weights, 42s or 10 days; John Aitchison, 69 Westmuir Street, 3 measures, 10s or 3 days; Alexander Hill, 17 Westmuir Street, 9 measure forfeited; William Patterson, 10 New Road (Duke Street), Parkhead, 10 weights, 42s or 10 days; John Waddell, 587 Great Eastern Road, 10 measures forfeited; Jane Dalrymple, 48 New Road (Duke Street), Parkhead, 3 measures forfeited; Robert McQuarrie, 114 Great Eastern Road, 3 measures forfeited; Jane Rodger or Brookes, 199 Great Eastern Road, 5 weights, 10s or 3 days.

Glasgow Herald, Saturday 5th February 1881

Building Dispute

Shortly since William Lyon, builder in Glasgow presented a petition to the court asking authority to erect two tenements of shops and dwelling houses fronting Westmuir Street, Parkhead, on the same building line as the present building – viz. 21ft back from the centre of Westmuir Street.  Objections were lodged by the Master of Works, who maintains that the petitioner was bound to keep his proposed buildings 30ft back from the centre of the street.  The Dean of Guild (Sir James Bell) has now issued his judgement repelling the objections, and finding the Master of Works liable in expenses.  In a note the Dean says – ‘The petitioner is owner of a steading of ground at the corner of Westmuir Street and Baird Street (Crail Street), in the district of Parkhead and the City of Glasgow. There have been dwelling houses on the ground for at least 100 years.  These houses fronted Westmuir Street.  The petitioner proposes to take down these houses and to erect on the same building line in Westmuir Street, two four storey tenements of shops and dwelling houses.’  Westmuir Street was one of the Shotts turnpike roads regulated by, amongst other Acts, the Act 10 and 11 Vic. c.51, which is a public Act and to be judicially taken notice of.  Westmuir Street at the point in question was some time ago taken over by the City of Glasgow as a public street.  The Master of Works objects to the lining being granted, and points out that the proposed buildings will only be 21ft from the centre of Westmuir Street.  The petitioner admits the front building line of his proposed tenements will be only 21ft from the centre of Westmuir Street, but maintains he is entitled to build as he proposes.  There is no dispute between the parties as to the material facts, and the question between them depends upon the construction of the sections founded on by the Master of Works.’

Glasgow Herald, Thursday 8th June 1899

Public Meeting

Last night, a public meeting of the inhabitants of Parkhead, Westmuir and surrounding district, was held in the Beaming Room, Parkhead to consider the propriety of erecting a new hall by voluntary public subscription.  From statements made, it appears that as long as 30 years ago the necessity for new public halls was strongly felt in Parkhead and its neighbourhood, but no practical steps were taken.  A good deal of conversation took place with regard to the particular spot at which the hall would be erected, the feeling apparently being that mid-way between Parkhead and Camlachie would be most convenient for the district.

Glasgow Herald, Wednesday 22nd January 1868

Horse Burned to Death

Damage estimated at £1000 was caused by a fire which occurred early this morning in the premises at Carntyne Road, Parkhead, Glasgow, occupied by Messrs Lyon & McIntyre, washboard manufacturers.   Owing to the inflammable nature of the stock, the fire raged furiously, and a horse which was locked in the stable was burned to death before the firemen could venture to its assistance.  The premises have been entirely destroyed.

Edinburgh Evening News, Tuesday 17th March 1903

Minister Gets His Collar Felt

At Glasgow yesterday, the Reverend Duncan Hunter Brodie, minister of Parkhead Parish Church, Glasgow, and his session clerk, and secretary, were charged with contravening the Lottery Act by carrying out a scheme at their church bazaar by which, for the sum of a penny, juvenile members, by placing their names opposite a particular second on a watch valued at £20, would be declared its winner.  All three were fined the nominal sum of five shillings.

Manchester Courier, Wednesday 9th January 1907

Explosives Find

In the Parkhead district of Glasgow deposits of explosives totalling 6cwt. have been found in back courts and dustbins.

Tamworth Herald, Saturday 25th February 1922

Brutal Murder

The Glasgow Police discovered at a late hour on Wednesday night the dead body of a Mrs King, lying in her house at 397 New Road (later Duke Street), Camlachie, a suburb of Glasgow.  There were seven severe wounds upon the corpse which, together with the bed upon which it lay, was covered with blood. The husband of the deceased and John King, Agnes Currie and Bryce Currie have been arrested on suspicion of causing the woman’s death.

Worcestershire Chronicle, Saturday 11th February 1888

Murder Charge

James Milligan Gray was at the Glasgow Eastern Police Court yesterday to appear before the Sheriff on a charge of murdering John Donaldson (26) of Salamanca Street, Glasgow, a former member of Kilsyth Rangers and Bristol City Football Club.  It is alleged Donaldson was stabbed in the back with a knife or similar weapon in a disturbance in the Parkhead district on February 22nd in consequence of which he died.  The disturbance is alleged to have taken place in a billiard room in Dechmont Street.’

Western Daily Press, Thursday 2nd March 1939

Murder Charge

Joseph Coutts (19) appeared on petition at Glasgow Sheriff Court yesterday, charged with the murder of John Bryce (23), 418 Westmuir Street, Parkhead, Glasgow, by stabbing him with a knife.  Bryce was found lying on waste ground near Crail Street on Wednesday 16th March.’

Glasgow Herald, 18th March 1966

Boiler Explosion

A few minutes before seven o’clock on Tuesday morning, a terrific boiler explosion attended with most disastrous results to life and property occurred in the well known iron works of Messrs Rigby and Beardmore, situated at Parkhead.  These works are perhaps the most extensive of their kind in Scotland and give employment in various departments to between 600 and 700 men.  They cover a vast space of ground in parallelogram form bounded by Duke Street on the north, New Road on the east, and Great Eastern Road on the south.  From slackness experienced lately in the receipt of orders, the works had not been doing much since the holidays, but on Monday the works boiler was doing duty, and at six p.m. was placed in charge of a young man named John Tennant, for the night shift.  So far as is known, Tennant attended to his work in the usual way, and all went well until five or ten minutes before seven on Tuesday morning, when the boiler exploded with frightful violence, ascending like a rocket straight into the air for upwards of 300 feet, and falling again directly on its bed with a tremendous crash.  As the necessary consequence of such a disaster, of course steam and boiling water were scattered in clouds and showers all around; the force of the explosion blew up portions of the roof, and otherwise destroyed the sheds in the vicinity, but from the construction of the boiler, and its being simply seated on level brick work without being in any way surrounded, few or no bricks were sent flying over the work, to injure property or kill or maim workmen.  Still the damage done to the buildings and machinery, and the loss of life and injury to limb, has been very great.  The shed containing the hammer and boiler has been to a great extent wrecked, and the one adjoining, the roof being continuous has not escaped.  A store immediately opposite, on the Duke Street side, had its front wall driven in, and its roof blown down, while a building adjacent, used as a temporary pay office, has suffered serious damage.

When the confusion caused by such a disastrous and unexpected event had a little subsided, and the cloud of steam had been dissipated, search was made for the killed and wounded, of whom no doubt was entertained, there must have been a great number.  It was found that three persons had been killed; Archibald Ross, a forge man, William Purdie, a hammerman, and James Paterson, a bricklayer’s boy.  Ross and Purdie were married men, we are informed and leave widows and three or four children each.  Six labourers respectively named David Wilkie, Peter Purdie, Adam saltcoats, George Aitken, William Graham and Andrew Harewood and the gate-boy were discovered to be so seriously injured in miscellaneous ways, by scalding, cuts and bruises, as to render their removal to the Infirmary advisable, and thither they were conveyed accordingly.  William Hendry, a ball-furnaceman, and James Muir, a boy, were also sufferers, but not to such an extent as to incapacitate them from walking to their homes in the neighbourhood of the work, where we may remark all the persons we have enumerated resided.  Others are believed to have been slightly touched by falling fragments but their cases are not worth recording. Work was stopped for the day throughout the Forge immediately after the accident.  In due season, a strict investigation will doubtless be made, which may bring to light circumstances connected with the explosion at present unknown.’

Dundee Courier, Wednesday 22nd August 1866

Successful Inauguration

This week has witnessed a most successful inauguration of steel making at Parkhead. In the beginning of May last the proprietors of Parkhead Forge foreseeing that steel was in all likelihood to supersede iron in many branches of trade, commenced the erection of furnaces for the casting of steel, together with the necessary machinery for hammering and rolling into plates etc.  Several casts have now been made with the most complete success, and the cast steel is one of the best quality, as it can be bent in all directions, like a tin plate, without exhibiting the slightest fracture.  The proprietors are highly satisfied with the experiments, and there can be no doubt that it will stimulate other innovators to inaugurate the same branch of trade, and offer honest competition to the English makers.

Glasgow Herald, Wednesday 27th August 1879

Molten Metal Explosion

Last night, whilst a steel shaft, weighing about twenty four tons, was being cast in the Parkhead Forge of Messrs Beardmore, Glasgow, the molten metal exploded as many persons were witnessing perhaps the largest casting in Scotland.  No fewer than eight were injured.  John Downes, foreman, was severely burned, and while trying to save himself jumped into a pit, sustaining internal injuries.  He was removed to the Infirmary and is not expected to survive.  The other seven persons were either bruised or burned by flying metal, but their cases are not so serious.’

Shields Daily Gazette, Wednesday 27th February 1884

Contract Secured

Messrs Beardmore & Co., Parkhead, have secured the contest for the armoured plates for the battleship Implaccable, to be built at Devonport.  The engines for the other battleships of this class are expected to be placed in a day or two.’

Evening Telegraph, Friday 29th July 1898

Man Crushed by Armoured Plate Accident

Late last night while a band of steel workers were engaged rolling an armoured plate weighing seventeen tons, within Parkhead Forge, near Glasgow, the plate slipped and crushed one of the men into a perfect jelly.  As he was not recognisable his name cannot be given.  Some others were also injured, one seriously.  The Parkhead Forge is owned by William Beardmore & Co. The armour plates were for the British Navy.’

Dundee Courier, Tuesday 18th April 1899

Machine Shop Fatality

A shocking fatality occurred in Parkhead Forge, Glasgow, this morning, by which an employee named William Braidwood (52) met his death under curious circumstances.  Braidwood was passing a shearing machine, on which a huge armour plate was being dressed, when a heavy splinter shot through the air with terrific velocity.  The weighty projectile struck him on the side of the head, inflicting a fearful gash, and fracturing his skull.  The poor fellow fell as if shot, and died where he lay.’

Edinburgh Evening News, Thursday 27th February 1902


Mr Churchill’s Tour: The Admiralty yacht Enchantress arrived at Greenock dock yesterday with Mr Churchill and party.  The First Lord, inspected the shipbuilding yards of the upper reaches of the Clyde, and subsequently visited the Royal Navy Torpedo Factory at Greenock.  The First Lord also visited Fairfield Shipbuilding Yard, Govan, and Parkhead, where he had luncheon with Messrs. Beardmore.

Manchester Courier, Tuesday 16th September 1913

Alarming Fire

An alarming fire occurred yesterday in the gas producing chamber at Parkhead Forge, Glasgow.  Several thousand pounds of damage was done, and 5000 workers were temporarily out of work.

Western Daily Press, Wednesday 6th May 1914

Molten Lead Explosion

Eight men have been injured through an explosion of molten lead at Beardmore’s Works, Parkhead.  Five were conveyed to the infirmary.’

Western Daily Press, Tuesday 13th April 1915

Labour Dispute

Beardmore’s Forge, Parkhead, Glasgow, known as ‘Scotland’s arsenal’, is in the throes of a labour dispute.  At noon today 2000 engineers ceased work in support of their claim of 1d an hour.  The decided through their shop stewards committee at a meeting on Thursday to take this action on their claim, 15 days notice which expired today.  As Monday is a holiday the full effect of the strike will not become apparent until Tuesday.  On Tuesday morning a mass meeting of the men involved will be held at the Camlachie Institute.’

Nottingham Evening Post, Saturday 27th March 1937

Too Cold To Work

Men and boys who called a strike in the gun section of Messrs William Beardmore’s Parkhead Forge, Glasgow on Tuesday, declaring that they were too cold to work, were back at their benches yesterday after a temporary failure of the heating apparatus had been adjusted.

Hull Daily Mail, Thursday 9th December 1937


Thomas Oakes (28), 33 Heron Street, Bridgeton, Glasgow was killed yesterday when he fell 65ft from a scaffold at Beardmore’s Forge, Parkhead.  Oakes who was employed by a Glasgow firm of painters was painting the inside of a roof when a rope broke and the scaffold gave way.

Glasgow Herald, 30th January 1959

Drowning Tradgedy

A drowning fatality occurred at Saltcoats on Saturday evening.   Four locals spotted a man in the water and lost sight of him.  They later found clothing on the beach, which contained a sum of money, a knife and the return half of a weekend ticket from Glasgow.  The clothing was later identified as belonging to John Gilmour, general jobber, 133 Westmuir Street, Parkhead, Glasgow.  He had come from Glasgow to Tollcross on Saturday, and his wife called at the Police Station to report that he was missing, and identified the clothing’

Evening Telegraph, Monday 7th August 1899


Archibald Hay, lately farmer, dairyman and general dealer, Belvidere, Parkhead, near Camlachie, Glasgow, and now residing in Glasgow, as an individual and as partner of the late firm of Wm. & Archibald Hay, farmers, dairymen and general dealers at Belvidere aforesaid – Creditors meet in Mr Shearer’s Temperance Hotel, Queen Street, Glasgow, 6th November, two o’clock.

Caledonian Mercury, Thursday 26th October 1854

For Sale

Growing Potatoes for Sale at Parkhead:  On Saturday 28th August 1858: To be sold by Public Roup at Parkhead, belonging to Mr. John Barclay.  About three acres of potatoes, Walkers earlies.  A crop not excelled in the District either for abundance or fine to eat.  To be put up in lots to suit Purchasers, and the usual credit given.  Sale to commence at six o’clock Evening.  Wm Gillespie, Auctioneers.

Falkirk Herald, Thursday 26th August 1858

For Sale

James Angus, Parkhead, Glasgow (est. 1851) for Bread Vans, Brewers Drays, Butchers Vans, Chapel Carts, Milk Carts, Cattle Floats, Street Watering Carts, Hay Wagons, Lorries, Spring Vans – Prices on Application’

Falkirk Herald, Saturday 13th June 1896

Schoolboy Had 3 ‘Live’ Detonators in Pocket

Technical teacher Mr Ian Brown blinked when one of his pupils produced a ‘live’ detonator from his pocket during lessons today at Riverside Senior Secondary School, Glasgow. Mr. Brown recognised the small metal disc immediately and asked the boy to let him see it. Then it was discovered the boy had two other detonators in his pocket. Mr. Brown took them to the headmaster, who called the police. A patrol car called at the school in Springfield Road, Parkhead and police interviewed two other boys before taking the detonators away. ‘I think Mr Brown deserves credit for spotting the detonators’ said the headmaster ‘The boy only took it out of his pocket for a second and the teacher recognised it at a glimpse. The boy did not know what they were and he told the police another boy gave them to him. The police are continuing their enquiries.’

Evening Times, Tuesday 1st February 1966

Corned Mutton

At Glasgow Sheriff Court yesterday Mary Wilson, dairykeeper and provision merchant, 183 Westmuir Street, was found guilty of serving a customer after eight o’clock with 1/4lb. of corned mutton. Sheriff Lee, referring to the accused’s statement that the mutton was ordered before eight o’clock, said the only provision in the Act for delivery after eight o’clock was where the person served was on the premises before eight o’clock, and could remain until served, and thus obtain delivery.

Glasgow Herald, 10th June 1913


‘Yesterday morning a married woman was deliberately murdered in the east end of Glasgow. The deceased who was named as Catherine Brown or Marshall, was 43 years of age and was the wife of John Marshall, coach painter, 28 Auburn Place, Parkhead. She was standing at midnight talking to a man at the close mouth there, and began to sing ‘who will hold the horses head, whoa, whoa, whoa’, when a railway fireman named John Kitchen, 23 years of age, came forward and, after joining in the chorus for a minute, drew a revolver from his pocket, and, remarking ‘That’s for you, whoa’, fired at Mrs Marshall. The shot entered below her left eye, and she dropped dead. Kitchen ran off, but was arrested at his lodgings at 11 Auburn Place. It is alleged that both the prisoner and the woman were slightly intoxicated is assigned for the dreadful deed. Kitchen has been brought before the magistrates and remanded.’

Manchester Courier, Thursday 19th November 1891


‘A woman named Catherine Brown or Marshall was shot dead in Parkhead, Glasgow on Wednesday morning by a railway fireman named Joseph Kitchen. The woman, who was the wife of a coach painter, was standing at the mouth of an alley in Old Edinburgh Road talking to a labourer named Geddes, and began singing. Kitchen came by at the time and asked where a certain man lived. Mrs. Brown said ‘I don’t know’ and continued singing. Kitchen stopped and joined the chorus of the song, but suddenly took a revolver from his pocket and without warning, shot the woman in the head. The bullet passed through the victim’s skull and she fell dead. Kitchen made off but was caught, and being brought to the Eastern Police Court, was remanded. Kitchen and the deceased had been drinking.’

Hampshire Advertiser, Saturday 21st November 1891


‘Several protesting women were ejected from a Parkhead (Glasgow) cinema last night, when Mr John McGovern MP, spoke on the Spanish situation.’

Hull Daily Mail, Monday 28th December 1936

4 thoughts on “Parkhead

  1. Lea Duncan

    I,m looking for a fire possible at 18 French street 1910 or 1911 in which my great grandmother Jemima Millen was killed at the age of 45 .

  2. Edna Ovens

    I am searching for information on two women hit and killed by a drunk driver in around June 1920. one of the women was my grandmother the other her sister in law .they were both pushing their babies in prams ,both babies survived. I am trying to find family members of my grandmother.

  3. sheenam

    To me this is very interesting as I grew up in Parkhead and I am presently working on My Family Tree.
    Many Thanks


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