Parkhead Public School
Parkhead School has a very long history; its history from establishment to closure spans over 100 years and the history to present day spans over 150 years.
The school has been referred to and listed under different names throughout the years.
In his book, Reminiscences of Parkhead, David Willox refers to a school in New Road, (now Duke Street) thus;
“We will now pass along Duke Street going north and starting from the Cross (Sheddens). Duke Street was then called New Road. Coming back on the east side there were two or three 2 storey buildings, one of which was a school called ‘Corkey’s School’, from the fact that the Schoolmaster, Mr. McAuley, was said to have a cork leg. He was said to be a splendid teacher, but rather severe as a disciplinarian. I was not long under him. One could not get learning for nothing in those days any more than you can now.”
The name and location given for this school varied. In the 1849-1850 & 1850-1851 Glasgow PO Directories the information given was J. B. Macaulay, teacher Parkhead Model Seminary, Great Eastern Road. In the 1851-1852 through to the 1857-1858 Glasgow PO Directies the information given is Barony Parochial School, 36 New Road (the one Willox referred to) and the teacher was J. B. Macaulay whose house was given as Burgher Street.
James McAulay lost control of the school in 1857 and the Landlord, a Mr. Andrew Paterson entered into a lease with the Barony Kirk Session for the School Rooms. It is about then that it is believed the School came to be known as Parkhead Sessional School.
In the 1862-1863 Glasgow PO Directory, Mr. James Garven is shown as teacher of Parkhead Sessional School and his house address is given as 144 Great Hamilton Street.
The two School Buildings still standing today in Westmuir Street were once two separate Schools. The most westerly building (nearest Parkhead Cross) was opened on Monday 3rd August 1868 and was known as Barony Sessional School or Parkhead Barony Sessional School and received a donation from the Fergusson Bequest Fund towards construction.
The easterly build was constructed in 1878 and formally opened on Thursday 16 January 1879 and the Scholars and Staff were transferred on Monday 20 January 1879.
The two buildings were adjoined by a covered walkway.
Extracts from Barony Parish Educational Committee
Wednesday 27 February 1856
At Glasgow in the Religious Institution Rooms
At a meeting of the Sub Committee on Education of the Parochial Board Barony Parish
Pauper Education Committee
A conversation then ensued with reference to Pauper Education throughout the Parish; ultimately the following information was requested by Rev. N. McLeod and it was agreed that the whole question should be carefully considered at an early meeting viz;
- Return showing the number of children attending the Parochial Board Schools at Parkhead and Green Street, Calton for the last year, half-year, and quarter
Classified as follows
i) Orphans on the poor Roll
ii) Deserted Children on the poor Roll
iii) Children of Parents on the poor Roll
iv) Children of Parents not on Roll
v) Children whose school fees are paid for.
2. Returns showing the degree of regularity in attendance at schools of the children at each of the above classes for year, half-year, and quarter.
The meeting then adjourned.
Friday 13 June 1856
At Glasgow in the Board Rooms, College Street
At a meeting of the Education Committee of the Barony Parochial Board
Thereafter the Committee then proceeded to Parkhead School and hearing the pupils examined were very much satisfied with their progress which reflects great credit on their teachers.
Tuesday 28 October 1856
At Glasgow in the Religious Institution Rooms
At a meeting of the Sub Committee on Education of the Parochial Board Barony Parish
The meeting then took into consideration the state of Education in the Calton and Parkhead Schools and were of opinion that this matter ought to be taken with serious consideration of the Board with the view of attaining a reform of the System otherwise that the Schools be dispersed with altogether and recommend that a Sub Committee be appointed for that purpose.
Thursday 19 February 1857
At Glasgow in the Board Rooms, College Street
At a meeting of the Committee on Education of the Parochial Board Barony Parish
William Graham, Thomas Nimmo, John Moore, James Raeburn, John Fulton.
Mr. Raeburn in the Chair
The Chairman states that the meeting has been called to take into consideration the expense of the Board Schools in Green Street and Parkhead and the attendances at these Schools and for that purpose he has instructed the Interim Inspector to procure the following returns;
Statement of the average number of children attending Parkhead School from 15 May 1855:
Average attendance for year ending 15 May 1856 = 185
Maximum attendance for year ending 15 May 1856 = 215
Average attendance at present = 167
Maximum attendance at present = 177
Total number on Roll at present = 208
New entrants from 6 January 1857 = 46
Statement of Expenses Connected with the Boards School at Parkhead 1st May 1855 to 15th May 1856;
Books & Stationery
Coals & Gas
Parkhead |
Average expense per head about 17/- |
19 May 1855 Received from Parkhead School Fees £7.0.0 |
The meeting appoint the following gentlemen a Sub-Committee for the purpose of bringing up a Report as to the propriety of closing those Schools viz;
Messrs. Raeburn, Convener, Graham, Nimmo, Fulton
The meeting then adjourns.
Monday 2 March 1857
At Glasgow within the Board Rooms, College Street
At a meeting of the Committee on Education of the Parochial Board of Barony Parish
Monday 23 February 1857
Your reporters of this date met and visited the Board Schools at Parkhead and Calton and found 152 attending Parkhead School and 141 attending Calton School – In both Schools there are a number of young children who should not be in any school and in Parkhead School your reporters were informed that about 50 scholars paid or were entitled to pay School Fees.
The expense of the Schools as you are aware is about £300 per annum.
Taking into consideration the posts above stated and being of opinion that the Children would be better educated and improved when associated with other children and that there would be a large saving of expense to the Board – Your reporters are clearly of opinion that those schools should be dispersed with altogether and the children drafted to other schools – to take effect from Whitsunday next
Reported by and signed James Raeburn.
Mr Raeburn moved approval of the Report Seconded by Mr. Walker – and which was put to the meeting and agreed to unanimously.
The meeting then adjourned.
Wednesday 25 March 1857
At Glasgow within the Board Rooms, College Street
At a meeting of the Committee on Education of the Parochial Board of Barony Parish
Mr. Raeburn stated that the meeting had been called in consequence of a report that Mr. McAulay had been drawing School Fees and had not accounted for these. That he had written Mr. McAulay to give in a Statement of school fees drawn by him which had accordingly been done.
Abstract Statement of the Fees drawn in Parkhead School from 1st September 1854 to 1st February 1857
A table of drawings is inserted here and amounted to a total of £17.9.3
Application by Mr. McAulay
The following application was submitted and read viz;
Parkhead 20 March 1857.
Dear Sir,
I must respectfully remind you that I formally made a verbal application for the Fees, as an increase to my salary and beg again review to my request trusting it may meet with your approbation.
I may add, that the numbers attending my school house range from 160 to 250 that I was promised an addition to my salary, or the fees if I filled the school. That my salary has continued the same these eight years past, but that my labour has greatly increased – that the paying children give me a great amount of extra labour, making out their accounts, collecting fees and keeping books for which I have received no extra remuneration.
Nearly nine years having elapsed since the commencement of my service I trust that I have some slight claims on your kindness and consideration and at the same time, that my conduct has earned the most envious desire to devote my best energies to the service of the Board, and that, if my services have not realized your expectations, my short comings have arisen, more from an excess of labour, than from a deficiency of zeal.
I beg to solicit a general Certificate of Character, qualification etc., from the Education Committee.
I have the honour to be;
Dear Sir,
Your most obedient servant,
James McAulay
James Raeburn Esq.,
34 St. Enoch Square,
The meeting refuse the application and direct the Interim Inspector to apply to Mr. McAulay for payment of the Balance in his hands.
The meeting agree that, in Mr. McAulay’s favour, a certificate be drawn up stating the length of time he has taught the Parkhead School and assigning the reason why the school is given up and that this committee have nothing to report unfavourable of his qualifications.
The following Sub Committee was appointed to attend to getting the school fittings disposed of and getting the school off the Boards hands viz;
Messrs. Raeburn, Fulton, Nimmo, Graham.
Thursday 30 July 1857
At Glasgow within the Board Rooms, 14 College Street
At a meeting of the Committee on Education of the Parochial Board of Barony Parish
Present; Messrs. Graham, Nimmo, Walker, Fulton
Mr. Graham in the Chair
The Chairman intimated that the meeting had been called to receive the following report;
Report by the Sub Committee appointed by the Education Committee on 23rd March last for the purpose of getting the school fittings in the Parkhead and Green Street Schools disposed of and getting those schools off the Boards hands.
In reporting the steps taken by your sub Committee in getting those schools off the Boards hands they have to state with regard;
In accordance with the resolution of the Board to shut up the Schools, Instruction was made to Mr. Andrew Paterson, Landlord of the School Parkhead of this date (Thursday 12 March 1857) that it would be given up as at Whitsunday last – To this intimation Mr. Paterson (inter alia) replied of this date (Thursday 2 April 1857) “The Board is aware that the school rooms at Parkhead are taken in a lease for 15 years and of course the Board is bound to fulfil their part of the lease as any other Tenant.” Of this date (Friday 3 April 1857) the Interim Inspector as instructed by the Sub Convener applied to Mr. Paterson for production of the lease or a copy of it and as instructed by a meeting of your Sub Committee held of this date he again applied for production of the lease referred to.
At the meeting Excerpts from the minutes were produced showing that the Landlord and the Board contemplated entering into a lease and from and excerpt from Messrs. Gordon & Muck Books it appears that a lease was drawn up for nineteen years and that the same was executed by Mr. Tenant, the then Chairman of the Board in January 1857.
Of this date (Thursday 23 April 1857) Mr. Paterson, in reply to the two communications above referred to stated “ I beg to refer you to the Law Agents employed by the late Inspector Mr, Muck to draw the Deed, which they accordingly did – got executed – and retained and are bound to exhibit it to all concerned.”
The Interim Inspector of this date (Monday 27 April 1857) accordingly applied to Mr. Gordon, the only remaining Partner of Gordon & Muck requesting him to produce the lease without delay.
At a meeting of your Sub Committee of this date (Friday 8 may 1857) the Interim Inspector was instructed to write Mr. Paterson again to produce the lease otherways the Board would hold they were not bound by a lease and to renew the request to Mr. Gordon.
Of this date (Wednesday 13 May 1857) the Interim Inspector did so.
Of this date (Monday 18 May 1857) Mr. Gordon replied in these terms; I beg to answer you that the lease is not in my custody and of this date (Wednesday 20 May 1857) a copy of that letter was sent to Mr. Paterson.
It will thus be observed that while on the one hand a lease is alleged to be in existence it does not appear the lease can be got and no evidence is adduced as to its duration tenor or contents and the matter as between the Landlord and Board still rests on this unsatisfactory footing.
Your Sub Committee have to report however that this School may have been taken off the hands of the Board for the year from Whitsunday 1857 to Whitsunday 1858 by the Barony Kirk Session at the same rents at which the Board paid and no loss will accrue for this year missive offer and acceptance is herewith produced.
It was intimated to the meeting that Mr. Andrew Paterson and the Barony Kirk Session had entered into a lease of the School Rooms, Parkhead and that a request had been made to get a party to sign the lease on behalf of the Parochial Board renouncing the lease referred to in the Report. The meeting authorise Mr. Graham to sign the lease on behalf of the Parochial Board.
The meeting unanimously agree to sell the school fittings in Parkhead School to the Barony Kirk Session according to Inventory annexed for Twelve Pounds, and Mr. Horne as specially authorised by the Kirk Session consents to purchase the school fittings at the price fixed.
An account from Mr. McAulay for teaching the pauper children in Parkhead School for the month from 28th May to 27th June 1857 amounting to Two pounds 13/4 was unanimously agreed to be paid.
The meeting then separated.
Inventory of School furniture and fittings was then listed.
Tuesday 23 February 1858
At Glasgow within the Board Rooms, 14 College Street
At a meeting of the Committee on Education of the Parochial Board of Barony Parish
Messrs. Raeburn, Playfair, Nimmo, Horne.
The meeting was called in relation to the Education of Pauper Children.
Parkhead School was noted as having 34 children under Mr. Buchanan.
Monday 5 October 1863
At Glasgow and within the Barony Board Rooms, 14 College Street
At a Meeting of the Education Committee, Parochial Board of Barony Parish
Messrs. Donaldson, Murdoch, Rodgers, McEwan, Duncan, McAulay
Mr. Donaldson in the Chair
Report as to visitation to Schools
Your committee consisting of Reverend Mr. Rodgers, Messrs. Murdoch and McEwan appointed to visit the schools at Parkhead, Tollcross, Shettleston, Eastmuir, Mount Vernon, Provanhall, Ruchazie, Millerston in which pauper children belonging to your Board are taught, beg to report that they made a careful inspection of the above schools on Friday 9th day of October 1863 and found as follows;
At Parkhead Sessional School in the Boys Department, 20 on roll, in regular attendance are all of fever. Peter Baston a peculiarly promising boy, 11 years of age wishes to become a pupil teacher. In the Girls Department 14 are all regular in attendance with exception of June McKenzie aged 12 years who is most irregular especially in the afternoon. June Miller is ill of Scarlet Fever and Margaret Paterson of Small Pox
The school is excellently taught in both departments.
Extracts from School Log Books
Log Book 1
1st February 1864 to 28th June 1901
Monday 1 February 1864: Classes remodelled for the New Code. On Roll 149
Tuesday 2 February 1864: Attendance good
Wednesday 3 February 1864: Work of school going on satisfactorily.
Thursday 4 February 1864: Punished some boys for being late
Friday 5 February 1864: Gave the boys and girls a music lesson today for half an hour at conclusion of school work. Revision of week’s lessons. Elocution lesson by Mr. Moffat
The above week is typical of the entries in the log books with not much of note or interest that reveals much to garner the conditions and history at the time.
Wednesday 10 February 1864: Intimated to scholars that prizes would be given for the following subjects, Punctuality, for excellence in the preparation of lessons, Written Exercises done at home, Writing and for the best lessons
Thursday 18 February 1864: Some boys kept in for badly said lessons
Tuesday 23 February 1864: Read a paragraph from a newspaper for dictation
Wednesday 24 February 1864: For examination of School by Mr. Jack
Friday 26 February 1864: Holiday on account of Examination
Friday 4 March 1864: An examination paper along with other exercises occupied the greater part of the day with the Senior classes
Monday 14 March 1864: Three classes entered new books today; one into the Irish No. 3, another into the SSBA No. 3, and the third into Nelson’s 2nd primer.
Friday 18 March 1864: Attendance, as is usual on Fridays not so good as on other days of the week
Thursday 24 March 1864: Murray and Blackadder still persisting in sitting at work; have been repeatedly been told about it
Monday 28 March 1864: Bible lesson not well said. Boys kept in for it
Thursday 31March 1864: Read paragraph out of newspaper as a dictation exercise for senior classes
Monday 18 April 1864: Murray and Blackadder remained away from school today without leave
Friday 22 April 1864:
Received Govt. Report of last examination along with grants to the school
The following is a summary of the Report of Her Majesty’s Inspector.
(Male) – The school has made very considerable progress during the year. The number working to dictation is much greater. The Arithmetic is better and more general; the reading, especially in the higher classes, generally improved. A special teacher of elocution gives the highest class lessons once a week, and with the best effect.
(Female) – The work of the school has improved both in quantity and quality in the past year.
Friday 29 April 1864
Mrs. Reeve exhibited to the school today her collection of curiosities in Natural History
Tuesday 3 May 1864: Murray and Blackadder having left, Mr. Frame was engaged as assistant and entered upon his duties today.
Wednesday 25 May 1864: Outside of school decorated with ever-greens by the children on account of the Queen’s birthday.
Friday 27 May 1864: Attendance still small on account of the Removals
Friday 24 June 1864: Prizes awarded today to the most diligent pupils. School closed for the Midsummer Holidays till 1 August.
Friday 2 September 1864: Holiday on account of Flower Show in the school
Monday 5 September 1864: Several former pupils re-entered school today
Tuesday 11 October 1864: Schedule of Mr. Frame’s appointment filled up and sent to Downing Street
Wednesday 19 October 1864: School closed today till 25th on account of the Fast
Monday 31 October 1864: Paid Mr. Frame half of Salary
Wednesday 11 January 1865: Sent for Absentees; found cause principally to be the want of proper clothing
Wednesday 1 February 1865: Commended a boy for honesty in delivering a purse he had found
Tuesday 21 February 1865: Some of the children absent owing to the inclemency of the season; Attendance good, 167 present
Friday 24 February 1865: Mr. Mowat left school today altogether. Mr Frame left also.
Wednesday 2 August 1865: Intimated that Prizes should be given at the end of the session now begun, in the following Subjects; 1) Preparation of Lessons 2) Written Exercises (home), 3)Letter Writing, 4)Regular Attendance, 5)Writing, 6)Essays, 7)Number and position in Class
Friday 18 August 1865: Highest attendance since beginning of session; Number present 171
Wednesday 25 October 1865: School closed today till Tuesday first on account of the Sacrament
Friday 23 February 1866: Government examination by H.M. Inspector J. Gordon assisted by Mr. Calder
Friday 23 March 1866:
The following is a summary of the Inspectors Report upon the School;
Day School
The standard examinations give a very fair account of the results; and the same may be said of those on Religious Knowledge, Grammar, and Geography.
Night School
Inspected on the 26th of February: – Present 36 Male Pupils. In the standard examinations they show a creditable degree of progress. Their instruction is limited to the subjects of the standards which are very competently taught by Mr. Smith a Certificated Teacher and Mr. Fraser employed as an assistant, for a very limited time in the Day School.
James Anderson
Thursday 14 March 1867
Received Government reports of Day & Night classes, of which the following is a copy.
9 March 1867
Boys: – All of the 43 who had made the attendances and were not entered in the schedule have left the school, except 6 unprepared. Failures in Standard Examinations 13%, a considerable improvement since last inspection. In the extra subjects there is an improvement also of both methods and results.
In the Religious Instruction there is much good practice of oral and written abstracts of Scripture Biographics.
Several classes make a very fair appearance in Grammar and Geography, and one class in the advanced rules of Arithmetic.
When the new accommodation is provided, as it probably will be, the state of progress will show still better the master’s respectable talents and industry.
Night School inspected 25 February 1867. Present 31 males. Teachers (1) Alex Mclaren Young now in the fifth year of his studies for the church at Glasgow University, (2) Alexander Fraser who acted as assistant in the Parkhead Day School for two years. Both quite competent to their duties here.
Monday 6 April 1868
The following is a summary of the inspection on the school.
March 1868
All that made the attendance and all not included in the schedule have left the school. Failures in standard examination 16%. This large amount of defect has evidently has been owing in a great degree to the crowded state of the schoolroom, a disadvantage about to end by the transference of the school to the new building now nearly completed. In the meantime I commend the intelligent style of the instruction in the catechism.
Wednesday 17 June 1868: School closed at midday for the midsummer holidays till 3 August.
Monday 3 August 1868: New School opened today. Number present, 344. Miss McIntyre commenced her duties as mistress in room of Miss Smith resigned.
Tuesday 13 April 1869
Received Government Report for past year last night of which the following is a copy
Glasgow Parkhead Barony Sessional School.
The school entered the excellent premises in the month of August last; and the two schools now occupying different portions of the large tripartite apartment; the managers have used the one form lX for both. The Mistress besides having charge of the industrial work, prepares for the first and second Standards – the marker for the rest.
Of the 79 not included in the Examination Schedule, all are said to have left the school.
The failures in standard examinations amount to 13%, owing, doublers, in great part to the crowded state of the former apartments the effect of which may now be expected soon to disappear. The best feature of Mr. Garven’s part of the school work is with his diligence in conducting the oral and written abstracts of his lessons.
An obligation was made to the trustees of the Ferguson Bequest Fund for the donation of £100 pounds towards the costs (approx. £1000) of the erected school house.
The school house was situated on the north side of the Turnpike Road from Glasgow to Edinburgh and is part of the twenty one shilling and four penny land of Westmuir of Shettleston, formerly belonging to Andrew Scott of Kenmuir, containing two thousand and eighty square yards and eight feet or thereby Imperial Standard measure and lying within the Barony Parish of Glasgow and shire of Lanark
Tuesday 22 February 1870
Copy of report for 1870
Generally the school is faithfully and well conducted. The presentation is 63%, of these only 19% in the upper standards; but the children are of a very poor class. There is a considerable of failures in Dictation and in the Arithmetic of the two lower Standards.
Thursday 28 March 1872
Received Government Report on last Inspection with grants amounting to £137-11-8
The following is a copy of the report.
The school generally is in good working order. The presentation is good, on the pass there is considerable weakness in the First Standard and in the Dictation in the Third and Fourth Standards. Good Map Drawing, Geography, History, Composition and Industrial Work. Grammar only fair.
My Lords, in consideration of the creditable Examination passed by E. Ashforth, of her age, and of her good character and usefulness as a Teacher, are willing that she should be regarded as a Pupil Teacher of the third year from the first day of February last.
Friday 20 February 1874
Copy of Government Report for 1873
Ave attendance for past year
Qual for examination
Number Presented
No. passed on examination in
Reading Writing Arithmetic
Generally the school is in good working order; considerable weakness in Dictation and the Arithmetic of the first Standard; very fair composition; good Geography; fair Grammar; pretty good History. In consideration of the creditable examination which Archibald Ross has passed of his age, good character and usefulness as a Teacher, My Lords are willing that he should be regarded as a pupil teacher of the fourth year from the first of February 1873.
Miss Halladay will shortly receive her Certificate.
Monday 20 April 1874
Staff at School
Certified Teachers: – James Garven, Susan Hallaway, Benjamin Huthchison
Pupil Teachers: – Elizabeth Ashfoth (4yr), Helen Lees (4yr), Ann Barton (2yr), Marion Rankin (1yr), Mrs. McAdam (4yr), Archibald Ross (4yr), Robert Henderson (2yr).
Friday 12 June 1874
Received Government Report today of which the following is a copy.
Ave attendance for past year
Qual for examination
Number Presented
No. passed on examination in
Reading Writing Arithmetic
The Standard work was well done generally speaking except that the Fourth Standard showed a weakness in Dictation. Grammar, Geography and History are well attended to. Exercises in Composition being out the intelligence of the children. Many capital specimens were written in the presence of the inspector. Discipline is well maintained.
My Lords observe that the average attendance is considerably in excess of the limit laid down by Article 17 (c) S.C. It is hoped that this overcrowding will be only temporary.
Monday 19 April 1875
Staff at School
Certified Teachers: – James Garven, Susan Hallaway, Benjamin Huthchison
Pupil Teachers: – Elizabeth Ashfoth, Helen Lees, Mrs. McAdam, Archibald Ross, – Pupil Teachers went to Normal School on 15 December 1874.
Pupil Teachers: – Ann Barton end of 3rd year, Marion Rankin end of 2nd year, Robert Henderson end of 3rd year, May Ashforth end of 2nd year.
Monday 2 August 1875
Re-opened today; number present 351
The following is a copy of the Government Report
24 June 1875
The school is faithfully taught and considering the class of children that have to be dealt with, very fair results are produced. There is considerable weakness in the first Standard, and general intelligence requires to be more cultivated throughout. History and Geography are fairly good. Room for improvement in Grammar in the higher classes
Very good specimens of Industrial Work were shown.
Monday 8 November 1875
Boys |
Girls |
Total |
Standard I
62 |
Standard II
130 |
Standard III |
Standard IV |
Standard V |
Wednesday 22 December 1875: School visited today by Messers. Rutherford and Dunn of the Barony Kirk Session.
Friday 5 April 1876
Visit from members of Barony Kirk Session (Reverend D. Lang & Jas. A. Campbell Esq.
Parkhead Sessional School Inspection, 10 & 11 April 1876 – A. R. Anderson HM Inspector of Schools
Friday 9 June 1876:
Received Government Report on Examination held in April last, the following is a copy of report;
Glasgow Parkhead Barony Sessional School
The school made upon the whole but a moderate appearance. Writing is weak in the first Standard and Dictation in the second and third. In Arithmetic forty three failures occur in the first standard and no passes were attained in this subject in the Sixth. General intelligence has been well developed in the third Standard but is not good in the second. Better results in this respect would be obtained if simpler and more uniform class books were employed. In the class from which the fourth Standard was drawn and in which thirty one pupils were examined three different books were used to master the same period of history. The school is greatly overcrowded and this overcrowding has in the lower Standards seriously affected the efficiency of the work.
My Lords trust that measures will at once be taken to prevent overcrowding (Article 17 (c) ). A deduction of one tenth has been ordered under Article 32 (13) for faults of instruction in the first and second Standards.
R. Henderson, R. Hamilton, A. Barton and M. Ashforth have passed well and P. Finlayson, M. Reid, M. Rankin, and M. Niven have passed fairly under Article 19 (e) but R. Henderson must attend to Arithmetic and M. Reid to Geography.
Thursday 19 October 1876: Holiday today on account of the visit of the Prince and Princess of Wales to Glasgow
Wednesday 25 October 1876: Closed today till Monday first on account of Fast
Monday 2 April 1877: The school has been transferred, as from the 1st instant, to the School Board, in terms of the Education (Scotland) Act.
Monday 23 April 1877: Government Inspection commenced today. Mr. Calder, HMI
Monday 4 June 1877:
Received Government report today of which the following is a copy;
Friday 1 June 1877
The discipline and order are both good and the whole of the work of the school has been very faithfully performed.
The Standard work is well done, with the exception of the Arithmetic of the fourth Standard which is weak.
The upper classes made a very creditable appearance in History and Geography and the Intelligence, Grammar, Singing and Needlework are all good.
The accommodation is still too limited for the attendance, but the premises have been transferred to the Glasgow School Board and are to be greatly enlarged this summer.
R. Hamilton, M. Rankin and M. Ashforth have passed well, and P. Finlayson should allow to repetition.
I am to state that R. Henderson and A. Barton having been placed in the first class in the Midsummer Examination for Queen’s Scholarships are considered to have passed well the Examination required by Article 70 (e), and are therefore qualified to being a grant at the rate of 60/- each under Article 19 (e) to the school for the part of the year during which they served there.
M. Reid’s name has been removed from the register of pupil teachers serving in this school.
Tuesday 21 May 1878
Received Government Report on last examination of which the following is a copy;
A good pass is made in the Standard examination, and the grants for Grammar and Intelligence; History and Geography are very creditably earned. The Singing was very well done and good industrial work was shown by all the girls. Very good order is maintained, and with more space at command, I would expect the highest discipline grant to be deserved, but at present the premises are greatly overcrowded.
The infants are well taught.
A Supply of picture cards is needed for them. The three upper standards do well in Physical Geography and Domestic Economy; and the fifth and sixth Standards in Grammatical Analysis and Map Drawing.
M. Niven and A. Spiers have passed well and R. Hamilton fairly, but the last named pupil teacher should attend to History. I am to state that M. Rankin having been placed in the first class, and M. Ashforth and P. Finlayson in the second in the examination for Queen’s Scholarships, are considered to have passed the first well and the second and third fairly – the examination required by Article 73 (e), and are therefore qualified to bring grants at the rate of 60/- and 40/- under Article 19 to the school for the part of the year during which they served there.
Examination in Standards
Qual for examination
Number Presented
No. passed on examination in
Reading Writing Arithmetic
Monday 16 December 1878: Met in the old school and the several classes then marched in order onto their respective places in New School.
Friday 27 December 1878: Closed at Midday today for the New Year Holidays
Monday 6 January 1879: Reopened today after New Year Holidays; all staff present.
Monday 20 January 1879
The Scholars and Staff (Excepting Headmaster) of the New Road School (Parkhead No. 1) were transferred today to the New School.
The following is the complete Staff
James Garven, Head Master, Samuel M Murray, Assistant Head Master, Susan Halladay, Mistress, Elizabeth Ashforth, Assistant Mistress, Allison Rutherford, Assistant Mistress, Grace Gray, Assistant Mistress, Maggie Muldoon, Assistant Mistress, Helen B. Tyrie, Assistant Mistress, John McCallum, Assistant Master, Mary Niven, Pupil Teacher (PT), 5th year, Robert Hamilton, PT, 4th year, Ann Spiers, PT, 3rd year, Jessie Alexander, PT, 2nd year, Archibald McDonald, PT, 3rd year, Elizabeth J. Montgomery, PT4th year, Maggie Moir, PT, 5th year.
Friday 27 June 1879
Received Government report on the examination held in April last of which the following is a copy;
This large and admirably appointed school, the addition to which renders it virtually a new one, is being worked up under the judicious superintendence of Mr Garven to a state of thorough efficiency. Excellent discipline has been established; the moral tone appears to be throughout, genial and healthy, and the zeal and energy with which the teaching staff are devoting themselves to their duties have already produced satisfactory results.
I was particularly pleased to observe that an effort already attended with a large measure of success, is being made to cultivate a tasteful and expressive style of Reading. Good work has been undertaken in the Specific Subjects of Physical Geography and Domestic Economy. Mr Muray deserves a word of special commendation for the very exceptional skill and success with which he conducts the Senior Department.
R. Hamilton has passed well, and J Alexander and A Spiers fairly.
M. Niven having been placed in the second class in the examination for Queens Scholarship is considered to have passed fairly the examination required by Article 70 (c) and is therefore qualified to a grant of 40/- under Article 19 (e) to the school.
Mr. Murray, Miss Gray, Miss Ashforth, and Miss Rutherford will shortly receive their certificates.
Qual for examination |
Number Presented |
No. passed on examination in
Reading Writing Arithmetic
325 |
315 |
293 |
289 |
287 |
Thursday 9 August 1883
Received the summary of the Inspectors Report which reached the Board office on 6th July 1883; the following is a complete copy;
This large school under W. Robertson’s able and judicious superintendence exhibits throughout an entirely satisfactory state of efficiency. The pass work has been done with all but complete success. The grant under Articles 19 (c) and 2 for Grammar, Intelligence, Geography and History were very creditably earned. The Grammar of the fourth is very considerably in advance of the requirements of the code and the Geography and History of this standard were also especially good. Very good work has been done in a judiciously selected list of specific subjects. The Infant Department is admirably managed by Miss Thomson. Very good Singing. The Industrial Work is very well attended to , and deserves special praise.
H. Black, E. Ashforth and J. H. Hamilton have passed well, and J. Paterson fairly.
H. Wotherspoon’s name has been removed from the Register of Pupil Teachers serving in the School.
Mr. Moore will shortly receive his certificate.
Qual for examination |
Number Presented |
No. passed on examination in
Reading Writing Arithmetic
715 |
677 |
668 |
655 |
665 |
Thursday 14 August 1884
School Staff;
Headmaster: – John Robertson
Assist. Master(s); – Peter M. D. Andrews, John McCallum, George S. More, Peter Adam
Assist. Mistress (es): – Helen B. Tyrie, Jessie Kinloch, Jessie Thomson, Agnes Hay, Agnes Wilkinson, Janet McLean, Jessie Alexander, Emma Ashforth, Hugh Black
Pupil Teachers: – John Paterson (4th), Jane Hamilton (4th), Rebecca Ewing (2nd), Georgina McNaught (1st), Cora H. Pagan (1st).
Monday 17 May 1886
School Staff;
Headmaster: – William E. Addie
Second Master; – Peter M. D. Andrews
Assist. Master(s): – John McCallum, George S. More, Peter Adam
Assist. Mistress (es): – Helen B. Tyrie, Agnes Hay, Jane Thomson, Agnes Wilkinson, Jessie Alexander, Janet Aiken, Agnes Jane Chalmers, Jane Kirkwood,
Pupil Teachers: – Rebecca Ewing (4th), Georgina McNaught (3rd), Barbara McAllan (2nd), Thomas Nisbet (2nd), William R. Hamilton (1st), Mary J. Williams (1st).
Monday 21 March 1887
The drawing examination took place today when the following were examined in the various Standards
Boys |
Girls |
Total |
Standard I |
94 |
104 |
198 |
Standard II |
115 |
90 |
205 |
Standard III |
174 |
170 |
344 |
Standard IV |
83 |
64 |
147 |
Standard V |
28 |
27 |
55 |
Totals |
494 |
455 |
949 |
Friday 22 November 1889
Number of Scholars presented for examination at each age in the various Standards
Ages (complete) of pupils at presentation |
Standards |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
Total |
I |
– |
107 |
36 |
12 |
– |
– |
2 |
– |
– |
– |
– |
158 |
II |
– |
24 |
120 |
43 |
16 |
1 |
1 |
– |
– |
– |
– |
205 |
– |
– |
15 |
102 |
47 |
8 |
2 |
3 |
– |
– |
– |
177 |
IV |
– |
– |
– |
14 |
109 |
33 |
13 |
3 |
– |
– |
– |
172 |
V |
– |
– |
– |
– |
21 |
84 |
26 |
8 |
2 |
– |
– |
141 |
VI |
– |
– |
– |
– |
– |
3 |
47 |
11 |
11 |
1 |
– |
63 |
– |
131 |
171 |
171 |
194 |
129 |
91 |
25 |
3 |
1 |
– |
916 |
Ex VI |
– |
– |
– |
– |
– |
– |
– |
9 |
2 |
1 |
– |
12 |
Friday 16 May 1890
Summary of the Inspectors report on the school;
This school under the energetic and efficient management of Mr. Addie has done much good work during the past session. The infant Department is in a very healthy condition, Reading, Spelling, and Writing being entirely satisfactory, and physical exercises well performed. In the first and second Standards Arithmetic although accurate, might be a little more rapid except perhaps in the highest division of the first which is an exceedingly good class. The Dictation of both divisions of the second was all that could be desired. Reading with clear enunciation and proper emphasis in most of the Standards above and including the third ought to receive far more attention than it has evidently hitherto received. The Reading of the fourth in particular was painfully low and monotonous. On the other hand, the paperwork of all the Standards is well done, the fifth showing a clear pass in Writing and Arithmetic. Class Subjects have been, as a rule, well attended to during the year, but Grammar is susceptible of improvement and in recitation of Poetry more care should be taken to eliminate the verse accent as demanded by the expression. The fifth and sixth Standards showed excellent map drawing. The results brought out by the examination in Specific Subjects are very satisfactory. Singing and Sewing are both good.
The passes in Mathematics of the Scholars numbered 582, 583, and 584 on the examination schedule are disallowed under Article 21c
D. H. Cameron, R. Watt, J. Mathie, M. Williams, E. Wilson, A. Barrie, and A. Finlayson have passed well. Williams should be informed that she is now qualified under both Articles 60 and 79.
Tuesday 6 January 1891
On Tuesday investigated a complaint against Mr. McCallum. From evidence found it groundless. Owing to the action of the parent sent extended report to Board Office.
Friday 27 May 1892: The attendance this week has been very low owing to the measles. Roll = 1364, Present = 926, absent = 438.
Friday 10 June 1892: Assistant to Medical Officer of Health called on Wednesday owing to prevalence of measles and on account of his report the school has been closed today (a fortnight earlier) till 8th August.
Friday 12 May 1893
School Staff and their classification (i.e. 1st class, 2nd class etc.).
Certified Teachers;
1st Class;
William E. Addie.
2nd Class;
Archibald Cameron, John McCallum, James Borthwick, Jane H. Wilson, Maggie W. H. Blair, Christian Guthrie, Alice Low.
3rd Class;
James Macintyre, Agnes J. Chalmers, Elizabeth Horner, Jeanie Paton, Barbara McAllan, Annie Johnston, Mary W. Towers, Janet C. Dodds.
Ex Pupil Teachers;
Agnes Finlayson, Agnes Aichison, Mary Watson, John Mathie.
Assistant Teacher:
Walter G. Forsyth.
Pupil Teachers (and year);
Wilhelmina Davey (4th), Edith S Warton (3rd), Catherine Owen (3rd), Mary Havel (1st), James S. Thom (4th), William Hughes (3rd), Archibald McKenzie (2nd), Charles Kelly (2nd), Robert Burns (1st), Andrew Brown (1st).
Monday 6 May 1895
Extract from HMI of Schools report;
Merit Certificates are enclosed for; N. Farmer, L. Henderson, P. Jack, Jeanie B. Winning, J Adam, J. Black, D. Knox, H. Mair, J. Barr, M. Park, J. Simpson, A Thomson, and J. Thomson.
Thursday 21 November 1895
Doctors Chalmers & Scobie from the Sanitary Department called this afternoon in reference to the great number absent from measles.
Friday 22 November 1895
A clerk (Mr. Latta from the School Board Office called here this afternoon and told me that the Board on the advice of the Medical Men in the Sanitary Department had decided to close the Infant Department for 3 weeks commencing on Monday 25th instant.
Thursday 4 November 1897
As directed by School board letter dated today I have taken back all the books which the School Board supplied to Isabella Haddow, 124 Salamanca Street.
Friday 5 November 1897
This morning Isabella Haddow was asked to leave the School as she had no books – letter from School Board dated yesterday authorized this to be done.
Monday 8 November 1897
Alex Haddow, father of Isabella Haddow, came to School this morning in presence of Second Master, Mr. Archibald Cameron, I returned to Isabella Haddow, under protest, the school books which I took from her on the 4th instant.
Thursday 5 May 1898: Great many demands for free books.
Thursday 29 September 1899
The headmaster died suddenly yesterday morning on his way to school at Uddinston Railway Station. The school in consequence will not be open this afternoon.
Friday 3 November 1899
The second master leaves here today to be installed on Monday as Headmaster of Hozier Street Public School in place of Mr. Dunlop who will then be transferred to be headmaster of this school.
Monday 6 November 1899
The Reverend William Boyd L.L.D. member of the School Board visited the school and introduced to the teachers and scholars Mr. John Dunlop formerly of Hozier Street school who has been appointed Headmaster in place of Mr. Robert Lewis M.A. deceased.
Wednesday 23 May 1900
School Staff;
Certificated Teachers;
John Dunlop, Robert H. Butters, John McCallum, John Kennedy, Andrew Burns, Thomas McDougal, Eliza Milne, Agnes Jane Chalmers, Barbara Paterson Nisbet McAllan, Mary Wilson McFarlane, Minnie Cowan, Sybil Ferguson, Catherine Livey, Catherine Forsyth, Jane Newton Hiddleston, Annie McShee, Mary McLeod Wylie, Margaret Alexander Gordon, Janet Black, Moira Sutton Irving.
Pupil Teachers;
Agnes Johnstone Jardine, Janet Leslie Fotheringham, Jeanie McKee, Annie McKinnell, William Ramsay Campbell, Barry Preston, Ebenezer Crombie.
Friday 1 June 1900
Thirteen scholars attended Annfield School for an examination for Labour Certificates on Friday.
Wednesday 1 May 1901
School closed today – to reopen on Monday 6th in honour of the opening of Glasgow International Exhibition by H.R.H. Princess Louise – Duchess of Fife and his Grace the Duke of Fife.
Friday 17 May 1901
School shut on Monday afternoon in consequence of a number of the Senior Pupils having to go and take part in a concert at the International Exhibition.
Friday 31 May 1901
Mr. John McDonald, Principal Officer, called at the school on Tuesday and intimated that the Board had leased the hall of the U.F. Church as temporary premises to be added to the accommodation of the school occupancy of the same to begin on Monday first.
Friday 7 June 1901
Temporary accommodation in the Church hall across the street occupied by Miss Hiddleston with class Ib formerly with Miss Forsyth as Infants III
Friday 28 June 1901
School closed for summer holidays – to reopen on Tuesday 13 August 1901 at 10.oo o’clock.
Last entry it Log Book 1
Log Book 2
Friday 16 August 1901 to Friday 9 September 1921
Friday 6 September 1901
Mr. H. A. Long, member of the School Board has attended each morning this week – except – Wednesday – at the hour of Religious Instruction and visited each department in turn.
Monday 9 September 1901
Finished visitation of Standards. Have visited this school for more than a quarter of a century and never was more satisfied. Order of classes and personal appreciation was excellent. Very much pleased with their knowledge of the Scriptures.
Signed; Harry Alfred Long.
Tuesday 28 January 1902
The following report on Cookery Classes has been received from the Scotch Education Department: –
A demonstration lesson was given by the teacher to a class of 45 girls from Standards V and VI.
During the two hours, one dish was prepared, the remainder of the time was given to interval and writing of recipes. The girls answered my questions very imperfectly: which showed that they had been insufficiently instructed in many of the simple facts associated with their work. The note books were carelessly written and showed much defective spelling.
The teacher would be better to keep to the lessons prescribed on the syllabus. She should also accustom her class to give intelligent answers to her questions.
In view of the terms of the foregoing report My Lords must consider whether a deduction from the grant should not be made in respect of the unsatisfactory character of the instructions in Cookery.
Monday 3 February 1902
The following report has been received from the Scotch Education Department: –
(17.01.02) Glasgow Parkhead Public School (Lanark).
The following interim report is forwarded now in order that both managers and teachers may have the immediate benefit of the criticisms and suggestions it contains.. In writing it, due consideration has been given to the fact that the school was visited at a comparatively early period of the session.
The work of the Infant Department is distinctly good, much of it being very good. Reading often lacks fluency and Writing is sometimes irregular; but in other respects the instruction is very satisfactory. The exercises in hand and eye work are varied and are successfully taught. Singing and Musical Drill are very good. The pupils are generally bright and intelligent.
The Church Hall on the opposite side of the street, used for one class of the department is somewhat dingy, is not furnished with desks, and has no offices for the infant boys. The use of it should be discontinued at the earliest possible date.
In the Junior Division the subject that needs most attention is Reading. In some of the classes it is distinctly weak.
Slovenliness of enunciation and pronunciation being common. The oral work of the upper section of the highest class is marred by inattention and restlessness on the part of some of the pupils. The teaching is energetic and very intelligent, but much of it is wasted owing to the faults of discipline. The reading of the Girls is good, that of the boys careless. Very creditable knowledge of the meaning of words is shown. Writing is distinctly good. In the lower section of the class order is much better, and more care is taken to produce good reading: on the other hand repetition of poetry is not good, and knowledge of the meaning of words is meagre. Geography is fairly well known. In class 2a the Sewing of the girls is praise worthy: Writing and Mental Arithmetic are good; but Reading still leaves something to be desired in point of clearness. The written work of the class 1a shows careful teaching. Reading is, however, only fair.
There is considerable inequality in the work of the Senior Division: and the fact that nearly every class contains a very dull and defective section seems to indicate that the classification might be improved. Class 3a is a very promising class. The written exercises show much care and neatness and are generally very accurate. Reading is fluent and intelligent. Repetition is accurate and fairly expressive: and Grammar is creditably known. Mental Arithmetic is distinctly good. In the lower section of the class the instruction admits of improvement in several respects. Only one lesson has been given in Nature Knowledge since 15th November. Composition and Dictation are not above fair and the exercises in these subjects are not revised with sufficient care. Arithmetic is somewhat mechanical. Reading is fairly good, but knowledge of the meaning of words is weak, and Grammar is backward. The boys of class 2a acquit themselves with much credit in oral subjects; but the girls make a poor appearance. Writing is good, and Composition and Spelling merit praise. The windows of the classroom cannot be closed, and the room is consequently very cold. Class 2b is composed of bright pupils, and distinctly good work is done in all the branches. The “c” section of the class should be in charge of a certificated teacher. Writing is very good and Composition is very creditable; but Grammar and Mental Arithmetic are poor. Class I is taught in two sections. In the “a” section the greater part of the work is exceedingly good. The written work is very neat; Analysis and Parsing are accurate; Reading is careful – more careful indeed than Repetition. The “b” section is dull. Writing is fair and shows signs of improvement. Reading a good deal of attention. The teaching is intelligent and order is excellent.
Friday 15 May 1903
Thursday 14th was observed as a holiday in honour of the visit of their Majesties, the King and Queen to Glasgow.
Friday 20 November 1903: Specimens of Drawing and Stencilling done in School were this day sent to the School Board Office to be shown at the East End Exhibition
Tuesday 29 April 1904
New regulations regarding Corporal Punishment issued by the School Board received.
In accordance with Clause I power is hereby delegated to each certified teacher to inflict Corporal Punishment when necessary, on condition that a faithful record of same is kept.
Friday 13 May 1904
Boys in the supplementary class began to get lessons in swimming this week. They attended Whitevale Baths on Tuesday s & Thursday s from 8.00 to 8.30am.
Average attendance for the week = 1140. On Roll 1255.
Monday 16 May 1904
Annual report of HM Inspector received.
Scotch Education Department 7 July 1904
Glasgow Parkhead Public School, W. County of Lanark, No. 4548
Part of the work of the Infant Department is still carried out in a separate Hall: the ventilation of the rooms accommodating the lowest two sections is not good: and there is no cloakroom. It is therefore with some hesitation that continued recognition of a Separate Infant Department is recommended. The instruction, however, is thoroughly satisfactory. Kindergarten occupation in particular being of a quality above the average. The articulation of the children in speaking requires special attention.
The work of the Junior and Senior Divisions is also general creditable, and calls for no detailed criticism, though the excellence of the handwriting deserves special mention.
The Supplementary Course is in capable hands, and the work done reflects care and thought bestowed on it. It is unfortunate that there is no Manual Training for the boys, but an opportunity of supplying this deficiency will be afforded when the neighbouring School of Quarrybrae is completed. Grants under Article 19e are paid in respect of D. Kennedy and A. McKinnell for three months, one for M. Smith for 7 months, one for M. C. Davidson for 12 months, and one for E. Crombie for 21 months.
Miss J. Black will shortly receive her certificate.
John Dunlop, Headmaster;
Certified Teachers;
Robert H. Butters, John McCallum, John Kennedy, Andrew Burns, Laurence G. Milne, William Lyall, Eliza Milne, Infant Mistress, Barbara P. N. McAllan, Minnie Cowan, Sybil Ferguson, Catherine Livey, Jane N. Hiddleston, Annie McPhee, Elsie Brown, Margaret A. Gordon, Ellen Black, Janet Black, Margaret H. Taylor, Jeanie Russell, Georgina B. Miller, Mabel Grant (uncertified), Ebenezer Crombie (ex-pupil teacher).
Pupil Teachers;
Mary C. Davidson, Annie Cullen, Mary McLeod, Thomas Brown.
Thursday 30 June 1904
Mr. John Dunlop, Headmaster, leaves today having been appointed Headmaster of the New Quarrybrae School in the immediate neighbourhood.
Miss Milne, Infant Mistress, also leaves to be infant Mistress at the same school.
Tuesday 16 August 1904
Mr. Robert Davies the newly appointed Headmaster was introduced to the teachers and pupils by the Reverend Mr. Barr, member of the School Board.
Wednesday 28 September 1904
Arrangements have been made to give the boys of the First Senior Class instruction in Manual Work at Quarrybrae School. The first lesson will be given on Monday 2 October, Mr. Torbit, Instructor.
Monday 18 September 1905: The girls now go to Quarrybrae centre for cookery on Monday s and every alternate Thursday.
Friday 10 November 1905
In consequence of an epidemic of measles, the Medical Officer of Health for the City recommends that the Infant Department should be closed from the hour of closing today till Monday 4th December.
Friday 27 April 1906: The Scholars were photographed yesterday.
Monday 28 May 1906
A series of epidemics has retarded the progress of work in the Infant Department during the past year. Deafening street noises militate against effective oral instruction in the upper classes, but progress has been made notwithstanding and a notable improvement was observed in the Reading, oral Composition and Writing of the older children.
Wednesday 24 April 1907: The school was closed today in honour of the visit of the Prince and Princess of Wales to Glasgow.
Wednesday 16 September 1908: Two Sanitary notices received.
Friday 23 October 1908: Six Sanitary notices received.
Friday 30 October 1908: Two Sanitary notices received.
Friday 6 November 1908: Three Sanitary notices received.
Friday 13 November 1908: Two Sanitary notices received.
Friday 27 November 1908: Ten Sanitary notices received
Friday 4 December 1908: The attendance is still poor owing to infectious and contagious diseases. Four Sanitary notices received.
Friday 18 December 1908: Five Sanitary notices received.
Thursday 24 December 1908: Three Sanitary notices received this week.
Friday 8 January 1909: Attendance poor. Three Sanitary notices received this week and three during previous week.
Friday 15 January 1909: The weather has been very stormy during the week and the attendance has suffered in consequence.
Friday 22 January 1909: Three Sanitary notices have been received during the week.
Friday 29 January 1909: Three Sanitary notices were received during the week.
Friday 12 March 1909: Two Sanitary notices were received during the week.
Friday 26 March 1909: Two Sanitary notices were received during the week.
Friday 30 April 1909: Two Sanitary notices were received during the week.
Friday 7 May 1909: One Sanitary notices were received during the week.
Friday 14 May 1909: One Sanitary notices were received during the week.
Friday 11 June 1909: Two Sanitary notices were received during the week.
Friday 25 June 1909: Two Sanitary notices were received during the week.
Friday 20 August 1909: Two Sanitary notices were received during the week, and two for previous week.
Friday 3 September 1909: One Sanitary notices were received during the week.
Friday 17 September 1909: Two Sanitary notices were received during the week.
Friday 15 October 1909: Three Sanitary notices were received during the week.
Friday 22 October 1909: Two Sanitary notices were received during the week.
Friday 29 October 1909: Two Sanitary notices were received during the week.
Friday 12 November 1909: Two Sanitary notices were received during the week.
Friday 21 January 1910
Dr. Wright Thomson examined the eyes of the pupils of the Infant Division, and of those girls of the Junior and Senior Departments, who failed to pass the teachers test.
Dr. Earnest T. Roberts, Chief medical Officer, called on the 19th instant to examine some backward pupils.
Friday 4 February 1910: Dr. Carswell called yesterday and examined four children for the Defective Centre. Eight Sanitary notices received.
Friday 18 February 1910: Five Sanitary notices were received during the week.
Friday 25 February 1910: Five Sanitary notices were received during the week.
Friday 4 March 1910: Two Sanitary notices were received during the week.
Friday 11 March 1910: The attendance is poor owing to infectious diseases. Thirteen Sanitary notices were received.
Friday 18 March 1910: Attendance has been much affected owing to measles and other infectious diseases. Eighteen Sanitary notices received.
Thursday 24 March 1910: Eighteen Sanitary lines have been received. The attendance still low owing to measles and other infectious diseases
Friday 8 April 1910: Thirteen Sanitary lines have been received this week.
Friday 29 April 1910: Five Sanitary notices were received.
Friday 6 May 1910: Five Sanitary notices were received.
Friday 13 May 1910: Two Sanitary lines received.
Thursday 19 May 1910: The school will be closed tomorrow on account of the funeral of the late King Edward. Three Sanitary lines received.
Friday 27 May 1910: Five Sanitary lines received.
Friday 14 October 1910: A slight outbreak of fire occurred in room 24, but it was quickly extinguished by the teachers.
Tuesday 31 January 1911: Dr. Wright Thomson examined the eyes of the pupils of the Infant Division, and of those boys of the Junior and Senior Divisions who failed to pass the teachers’ test
Monday 20 February 1911: A class for Mentally Defective Children was opened in this school today. Part of the class was transferred from Camlachie Centre with their teacher Miss Barbara C. M. Crow.
Friday 24 March 1911
HM Inspectors Report
The general condition of the Infant Department is satisfactory. Much greater stress should, however, be laid on clearness of utterance, for which systematic drill is necessary, and on fluency and variety in oral work.
Some furniture, suited for the youngest children, should be supplied. Bright and artistic pictures should take the place of the present illustrative material which is not suitable for Infant Rooms.
The room occupied by class 3 is cold and draughty, in the part where the teacher must usually be.
In the room occupied by class 5 there is too little floor space and the lighting of the end remote from the windows is defective.
The sweeping and dusting of the Infant Department while generally satisfactory should be more thorough in some respects.
The work of the Junior Division is satisfactory. In Arithmetic greater facility in applying the four rules to small numbers is desirable.
In the Senior Division there is evidence of strenuous and skilful teaching. The care and neatness shown in the written exercises are most creditable. The Drawing of the four highest classes deserves praise. The oral Arithmetic of class 2 and the Dictation of class 4 require increased attention and Written Composition of class 3 admits of improvement in respect of sentence formation.
In all Divisions an improvement has been effected in the relation of attainment to age; in the Junior Division it is very marked. But the proportion of children over 12 in the Senior Division is still too high.
In several of the rooms work is very seriously hampered by street noises; it is impossible to do oral work properly under such conditions, without a severe strain on the voices of pupils and teachers.
In some rooms the seats have no backs and are too high for a number of the children using them; this serious defect should be remedied as soon as possible.
Some of the rooms of the Junior Division are of such a shape that the floor space in front of the desks is quite inadequate. The lighting of Junior 4 is very defective. In one or two rooms the lighting might be made more satisfactory by a rearrangement of the desks.
Robert Davies, Andrew Burns, John McCallum, William Lyall, Alex D. Cameron, Maud S Yuile, Sybil Ferguson, Jane N Hiddleston, Ellen Black, Jeanie Russell, Margaret H Taylor, Georgina B Miller, Margaret McCall, Margaret Gordon L.L.A., Martha A Maxwell, Josephine Fullerton, Margaret M Y Paterson, Cloie Brown, Jane R Service, Barbara McCrow, John Bouge.
Wednesday 3 May 1911: Holiday for opening of Exhibition by H.R.H. the Duke of Connaught
Friday 16 June 1911
The school will be closed today as a Coronation Holiday while the children of the Junior and Senior Divisions along with their teachers visit The Scottish National Exhibition in Kelvingrove Park. The cars leave at 8.30. The pupils of the Infant Division will be entertained in the school.
Friday 20 October 1911: Dr. Roberts called on Wednesday to examine four pupils who are backward.
Friday 3 November 1911: The attendance has suffered from wet stormy weather as well as from infectious diseases. Nine Sanitary lines received.
Friday 10 November 1911: Fourteen Sanitary lines received.
Friday 17 November 1911: Eleven Sanitary lines received.
Friday 29 March 1912: The drill of some of the classes was shortened owing to the hall being occupied by an extra number of children receiving free dinners owing to the miners’ strike.
Friday 19 April 1912: The Drill Hall is still used exclusively for feeding the poorer children.
Friday 7 June 1912: The children were photographed in their various classes on Tuesday 4th instant.
Friday 18 October 1912
The condition which prevails in the Infant Division of this school does not make for satisfactory work and it is not surprising to find in the highest class that seventeen out of fifty two pupils will have spent three and a half years in the department, while twenty nine of the same fifty two will have spent two and a half years before they are transferred to the Junior Division.
This regrettable state of things is due in part to causes which admit of removal viz: –
1) The practice of maintaining each class at a roll of about sixty pupils who are not all at the same stage of advancement.
Since this session opened about a dozen pupils from the beginner class have already been transferred to a class which should naturally be in advance by the work of six months. A similar transference has taken place in several classes with the result that no single class is homogeneous, and the better pupils lose time.
2) The work to be done in each class should be definitely arranged beforehand and each teacher should work according to a methodical system.
3) The Infant Mistress has no opportunity for supervision and is therefore unable to give the necessary guidance to her staff.
In addition to these, irregular attendance and the intolerable interruption from street noises make work very difficult. The amount of free floor space is very limited, and the hall is available for less than an hour weekly for each class. The draughty room complained of in previous reports has not been materially improved, and there is no satisfactory cloakroom accommodation.
The progress made by the pupils is much less rapid than it should be; and unless the conditions are improved it will be difficult to justify the recommendation of the grant under article 19b 5.
Two classes of mentally defective pupils are taught in one room. This is a most unsatisfactory arrangement and should be discontinued. The teaching is effective and the pupils seem in many cases to approach near normality. A piano and some pictures are necessary.
Wednesday 18 February 1914: Mr. Robert Davies, the headmaster. Having retired, leaves today, (Official date of leaving 28/02/1914).
Thursday 19 February 1914
Mr. William Strathearn Nelson, who had formerly been head master of Kelvinhaugh School, was introduced as headmaster of this school by Mr. D. Meiklereid, a member of the Board.
A Dinner Centre for the feeding of children was opened here on Monday last, where 18 children – 2 from this school, 11 from Camlachie, and 5 St. Michaels’ pupils had their mid-day meal in the drill hall.
Thursday 18 June 1914: This afternoon the children of the Junior and Senior Divisions will celebrate Children’s Day in Tollcross Park: the infants in their own classrooms.
Friday 18 December 1914: The attendance still continues unsatisfactory, the result of the wet weather prevalent of late. Several more cases of mumps have been reported, and two Sanitary notices of Diphtheria and Chicken pox received.
Friday 15 February 1915
There are now few cases of mumps, but measles and whooping cough have made a certain inroad on the attendance. All this week the attendance has been very good and very steady. But unfortunately at 11 o’clock this forenoon, a hurricane of wind and rain arose, and there were many absent places in the afternoon.
Monday 12 April 1915: Intimation was received today of the Boards decision to have collections made by Scholars for the maintenance of Belgian Refugees. This will take place next week.
Thursday 22 April 1915: The money collected by the children in aid of the Belgian Refugees – £20.9.4 – was forwarded to the treasurer today.
Thursday 29 April 1915
Miss Margret Paterson was absent today, she having received the sad intelligence of the death of her brother who was killed in the firing line in France. Miss Paterson has gone home to Auchnaggat, Aberdeen.
Friday 28 May 1915
Mr. Hugh R. W. Anderson, who was transferred temporarily to the High School a fortnight ago, has now enlisted in the 9 H.L.I. (Glasgow Highlanders). This is the fourth member of the staff of this school who has joined the colours.
Thursday 14 June 1915: Mr. Stuart M. McInnes has enlisted, and is going to Cambusbarron on military service. This is the fifth member of staff who has joined the colours.
Friday 10 September 1915: The following return was forwarded to the School Board this afternoon. Boys = 366, Girls = 366, Infants = 275. Total = 1007.
Friday 1 October 1915
Miss McCardal has been absent from school yesterday and today owing to nervous shock from the receipt of distressing news from Flanders – a friend being reported as “dangerously wounded and seriously ill”.
Monday 4 October 1915
Miss McCardal is still absent suffering from nervous prostration, her fiancé, Mr. W.B. Ewart, succumbed to his wounds in The General Hospital at Le Treport, France.
He was a teacher under this Board, and was a splendid specimen, physically, and intellectually, of the young manhood of our country.
Friday 22 October 1915: Tonight the Ladies Auxiliary of the Scottish Permissive Bill and Temperance Association will host a meeting in the school.
Monday 25 October 1915
Today leaflets 1, 7, and 13 issued by the Parliamentary War Savings Committee were distributed to all the scholars. The headmaster addressed all the classes on the subjects and mentioned that probably a school branch would be inaugurated in the near future.
Friday 30 June 1916
Miss Janet M. Gerard, who is to be married, and thereafter will proceed to New Zealand, leaves the service of the Board from 22 August next.
The same date applies to the headmaster of this school, Mr. W. S. Nelson, who has been promoted to the headmastership of Strathclyde School, where he will enter on his duties on 23 August.
Wednesday 23 August 1916: Mr. William Baird, formerly 2nd master at Camden Street School, commences duties as headmaster of this school.
Wednesday 4 October 1916
The Classes as arranged are: –
Senior |
1a |
Mr. McCallum |
1b |
Mr. Burns |
2 |
Miss Ferguson |
3 |
Miss Taylor |
4 |
Miss Maxwell |
5 |
Miss Gray |
Junior |
1 |
Miss Patrick |
2 |
Miss Durning |
3 |
Miss Miller |
4 |
Miss Totten |
5 |
Miss McCardal |
6 |
Miss Black |
Infant |
1 |
Miss Paterson |
2 |
Miss Hiddleston |
3 |
Miss Paton |
4 |
Miss McCall |
5 |
Miss Yuile |
5 |
Miss Service |
Special |
1 |
Miss McCrow |
2 |
Miss Russell |
Friday 2 March 1917
Collections of Sixpences in connection with War Savings has commenced here this week. The Parkhead War Savings Association has been formed (No. 2236), and £8.4.6 has been drawn up till today.
Friday 30 March 1917: The amount collected this month in connection with our War Savings Association is £52.10.0
Wednesday 6 June 1917: Measles and Whooping cough are prevalent in the district and the attendance of the scholars is declining.
Friday 8 June 1917
The War Savings Association connected with this school has collected over £177, bought 228 Certificates and, of these, distributed 135 to members who have completed their coupon cards. The Headmaster is acting as Secretary and Chairman of Committee, while the second master discharges the duties of treasurer. The class teachers act as collectors for their classes.
Friday 29 June 1917
Sir William Beardmore spoke to the children on After School Occupations and the choice of lines of business. He distributed prizes and passed through most of the class rooms of the Junior and Senior Divisions.
Friday 18 January 1918: Our War Savings Association has responded to the Governments appeal for money, on the occasion of the visit of the “tank” Julian, to Glasgow by contributing £401.9.0
Friday 1 February 1918
The scholars who “qualified” have today left to enrol in the Supplementary Classes in Quarry Brae School (boys) or Newlands School (girls); or in the Higher Grade Departments of John Street or Whitehill Schools.
Friday 15 February 1918
In view of possible air raids by the enemy a scheme has been worked out whereby all the classes on the second and third flats march down to the ground floor in each building. Arrangements in regard to water buckets, and phone services have also been made.
Friday 27 September 1918
A very marked and sudden decline in attendance has taken place in this school as well as other schools, owing to an epidemic of influenza. The attendance at present is under 70%.
Friday 4 October 1918: Influenza is continuing in the district with unabated intensity. This morning the attendance is 609 out of a roll of 947.
Friday 11 October 1918
The attendance is unusually low this week; today it has fallen below 60%. This is owing to the continued spread of Influenza. 272 scholars are reported as having this disease. A number of the schools in Glasgow and district are closed on this account.
Friday 18 October 1918
The attendance has risen this week to almost 65%. The Influenza epidemic, however, is still responsible for the absence of almost 29% of the scholars – 24% due to personal illness, and 4% plus owing to illness in the family. In cleansing the school daily, sawdust is used which has been soaked with disinfectant.
Monday 11 November 1918
A half-holiday was declared by the School Board for this afternoon, news having arrived that the German Government had agreed to the terms of the armistice granted in the name of Britain and her allies by Marshall Foch.
Tuesday 21 January 1919
A class for unemployed lads between the age of 15 and 18 years of age commenced here today. Mr. Don Macintosh is presently in charge. (9.30 till 12, and 1.45 till 3.45).
Friday 7 February 1919: The scholars of the Mentally Defective Department are visiting Hengler’s Circus this afternoon.
Thursday 4 September 1919: Peace Celebration in Rouken Glen Park for Mentally Defective Class. [A very wet day]
Friday 5 September 1919: Peace Celebration in Tollcross Park for Seniors and Juniors, and in school for infants.
Tuesday 11 November 1919: The “two minutes silence” enjoined by the King was observed here today in memory of our glorious dead.
Friday 18 February 1921: The attendance of scholars is very low owing to influenza, whooping cough, and other infectious diseases.
Wednesday 9 March 1921: The Glasgow Education Authority have granted a holiday on 10/03/1921 at the request of the Prince of Wales on the occasion of his visit to Glasgow.
Monday 11 April 1921: The hall of this school is being used as a centre for the feeding of necessitous children.
Wednesday 31 August 1921: The attendance is now good. Owing however, to the lack of employment in the district and other causes scholars are not providing themselves with books to a sufficiently satisfactory extent.
Thursday 8 September 1921: The number of necessitous children who are being fed in our hall has dropped to about 220.
Tuesday 27 September 1921
Scholars from St. Michaels School are once again being given meals (free) in our school hall, along with those of our own and other schools who have since spring been fed here.
Wednesday 9 November 1921
Many necessitous scholars are being fed, shod, and clothed. Unemployment is common among the parents of our scholars.
Last entry in Log Book 2.
Log Book 3
Friday 11 November 1921 to Friday 25 January 1963
Friday 11 November 1921: The two minute silence was observed here (Armistice Day) in Honour of Our Glorious Dead
Friday 2 December 1921
Special lessons were given in the various classes this morning ion “Safety First”, (the dangers of the street and how to avoid them).
The attendance is not high, infectious diseases (measles, chicken pox etc) being somewhat prevalent.
Monday 9 January 1922: One of the Bronze Medals (Corporation Competition in Drawing) has been gained by one of our scholars: Sam Smith.
Wednesday 1 February 1922
The school organisation now is: –
Mr. William Baird – Headmaster;
Senior |
1a |
Mr. Barr |
1b |
Mr. Houston |
2 |
Mr. Auld |
3 |
Miss Ferguson |
4 |
Mr. Adamson |
5 |
Miss Gray |
Junior |
1 |
Miss Totten |
2 |
Miss Taylor |
3 |
Miss Marr |
4 |
Miss Maxwell |
5 |
Miss Andrew |
Infant |
1 |
Miss Bryden |
2 |
Miss Paterson |
3 |
Miss Miller |
4 |
Miss Young |
4 |
Miss Yuile |
Special |
1 |
Miss Russell |
Friday 10 February 1922
Mr William Baird, head master, leaves Parkhead School today, having been appointed headmaster of Hayfield School. (Official date of leaving 12/02/1922)
Monday 13 February 1922
Mr John Seaton Smith, M.A., formerly head master in Tollcross Public School, took up duty today in succession to Mr. William Baird, transferred to Hayfield Public School.
Monday 27 February 1922: The wedding of the King’s daughter, Princess Mary, takes place tomorrow. In consequence the school has been granted a holiday.
Monday 6 March 1922: Senior 1b started today to make use of Helenslea Park, which has kindly been granted to the school, for carrying out games.
Friday 5 May 1922
Considerable distress prevails in the district owing to unemployment. In the course of the week applications have been made on behalf of over 30 pupils for food or clothing.
Wednesday 14 June 1922: Pupils of school were photographed in their respective classes.
Tuesday 19 September 1922: Abnormal rainfall between 8.30 and 9.00 adversely affected the school attendance, many of the pupils having on boots in need of repair.
Wednesday 4 October 1922: Many pupils are suffering in the general distress caused by unemployment. A list of pressing cases was sent today to the Education Authority.
Tuesday 10 October 1922: The feeding of some pupils (dinner) started here today.
Monday 30 April 1923
On Saturday in the City Hall under the auspices of Glasgow Musical Festival Association, a choir from this school competing in the Junior Class (under 13), secured first place with 174 marks. Mr. J. B. Houston trained and conducted the choir. Twenty one schools competed.
In St. Andrew’s Hall, our Infants choir (under 9) conducted by Miss Totten, secured 6th place with 162 marks.
Wednesday 27 June 1923
Intimation received today with reference to Allan Glen Scholarship examination. One of our pupils, Walter Paton is one of the 33 successful candidates, securing 11th place.
Tuesday 21 August 1923
In accordance with the instruction from the Authority 15 classes have been reduced to 13. A new nomenclature has been used to distinguish the classes, as follows: –
Senior |
Ia |
Mr. D. Adamson |
Ib |
Mr. D Barr |
Ic |
Mr. J. Auld |
IIa |
Miss J. M. Gray |
IIb |
Mr. J. B. Houston |
IIIa |
Miss E. D. Marr |
IIIb |
Miss M. J. Totten |
Junior |
Ia |
Miss M. H. Taylor |
Ib |
Miss H. M. Brydon |
IIb |
Miss J. M. Andrew |
Infant |
Ia |
Miss G. B. Miller |
IIa |
Miss M. Y. Paterson |
IIb |
Miss M. S. Yuile |
M.D. |
Miss Russell |
General Work; Miss S. Ferguson, Miss J. M. Young
Headmaster; J.S, Smith
Friday 31 August 1923
This afternoon the William D. Bryson Memorial Trophy, won by Mr. Houston’s class at the recent Musical Festival, was handed over formally in the presence of the Senior Scholars by William Reid Esq., JP, member of Executive, and Headmaster at Eastbank Academy.
Tuesday 22 January 1924
It is thirty years today since Miss Fergusson came to this school. The staff met and offered their congratulations.
Friday & Saturday 1 & 2 February 1924
A very successful School Concert was held on the evenings of Friday and Saturday in the Masonic Hall, Quarryknowe Street the object being to raise a fund for school purposes.
Monday 12 May 1924: The school attendance which has been very low during the past half year is now almost normal, a great reduction in the amount of illness having taken place.
Friday 23 May 1924: Sixty six pupils are contributing to a concert Programme at the Educational Exhibition.
Thursday 16 October 1924: Received intimation that the Drill Hall will not be used as a feeding centre after the 18th owing to diminution of numbers
Friday 31 October 1924: Maud S, Yuile, Infant Mistress here since 13 August 1904 left today, having decided to retire.
Saturday 1 November 1924: Mr. Thomas Stalker, Janitor resigned today. Mr. Donald McKinnon appointed new Janitor on probation.
Saturday 29 November 1924: At the newly formed Eastern Festival 8 of our pupils, competed in the Scots Folk Dance Class and secured 2nd place with 81 marks.
Monday 15 December 1924: On Friday, in a competition conducted by Bridgeton Burns Club, a choir of 94 boys from this school (conducted by Mr. David Adamson) took first place, winning a cup and other prizes.
Monday 19 January 1925
On Friday evening, 16th, at a concert promoted by Bridgeton Burns Club, the cup recently won by our choir of boys was presented, Mr. David Adamson receiving it on behalf of the school.
Mr. Adamson received a silver mounted baton and each member of the choir a volume of Burns’ Poems and a certificate.
Thursday 26 February 1925
Today two classes, one in the forenoon and one in the afternoon, in connection with the Juvenile Unemployment Scheme were commenced. The teacher is Miss Janet Hornshaw.
Monday 9 March 1925: On Friday a number of parents called in connection with the issue of the Authority’s new form for examination marks, C.T.T.23. Backward Pupils.
Friday 26 June 1925: We have received intimation that John Williamson, a pupil in our qualifying class, has secured an Allan Glens School Bursary.
Tuesday 18 August 1925
Mr. J. Seaton Smith, headmaster, leaves Parkhead School today, having been transferred to Dowanhill School.
Mr. Joseph Cloughley took up duty today as headmaster of Parkhead School, having been transferred from Agnes Street School.
Monday 19 October 1925
On this date rooms 28 and 29 which were occupied by classes Ib and IIa of the Infant Division were vacated to allow of the rooms being altered and converted into a Clinic for Medical and Dental treatment of children of this and neighbouring schools.
Monday 30 November 1925
At the Glasgow Eastern Musical Festival held 21st to 28th November, the Pioneer Challenge Trophy (Scots Folk Dancing, Junior Class) was won by pupils of this school (Miss Totten, teacher).
Miss Mary Richardson of this school, also taught by Miss Totten, took first place in Elocution (Junior Girls Class) and also first place in Elocution (Junior Scots Class).
Monday 21 December 1925
On Friday, 18th instant, in a competition conducted by Bridgeton Burns Club, a choir of 24 boys from this school, conducted by Mr. David Adamson, took first place for the second year in succession, retaining the Silver Cup won previously and other prizes.
Friday 15 October 1926
Pledge cards issued by the authority in connection with Betting and Gambling and Clean Language, were issued to the scholars of the Qualifying Class during the week. The evils of betting and gambling and the use of bad language were the subject of a lesson and the children were warned against them. Fifty five pledge cards were issued pledging the children to abstain and fifty were returned signed.
Thursday 24 February 1927
By permission of Authority, the school was closed today after the forenoon attendance in order that teachers and scholars along with parents might attend a matinee in the Louvre Cinema, Duke Street, at 2.00pm, the object being to raise funds for the necessitous children’s Holiday Camp Fund.
Thursday 31 March 1927: Mr. Joseph Cloughley, headmaster leaves Parkhead School today, having been transferred to Maryhill School.
Friday 1 April 1927: Mr. Hector MacEwan Thomson assumed the duties of headmaster in this school.
Friday 13 January 1928
At Bridgeton Burns Club Festival, 1 silver medal for solo singing and 2 gold medals and 1silver for verse speaking were gained by Parkhead pupils trained by Miss Sybil Ferguson and Miss Mary J. Totten.
Wednesday 25 January 1928: Glasgow Eastern Music Festival – Voice Speaking Ensemble for 6 pupils (team), First place won by this school, Miss M. Totten.
Tuesday 10 July 1928
By direction of the Education Authority the school was closed after forenoon session. In afternoon pupils marched to Parkhead Picture House for Cinema Display 2 – 4 pm.
Wednesday 1 August 1928: Mr. John Brisbane assumes work of Janitor vice Mr. McKinnon transferred.
Saturday 18 May 1929: Total proceeds of Jumble Sale held in school on behalf of School Funds and Necessitous Children’s Holiday Camp amounted to approximately £50
Friday 28 February 1930: School closed this afternoon by direction of Education Authority, to permit attendance at P.P.P. cinema display at 2pm.
Monday 24 November 1930
This day the school undertook custody for twelve months of the Eastern District Junior Shield won by Parkhead school team during session 1929-1930. Mr. William J. Scott’s zeal has alone made this result possible.
Friday 28 November 1930: Miss Russell M.D. teacher is transferred from this date to Camlachie Public School. The M.D. or Special Class in Parkhead School closes finally this afternoon
Thursday 15 January 1931: The Eastern District Junior Football Shield is received in custody of school for 1 year. The team was trained by Mr. William J. Scott.
Tuesday 21 April 1931: The school is closed this forenoon, by direction of Corporation Education Committee, to permit attendance of pupils at P.P.P. cinema display at 10am.
Friday 31 October 1931: As from today, the pupils from St. Michael’s school who get dinners at Parkhead Hostel, are now to receive them in St. Michael’s school.
Wednesday 11 November 1931: Attendance is very low just now, mainly due to illness, such as measles, whooping cough and chicken pox.
Friday 20 November 1931: Attendance continues very low, infectious diseases being mainly responsible.
Monday 14 March 1932
In answer to a letter from the headmaster on the risks to pupils crossing Westmuir Street, a Superintendent of Police from Camlachie Police Station called today. He explained that a constable could not be detailed for daily duty, the men being required elsewhere, but help would be sent when possible.
Wednesday 27 April 1932
The school was closed during the forenoon, to enable pupils and staff to witness display of films in Parkhead Picture Palace, in connection with the Necessitous Children’s Holiday Camp Fund.
Mrs Cook entered on duty today as assistant guardian at the hostel. Hitherto she has been a dinner attendant.
Tuesday 16 August 1932
An additional Advanced Division class from Newlands is accommodated in Room 9
An Advanced Division of Domestic Science class form St. Marks was taught by Miss Sweeny.
Monday 9 January 1933
Scottish education Department Report on Parkhead School: Extract
The school building leaves a good deal to be desired. The site is rather noisy, and is so restricted that it does not provide an adequate playground for the girls. Internal remodelling would also be required to meet present day standards in various respects. Moreover, several rooms have old-fashioned and somewhat inconvenient furniture. In addition to the ordinary classes, the school building accommodates two Junior Instruction classes as well as two advanced division classes from Newlands Public School, and until recently two rooms were occupied by a clinic. There are 564 names on the roll. Since the beginning of the session the attendance has been rather disappointing, with an average of about 87 per cent. The customary effects of the prevailing industrial depression shows themselves in a marked degree.
Wednesday 8 February 1933
The school was closed during the forenoon to enable pupils to witness display of films at Parkhead Picture House in connection with the Necessitous Children’s Holiday Camp Fund.
Wednesday 8 November 1933: An Inspector of Police called to state that a policeman was now to be on duty opposite Nisbet Street, to provide safe conduct across Westmuir Street for pupils.
Monday 16 April 1934: Mr. J. Donald, headmaster, leaves Parkhead School today, having been transferred to Springbank School.
Tuesday 17 April 1934: Mr. John A. Robertson began duty as Headmaster this morning.
Friday 5 October 1934
This afternoon were handed to the four prize winners in the four senior classes the volumes presented by The Scottish Band of Hope Union to the winners of these classes for their essay’s on “The Evil Effects of Alcohol upon the Human Body”. These essays were written following Dr. Cossars lectures.
The following were the winners in the Essay Competition above mentioned;
Alex Bryce 10 6/12 years, Senior VI; Kenneth Haggerty 9 11/12 years, Senior IV, Janet Miller 10 9/12 years, Senior II, John Harvey 103/12 years, Senior III.
Thursday 11 October 1934
Miss Galt assisting at the hostel during the absence of Miss Murphy has been transferred to the clothing store as from this date.
Sunday 11 November 1934
The services of John A. Robertson, Headmaster are hereby recorded as terminating today on his leaving to begin duty as headmaster at Greenfield School on Monday 12 November 1934.
Monday 12 November 1934
Mr. R. K. Milne, M.A., commenced duty as headmaster.
Monday 28 January 1935
The new term commenced today. The classes are now arranged as follows;
Senior |
I |
Miss Paterson |
II |
Miss McCracken |
Miss Light |
V |
Miss Miller |
VI |
Miss Clanachan |
Junior |
I |
Miss Andrew |
II |
Miss Craig |
Miss Knox |
IV |
Miss Miller |
Infant |
I |
Miss McQeen |
II |
Miss Cooke |
Miss Hamilton |
IV |
Miss Mitchell |
J.I.C. |
Miss Locke
Mrs. Sheridan (temp)
Monday 4 March 1935: In accordance with the Milk Act 1934 the scheme for the supply of milk to pupils was inaugurated. Milk was supplied to 467 pupils today.
Monday 6 April 1936: H.M. Inspector, Mr. McDonald visited Advanced Division Class IId (St. Mark’s).
Tuesday 7 April 1936: Benchwork class opened in Riverside A.C. for boys of non-qualifying class.
Thursday 7 May 1936: Housewifery Class opened in Riverside A.C. for girls of Non-Qualifying Class.
Saturday 9 May 1936
At the Glasgow Musical Festival held in St. Andrew’s Hall a choir of pupils selected from the Infant Department and trained by Miss Elizabeth Hamilton won the trophy awarded to the best Infant Choir.
Tuesday 12 May 1936: Cookery class opened in Riverside A.C. for girls of the Non-Qualifying Class.
Thursday 12 May 1938: The children were photographed today in class groups.
Thursday 16 June 1938: Parents Day; the parents came on invitation today to inspect the work of the school. There was a most gratifying attendance of 240.
Tuesday 30 August 1938
Work was largely disorganised today owing to a large part of the school being used as an assembly and distribution centre for respirators.
The two Catholic Classes had to be sent back to St. Mark’s this morning.
Tuesday 4 October 1938
As more of the school was used today by A.R.P. the infant classes and the two lowest junior classes met from 9 till 1. The two top junior and the three lower senior classes met as usual 9 till 4.
Monday 10 October 1938: The whole school was used this morning for distribution of gasmasks. The school was closed till Wednesday morning.
Friday 1 September 1939: The school was open today for evacuation purposes only.
Saturday 2 September 1939: The school was open today for evacuation purposes only.
Sunday 3 September 1939: The pupils and parents who had registered were evacuated to Douglas and Muirkirk. All the teachers were in attendance.
Monday 11 September 1939: A further opportunity was given today to enrol pupils only for evacuation.
Monday 22 April 1940: Compulsory attendance for pupils commenced today. The pupils are still only working for 2 hours per day – infants in lowest classes 11/2 hours.
Monday 10 June 1940: A trial was made today of entering the air raid shelters. The whole school was placed in about one minute.
Friday 14 March 1941: Owing to a night of air raids – 9pm to 6am the school was dismissed shortly after assembly.
Tuesday 8 April 1941: Owing to continued air raids during the night – 10pm to 5am the school was dismissed shortly after assembly.
Monday 5 May 1941: An air raid alarm during the night lasted till 3am and school did not meet till afternoon session.
Tuesday 6 May 1941: Air raid alarm from 12 to 4am, no morning session
Wednesday 7 may 1941: Alarm finished 3.45am, no morning session
Thursday 8 May 1941: Alarm finished 2.50am, no morning session
Wednesday 29 October 1941: Miss Fyfe, Hostel attendant transferred to Elba lane.
Tuesday 31 March 1942: This school is included in the Official List of Rest Centres as from 5pm today
Friday 24 April 1942: Mr. James Carson commenced duty at 7pm today as Caretaker for Rest Centre.
Sunday 31 May 1942: Mr. Andrew Orr, headmaster, leaves here today on transference to Alexandra Parade School.
Monday 1 June 1942: Mr. J. N. McConochie succeeded Mr. Andrew Orr as Headmaster.
Thursday 3 September 1942
Commemoration Day; On invitation of he minister Rev. M. Symonds school attends a brief but most suitable service lasting 20 minutes in Parkhead C Church, and conducted by the Minister to whom hearty thanks are due.
Wednesday 14 October 1942: Dr. Winning and nurse attended for Medical Inspection.
Friday 30 October 1942
Today, Miss Georgina B. Miller retires from the staff of this school after a most notable record of 38 years faithful, arduous, and efficient service in this the only Glasgow school in which she has taught.
Friday 29 October 1943: Mr. J. N. McConochie, headmaster leaves today to take up duty as headmaster of Kent Road School 1/11/1943
Monday 1 November 1943: Mr. J. Robertson took up duty as headmaster today.
Friday 20 October 1944: Mr. J. Robertson, headmaster leaves today to take up duty as headmaster of Mount Florida School on 23/10/1944
Monday 23 October 1944: Mr. John Gibson commenced duty today as headmaster.
Tuesday 8 may 1945: School closed. Celebration to mark end of hostilities in Europe, VE Day and VE + 1
Friday 25 June 1948
80th anniversary of the original portion of the present building now Infants Department. Former Pupils aged 60 years and over invited to reunion. 150 attended. Addressed by Right Honourable David Kirkwood P.C., M.P.
Monday 11 September 1950: Colonial Exhibition – Talk by Major Hennessay.
Wednesday 11 April 1951: Twenty eight pupils proceeded to Bownan’s Camp School in charge of Mr. Robertson.
Monday 30 April 1951: Pupils return from Bownan’s Camp.
Tuesday 6 October 1953: Roll 545 – (205 from Barlanark)
Friday 17 September 1954: Wireless installation in use for first time
Thursday 19 May 1955: Eighty nine pupils and four escorts visited Stirling Castle and Dunfermline Abbey.
Friday 19 April 1957: Mr. John Gibson retired from headmastership.
Friday 26 April 1957: Mr. John Gibson, former headmaster died today.
Monday 29 April 1957: Mr. J. Urquhart Forsyth today took over duties as headmaster.
Wednesday 22 May 1957: About 30 children are taking part this afternoon in the Preliminary Sports meeting of the Glasgow Primary Schools Association in Helenvale Park.
Friday 7 June 1957: Pupils from this school are in future to be sent to Eastbank Secondary instead of Riverside Secondary. Junior Secondary pupils will continue to go to Wellshot except J4 girls who go to Gartcraig.
Thursday 27 June 1957: Next sessions classes arranged and tested out. 37 pupils are passing to secondary schools and about 50 are leaving for other reasons, mainly transfer to Barlanark Primary School.
Tuesday 29 October 1957: School photographs taken
Monday 18 November 1957: Theft from Ladies Staff Room occurred today, apparently by young man (youth of 16?) who stated to Janitor that he was “waiting for one of the teachers.” Police given full report, CID called.
Tuesday 26 November 1957: The names of ten boys and ten girls between the ages of 6 and 10 have been sent (on request from 129 Bath Street) to receive invitation to BBC Christmas Club party.
Friday 29 November 1957: 250 pupils taken today to Shettleston Hall for performance by Miss Bertha Waddell, Children’s Theatre
Tuesday 7 January 1958
Accident to school bus on icy road surface; only very slight injury to children resulted although several felt effect of shock. Two bus attendants suffered from shock and had to go off duty.
Friday 10 January 1958: 100 (approx.) attendances were lost as a result of the above bus accident.
Friday 17 January 1958: Mr. J. Urquhart Forsyth leaves Parkhead today to take up duties as headmaster of Wellhouse, a new primary school in Easterhouse.
Monday 27 January 1958: Mr. D. MacLeod entered duties at Parkhead Public School in place of MR. Forsyth.
Friday 6 May 1960: School closed for Royal Wedding
Tuesday 14 June 1960: Visit to school of Brigadier Smith of Salvation Army who addressed pupils of the qualifying class.
Friday 17 June 1960: Eight pupils from this school attended Art Galleries to participate in a drawing competition.
Thursday 26 August 1960: A big exodus to Easterhouse Schools
Monday 8 May 1961: School strike begins. Two teachers only and the headmaster reported for duty. Only 54 children out of 250 attended today.
Friday 21 September 1962: Mr. Duncan MacLeod, headmaster of Parkhead Public School retired today.
Tuesday 25 September 1962: Isabel M. Milroy became head teacher of Parkhead Primary School in place of Mr. D. Macleod retired.
Friday 9 November 1962: Letter from S.A. Department to discuss reorganisation of Parkhead district on Wednesday 14th at 10am
Wednesday 14 November 1962: Visit to office to discuss proposal to close Parkhead School. Head teachers of Bluevale, Newlands and Quarry Brae
Friday 25 January 1963
A very busy week finishing up at Parkhead; teachers have been notified of new posts.
Mr. Harkness to Bishoploch, Miss Cairns and Miss Borland to Bluevale, Miss Preston, Miss Waddell and Miss Cubie to Newlands, Miss Cameron to Quarry Brae – part time.
Miss Milroy as Head Mistress to Kings Park
The school attended divine service at 11 o’clock.
Last entry in Log Book 3.
Recollections Of Former Schoolmasters
By Mr. R.D. Cumming ( British Columbia)
Mr R.D. Cumming, the writer of this interesting Parkhead reminiscence, is an old East End boy for many years settled in British Columbia, Canada, who is the owner of two weekly newspapers in that distant province. He resided for some years at Parkhead ere his parents emigrated in 1885, and he is at present on holiday in the East End renewing old memories in his boyhood district. The old Parkhead school, Westmuir Street, built by the School Board of Glasgow in 1878, still stands like a monument of the past, although a bit wrinkled with age and appears to be giving a service in keeping with the times and with its own reputation as an academy of learning. It has a new “clientele,” and perhaps a new curriculum, but the hundreds of children there today might be the boys and girls of the years 1880 to 1885.
One Of The First
I was among the first pupils to attend Parkhead School, and I well remember the day when”Paddy” Moore’s fourth standard was divided in two-the duxes and the dunces-and a Mr Black was engaged to take charge of the backward half. We all particularly detested Moore because he was a tyrant with the “ strap” and I was more than pleased to find myself among those chosen on their “merits” to be pupils of Mr Black. “Paddy” Moore, the tyrant, would have no more jurisdiction over me with his ever ready cat-o-nine tails, otherwise known in Scotland as “the tawse.” Mr Black, on the other hand, had no authority and no inclination to use the tawse. He began by being an equal, and not a slave-driver, and won our hearts at once by proving as much a playmate as he was a master. On fine days, after school, he would coach us on the Quarry Brae in the secrets of soccer football and some of us perhaps developed from that humble beginning into real “ professional” amateur players. He taught us to play as well as to spell; there were few of our games in which he did not take part and we began to like him as a chum and respect him as a teacher at one and the same time. As may well be imagined, it was against the rules in Parkhead School to loiter on the stairway either going up or coming down, and I knew this just as well as Mr Black and all my classmates. But boys will be boys at times where girls are concerned. So on one occasion I loitered on the stairs on the way down, in defiance of all rules and regulations to” keek” at the lassies through a grated opening in the wall, between the boys’ and girls’ apartments. Suddenly my admiration was interrupted by a terrible “clout on the side o’ the heid” that made my ear ring like a fire alarm, and nearly sent me headlong down the remainder of the stairway.. There was no limit to my astonishment when I turned round and saw no other than our mutual friend Mr Black, the playmate, standing over me like a giant of authority, proving that play and discipline in his young life were two things distinctly apart. After that my leanings toward Mr Black weakened, and my worship of him ceased. It was first offence, and he may have been right, but the disobedience was worth the price-he cured me of loitering on the Parkhead School stairs, but he didn’t cure me for life of peeking at the girls! The Choice of Evils For the remainder of the term I rather preferred “ Paddy” Moore, the tyrant, as the choice of two evils.. At least he “ leathered” me to my face and not behind my back.Taken from The Eastern Standard 1966
Here is some photos of inside the school as it undergoes renovation.

Old School Blackboard

School storage and heating pipes


Went to this school 1960 to 63 came from eastetrhouse on the bus not enough schools in eastetrhouse remember the bell queuing up in play ground the dinner school was good getting the belt going to church services shut went to bluevale