St. Michael’s Primary R.C. School
There are no log book records available for the school.
The school first appears in the Glasgow Directories in 1901-1902 and was located in Nisbet Street, Parkhead. The school was transferred to the Education Authority in 1918 and the following records show the progression through the years.
In 1933 the school is shown as having an annexe in Elba Lane which was on the south side of the Gallowgate approximately where the present St. Michael’s Church stands.
The school appears to have been in existence in Nisbet Street since 1901-1902 through to 1960-1961 and in 1961-1962 was in Elba Lane before moving to 865 Springfield Road in 1962-1963.
Further information, as and when obtained will be posted.
School | St. Michael’s School |
Year | 1919-1920 |
Address | Parkhead |
Primary Grade | |
Roll | Accommodation 1210 |
Head Teacher | Helen Flanagan |
Assistants | Annie Fisher, Annie O’Hara, Mary Benzies, Charlotte Monaghan, Rose McCafferty, Rosina Breen, Mary O’Neill, Elizabeth Hughes, Rosina Heraty, Catherine Scanlon, Anna Boyd, Della Reeves, Helen Sharkey, Charlotte Flanagan, Susan Starrs, Margaret Fisher, Janet Quigley, Catherine Tulley, Mary Cullen |
Visiting Teacher | Robert Reilly (Music) |
Janitor | John Condon |
School | St. Michael’s Primary R.C. School |
Year | 1926-1927 |
Address | Nisbet Street, Parkhead E.1. |
Primary Grade | |
Roll | Accommodation 1210 |
Head Teacher | John Donaghy |
Assistant Head Teacher(s) | Annie Fisher, |
Infant Mistress | Charlotte Flanagan |
Janitor | James Molloy |
School | St. Michael’s Primary R.C. School |
Year | 1933 |
Address | Nisbet Street, Parkhead E.1. |
Primary Grade | Group L |
Roll | Accommodation 1210 |
Head Teacher | John Finegan |
Assistant Head Teacher(s) | Annie Fisher, |
Infant Mistress | Hannah Hanretty |
Senior Woman Assistant | Johanna Conley |
Janitor | James Molloy |
Annexe (Parkhead R.C. School) | Elba lane, Parkhead E. 1. |
School | St. Michael’s Primary R.C. School |
Year | 1939 |
Address | Nisbet Street, Parkhead E.1. |
Primary Grade | Group L |
Roll | |
Head Teacher | Edward McGaughrin |
Assistant Head Teacher(s) | Annie Fisher, |
Infant Mistress | Hannah Hanretty |
Senior Woman Assistant | Johanna Conley |
Janitor | James Molloy |
Annexe (Parkhead R.C. School) | Elba lane, Parkhead E. 1. |
School | St. Michael’s Primary R.C. School |
Year | 1943 |
Address | Nisbet Street, Parkhead E.1. |
Primary Grade | Combined Group |
Roll | |
Head Teacher | Edward McGaughrin |
Assistant Head Teacher(s) | Annie Fisher, Hannah Hanretty (Infant Mistress),Daisy M. Low, (Senior Woman Assistant) |
Janitor | John Laird |
Annexe (Parkhead R.C. School) | Elba lane, Parkhead E. 1. |
School | St. Michael’s Primary R.C. School |
Year | 1951-1952 |
Address | Nisbet Street, Parkhead E.1. |
Primary Grade | F |
Roll | |
Head Teacher | John O’Neill |
Assistant Head Teacher(s) | Michael McDonald, Mary McDonagh, (Senior Woman Assistant) |
Janitor | Roland G. Willis |
School | St. Michael’s Primary R.C. School |
Year | 1957-1958 |
Address | Nisbet Street, Parkhead E.1. |
Primary Grade | E |
Roll | 575 |
Head Teacher | Patrick J. Byrne |
Assistant Head Teacher(s) | Dennis G.E. O’Neill, Ruth Connolly, (Senior Woman Assistant) |
Janitor | John G. Duffy |
School | St. Michael’s Primary R.C. School |
Year | 1959-1960 |
Address | Nisbet Street, Parkhead E.1. |
Primary Grade | Group E |
Roll | 583 |
Head Teacher | Louis J. Dawson |
Assistant Head Teacher(s) | John Whyte |
Infant Mistress | |
Senior Woman Assistant | Ruth Connolly |
Janitor | John G. Duffy |
School | St. Michael’s Primary R.C. School |
Year | 1960-1961 |
Address | Nisbet Street, Parkhead E.1. |
Primary Grade | Group E |
Roll | 560 |
Head Teacher | Louis J. Dawson |
Assistant Head Teacher(s) | Michael Mackey |
Infant Mistress | |
Senior Woman Assistant | Ruth Connolly |
Janitor | John G. Duffy |
School | St. Michael’s Primary R.C. School |
Year | 1961-1962 |
Address | Elba Lane, Parkhead E.1. |
Primary Grade | Group E |
Roll | 560 |
Head Teacher | Louis J. Dawson |
Assistant Head Teacher(s) | Michael Mackey |
Infant Mistress | |
Senior Woman Assistant | Ruth Connolly |
School | St. Michael’s Primary R.C. School |
Year | 1962-1963 |
Address | 865 Springfield Road |
Primary Grade | Group E |
Roll | 610 |
Head Teacher | John Darroch |
Assistant Head Teacher(s) | James Kerr |
Infant Mistress | |
Senior Woman Assistant | Ruth Connolly |
Janitor | John G. Duffy |
School | St. Michael’s Primary R.C. School |
Year | 1968-1969 |
Address | 865 Springfield Road |
Primary Grade | E |
Roll | 590 |
Head Teacher | John Darroch |
Assistant Head Teacher(s) | Philip Ward |
Janitor | John G. Duffy |
School | St. Michael’s Primary R.C. School |
Year | 1973-1974 |
Address | 865 Springfield Road G31 4HZ |
Primary Grade | F |
Roll | 419 |
Head Teacher | Bernard Milton |
Assistant Head Teacher(s) | John M. Hughes, Elizabeth McArdle |
Janitor | William Bell |
School | St. Michael’s Primary R.C. School |
Year | 1974-1975 |
Address | 865 Springfield Road G31 4HZ |
Primary Grade | F |
Roll | 493 |
Head Teacher | Pat King |
Assistant Head Teacher(s) | John M. Hughes, Elizabeth McArdle |
Janitor | William Bell |
Civic Delay Causes Parkhead Muddle
St. Michael’s Parishioners In Serious Plight
Some exhausted Parkhead folk, going away on holiday this week-end, intend when they return to use some of their new energy to secure a much needed school for the young Catholic children of the district.
No Easy Task
They will need every ounce of that energy, as the Standard has been informed that one of the persons in intimate touch with the negotiations has stated that it will be about eight years before the school is built if the progress continues to be as slow as at present!
If this statement is true, it seems as if the Corporation and Education authorities are playing a double game with the St Michael’s people, as it is eight years ago since a promise was made to provide a fine modern school for the district. An ironic touch is that at that date the Education Committee secured a three-years lease of ground belonging to St. Michael’s and erected a “temporary” school upon it!
Parents of the scholars are anxious at the position in which they find themselves, some having to see their children to three different schools. The infants they take to the “ temporary” school in Elba Lane, Gallowgate, then the slightly older ones are convoyed to the Nisbet Street School, and those past the qualifying stage attend the advanced school of St. Mark’s.
Even the parishioners who have no children at school are affected, as they wish to build a new church but are prevented as the school occupies part of the ground that would be required.
It is generally admitted that the need for a new church is very great, as the present building is not in very good repair. This is particularly noticeable on the roof and floor. On three occasions recently the roof has had to be repaired. The building itself holds 400, with some judicious seating, and is hopelessly inadequate for the number attending the various services.
Plans All ready
The situation has its silver lining,as the Standard is informed that actually plans for the school and church are prepared. All that is needed is something to accelerate the slow movements of officialdom. The prospective school is to accommodate about 1000 scholars while the church will have seating for 1400 worshippers.
Taken from Eastern Standard July1936
Parkhead School Honours Mr. Donaghy
Keen Musician and Popular Old Time Concert Singer
Another name adds itself to the list of headmasters of the old brigade, who have retired from active service, Mr John Donaghy, headmaster of St Michaels Catholic School Parkhead, was the guest of honour at a social gathering held in the Grosvenor Restaurant last week at which he received a presentation from the teaching staff.
Dr, Laydons Testimony
The chair was occupied by the Rev, Dr Laydon who paid adequate testimony to the character and merits of the retiring headmaster. He spoke deeply and truly of Mr. Donaghy’s work as he saw it during seven years of friendship. In a reminiscent not he remarked that when Mr Donaghy’s predecessor, Miss Flanagan, a gem of a woman and an exemplary headmistress for many years retired he wondered where a worthy successor could be found.
He was thankful that an eminent and worthy successor followed who kept up the traditions in a way that reflected the greatest credit on a catholic teacher.
Mr. Donaghy was neither a 9 to 4 man nor a Friday afternoon man but worked conscientiously throughout the week and over the weekend, attending to the educational and spiritual needs of the children of the parish.
Miss Fisher the first assistant, made the presentation on behalf of the staff. She endorsed all that Dr Laydon had said. Mr.Donaghys second love was music, and she therefore asked him to accept the bound volumes of music and an inlaid music cabinet with the best wishes of all present.
Mr Doneghy, who was at one time a popular figure on the concert platform under the name Foley Banks, recalled his young days as a teacher his days at St John’s and later in London when the teacher’s lot consisted of hard work and low earnings.
Those were the days of struggle and study, with the responsibility of large classes and hard rigid yearly examinations. It was a Spartan pruning that brought forth abundant fruit.
Rev, Fr, Daniel, of St Michael’s himself the son of another headmaster of the old brigade, testified to the worthy and efficient of Mr. Doneghy . Then Mr.William Cudahy, F.E.I S, a lifelong friend of Mr. Doneghy, contributed his eloquent tribute to a loyal, honorable man.
Deep Personal Interest
Miss Henretty, the infant mistress proposed a vote of thanks to the chairman, Rev. Dr. Laydon, and referred to his deep personal interest in the teachers, the school, and everything concerned with education in the parish. The teachers found in him a real friend, in whose understanding they could confide, and whose opinion they always valued for it justice and sincerity.
The Eastern Standard Sat 31st December 1932
Old St Michaels school and Chaple ,Salamanca St Parkhead
My sister Eileen Rooney attended St Michaels, Elba Lane in 1953. Tragically she drowned in the water tank situated in the school grounds. I know it’s a long shot but does anyone remember her,unfortunately there are no photos of her so I have no idea what she looked like as I was born 2 years after Eileen died. She died on the 25th Aug 1953.
I attended St Michaels from 1963 – 69, I remember Mrs Waters, absolute demon of a wee woman, I was in the same class as Charlie Hamill, Joe Retty Harvey, Pat White, Denise Barr [ who I fancied :-D ], I have great memories of that school, we moved to EK from London Rd in 1969, memories of St Brides not so good.
Does anyone remember Miss Mellon P3, 1973.
She wore jeans, cowboy boots and a poncho.
Absolutely stunning.
I attended St Michaels from 1959 to 1062. My teacher was Miss Brogan – a nasty piece of work. However have lovely memories of my classmates. My name is Elizabeth Shepley née Cryans. My cousin John was in the same class.
I went to the school in when it was in Nisbet street and was there when we moved to Springfield Road, unfortunately I cannot remember the teachers names
I went to Elba Lane in 1955. My first teacher was Miss Carroll, we were her first class as a teacher, lovely teacher, she died in 2017.
Then over to “the Hall” in Salamanca Street and Miss O’Hara, not a nice teacher, she battered my head on the desk 3 times in a row because I couldn’t spell a word and that was after she banged my head against the boy sitting next to me because he made the same mistake, we were 7 yrs old.
Then it was Miss Connolly, Mr Kerr, Mr Dillon and Mrs McMillan.
My pals were Michael Squires, Robert Connolly, Edward Boyle and Peter McQuade. Helen Devlin from Salamanca Street, Helen Murray, Sally Winters, Caroline McEnroe & quite a few others.
I attended Elba Lane school, in 1940-41, the playground was ashes and the walking area around the classrooms were of wooden staging.
If the weather permitted a piano was rolled out on the covered walkway in May where we would belt out, (BRING FLOWERS OF THE RAREST) our young hearts did swell.
As you entered the school grounds which had railings to the sides of the pathway. Adjacent there was a barrage balloon and a large brick built water tank
to be used if German bombers attacked the area. This was because Parkhead Forge which was nearby, was a frequent enemy target. ( many nights as an infant, I still can recall being carried to the air raid shelter in Plant Street were we lived which was near to the Forge.) Next to that was the BARR,S IRNBREW BUILDING AND WORKS.
I went on to ST MICHAEL’S ANNEX ACROSS FROM THE CHURCH, in Salamanca Street, they called it THE HALL, and I think two years later to the main building.
MR GOCHRAN was the head master, teachers that I remember, wee miss Dixon, big Miss DIXON , Miss Keating’s who was my class teacher and who to this day I am indebted to as she helped me to become a success in life, by her teaching and attitude. Other teachers Mr. Dillon, Miss Owens.
Interesting facts,
This was unknown to me that any of them had joined THE FORCE.
I am rambling on and as a 87 year old hope that I can be forgiven. Goodnight. GOD BLESS.
Hi Alexander,the tank that you mentioned resulted in my sisters death in August 1953,her name was Eileen Rooney.The kids were playing near it ,she fell in and unfortunately drowned.
Hi ,
My father (now 92!) went to St Michaels and he is constantly talking about it ( due to dementia) he always mentions with great affection a wee girl called Jan Bell ( possibly Janet?)
I wonder if anyone would have any information that would help ? His name is Ian Livingstone .
I went to st Michaels infants then the big school in Springfield Road 1960. Miss Barnes was who I got in infants then Mrs Waters.
Mrs Waters always wore an kind of overall coat with flowers and when we used to gather around her desk she would say get back, I think she thought we all smelled HA Ha
I remember Antonio Dinardo and Anne Marie Gunn
Marie Wilkie (Fullerton)
Antonio Dinardo was in my class too I thought she was beautiful..real class..I still have class photo 1965 I’m sure..think I was 9 in it..if you need info send me name then was Munn,,but I changed it later in life..
I attended St Michaels from 1973 to 1975 (5-7years) before we emigrated to NZ. My teacher was Miss Carroll.
I remember her, she was so nice xx
Hi I went to Elba Lane and moved round to the Springfield Road building when I was 7 . That was in 67 my teachers at both schools where Miss Cambridge . miss Duffy (loved her and she had a twin sister who was also a teacher but at another school ) then Mrs Dixon . The head master was Mr Ward . We lived in Salamanca St . I remember the church before the new one was built . Had lots of friends who lived in our street Kelly’s O’Neils Rice Homes . I loved St Michaels We moved to ben closer to our grandparents in Cambuslang . My brother just loved Miss Carroll too.
I too went to this primary, Mr ward was the head master but cant really remember the other teachers. Anyone know if any photos of this era have been kept ?
Rachel Hadwin nee Rooney
Hi Rachel
you were in my class at school. My name then was Nancy Mc Cready
was at this school in 1970s- a dump and teachers were rotten-even fat b-stard janitor bell , no good memories of this east end hovel !!
I remember attending Elba Lane and then moving to the new school in Springfield Road.
I remember two teachers really well Miss O,Hara and Mrs Cairney
I was there from 1960 and remember Mrs cairney. She liked the belt!! Mr Darroch was the head teacher. I loved my time there. We even learned french with Madame Slack. Miss Tehan was the infant teacher. Lovely memories
I went to St Michaels, Elba Lane aged 5 in 1953, over to Annexe Building in Salamanca Street, and on to main school building next to Chapel. Only remember my teacher, Miss Brogan, same age group as Miss McMillans class. I came from Dunbar Street, Harry Clark, and Eddie Hutchison from Salamanca Street was in my class, he was an altar boy, I tried but gave it up. A pretty girl, McFarlane, from corner close facing Eddie Hutchison was in our class too. Other names I recall were Cornelius O’Reilly, Harry McManus, Margaret Melly (married Jimmy Hutton), Frankie Chambers, John Lawrie, Jim Lamb, there were also people called Snodgrass and Rush at that time but maybe McMillans class. I remember my confirmation and first communion, the sash they put on us and badge they pinned on. Miss Brogan was a dreadful woman for hitting her pupils, with the strap and a wooden ruler on back of hand or head as she walked around giving dictation. Good news, therapy helped!!! Mr Kerr was a young teacher who came to the school and took our class for some sort of ‘technical’ learning; I recall building a church from cardboard during one of his classes. Boys in bottom playground, wee connecting gate into girls playground. School dinners in Ravel Row, now Church Hall, Community Church in Westmuir Street. Boys Guild in Wyllies Hall every Thursday with Jimmy Feeley and Mr Sherry. That’s the brain shutting down now, ha ha, and back to therapy!!!!
I think you and Eddie were in my class, but teacher was mr mackay and miss Macmillan. Also Maureen O’rourke, Elizabeth butterfly, Alex Lindie and Neil O’Donnell are some names I remember..
I was there in 1956 and she was my teacher! I also had miss mcmillan
Hi Harry. I remember you, and the others you mentioned. I remember Joe Wilcox being quizzed by Miss Brogan about chewing gum but despite looking his mouth she could not see it.
Joe said he did have gum but moved it about his mouth.
Hi Harry,you were there the same year as my sister Eileen Rooney,tragically she was drowned in the water tank beside the school. I know it was a long time ago but do you remember the incident.
I went to St. Michaels school at the same time as Maria Duncan.Don’t know if you remember me, Maureen Gallagher? Was friendly with Patricia Porter and Cathy Mc Phee. Nice to reminisce. Also went to Our Lady and St. Francis.
I remember Batman n Robin’s visit with the batmobile. My big sister Eileen a few years senior to me attended St Michael’s also. I remember Duffy the janny, Mrs Waters n im sure a Ms Magowan. I think Mr Flynn was Eileen’s teacher.
Mr Flynn was great. We used to climb out of the class window onto the flat roof on sunny days. I was there from 1960 -66
Margaret McGregor
I was also a pupil at the nursery at Elba Lane from 1954 to 1956 when I moved to Salamanca St.
The teachers I remember who taught me at Salamanca St were Mrs Waters, Mrs Connolly and Mr Flynn
I remember Mrs. Waters as a cruel and severe woman. I remember her falling down the stairs. She also made us count our digestive biscuits out in Spanish.
I can confirm Alice Andrew’s comments regarding the move to Springfield Rd.
I was a pupil at that time and remember the move from Nesbitt St to Springfield Rd.
Our Head Master was Mr Dawson and my teacher was Mr Flynn. I have our class photo which was taken just after we moved to Springfield Rd.
I started school at Elba Lane in 1950 then moved to St Michaels in Salamanca Street. I have really fond memories of my time there I remember a Mrs Doyle, Miss MacMillan and there was a male teacher can’t remember his name can still see his face to this day, he was friendly with Miss MacMillan……..sometimes wonder about all my classmates and friends and how their lifes are panning out. My maiden name was Duncan
Went to St Michaels at the same time as Maria Duncan. Don’t know if you remember me, Maureen Gallagher ?
Went on to Our Lady and St Francis school.Was friendly with Patricia Porter and Cathy Mc Phee.Nice to remember the good times.
Me Kerr taught my brother. He was born 1948. Mrs McMillan’s friend was Mr Dillon
St Michaels primary moved to Springfield Road on 23/11/1961. I can confirm this as I have the official school opening programme. My name was Aitken.
Hi Alice…we’d love to have a copy of the programme for the site.
Hi Alice,
We would love a copy of the programme and any other information or photos you may have.
Hi I attended st Micheals from 1962 I was 7 went from Elba Lane into the big school St Micheals My Husband also went to St Micheals Frank O’donnell my maiden name was Hughes. We left 69-70 has any one rember the teachers at that time can any one rember Batman n Robin visiting Mr John Duffy was the Janitor .
get in touch
Mary Hughes
I attended St Michaels, I moved to Garthamlock in 1962 when i was 10. my teacher when I left was Miss Carroll,