Onslow Drive from Cumbernauld Road.
Duke Street at Cumbernauld Road. Photo was commissioned by McLaren Brothers of 645 Duke Street and distributed as a postcard. The photo is taken from Miller Street East which is now Millerston Street in or shortly after 1905. The shops are from left to right James Young a grocer who lived at 126 Ingleby Drive, Joseph Cook, Hairdresser who lived at 35 Cumbernauld Road, McLaren Brothers, Tobacconists and Newsagents and George Laird, Pastry Baker & Confectioner who lived at 214 Findlay Drive. The tenement at the right of the photo has signage for a Confectioner and ices etc and it is believed this is Coia’s Cafe which would date the picture nearer 1928.
St. Rollox Bowling Greeen, Dennistoun.
Another view of St. Rollox Bowling Green from Kennyhill Square and Alexandra Parade junction before the hedges grew.
Whitevale Bowling Green, Dennistoun
Whitevale Bowling Green, Dennistoun.
Alexandra Park, Dennistoun.
Regent Place U. F Church, Dennistoun. Although named Regents Place, the location here is Craigpark in Dennistoun. The villas to the left is Oakley Terrace. It was opened in 1878 as the United Presbyterian and became the Regent Place United Free Chuch in 1900. It was destroyed by fire in 1983.
Alexandra Parade from top of Meadowpark Street looking east. Posted 1906
An almost identical one to the one above again from the top of Meadowpark Street looking east but this time with an open top Tram Car, horse and cart and a cyclist. Posted 1908.
Alexandra Parade this time looking west
Alexandra Park.
Armadale Street, Dennistoun.
Glasgow East End Industrial Exhibition:
This was held in Duke Street Dennistoun in the Exhibition Halls and was opened on the 9th December 1903 and ran to April 1904. It was opened by The Righ Hon. Lord Balfour of Burleugh, P.C, K.T., LL.D, accompanied by the Lady Balfour.
Plan of Exhibition:
Plan of Exhibtion which was off Finlay Drive (at the top right).
Cumbernauld Road:
Photo © R. J. S. Wiseman
Reproduced by kind permission of R.J.S. Wiseman.
Cumbernauld Road opposite the park near Aitken Street. August 1955.
Duke Street
Photo © R. J. S. Wiseman
Reproduced by kind permission of R.J.S. Wiseman.
This 1954 shot of Standard Tram exiting from Cumbernauld Road onto Duke Street.
Cumbernauld Road
Photo © R. J. S. Wiseman
Reproduced by kind permission of R.J.S. Wiseman
Tram 401 on Cumbernauld Road at Alexandra Park Street. Note the billboards with adverts for MacLachlans Beer, Rolo, Blue Riband biscuits, and Scotia Picture House behind the lamp post.
Alexandra Parade School
Alexandra Parade School
Duke Street
Duke Street with Annbank Street on the left and further down is Bellgrove on the left and Wester Craigs on the right
Garthland Drive at Armadale Street
Garthland Drive at Armadale Street
Whitehill Street
Whitehill Street at Whitehill School. Regent Place UF Church is in the background left.
Roselea Street:
Roselea (Roslea) Drive Dennistoun from Whievale Street corner with church far right at Armadale street.
Invite to the opening at the new development at Wellpark Brewery
Does anyone know what happened to the building on the south side of Duke Street just past the junction with Bellgrove Street? It’s visible just after the slight bend in the road in the fifth-from-last picture above (the one of the Duke Street/Annbank Street junction), but it’s now just an empty area of scrubland with the old sheds of the former meat market to the south. My Great-Grandma was born in 262 Duke Street (in 1894), which would have been in that building, and I’d love to know when it was taken down and why.
My grandfather died at 272 Duke Street in the early 60s. I think it was demolished to accommodate the new slaughterhouse which outlived its usefulness in the late 90s/early 2000s.
Lived at 33 Plant St 1945-58 before being relocated in Easterhouse, Attended Bluevale primary school then Whitehill Secondary 57-60. Many Happy memories of Dennistoun,Secondary School chums ,Crawford Young,Sandy Hamill and Davy Nicholson.Teachers I remember,Miss Tudhope ,maths.Mister Cliff ,French,Dolly Gray ,English.
I attended Onslow Drive school.
Had lunch at grandparents tenement who lived off DukeSt. Gas lighting on the street.
Trying to find out name of my grandmother before marriage. Married to William Paterson a baker.
Hiya does plant street still exist? Or was it knocked down? I’ve been tracing family history and that address has come up.
The Williams family lived at 98/96 Meadowpark Street above the Café from 1910’sh until the mid 1950’s . Winifred Williams (my Great Granny) lived there until her passing at the age of 96. Her daughters Winifred and Mary lived with her through the 1930’s and the 2nd World War. Its all so long ago but maybe someone remembers them.
Does anyone know of the Riddell family or Sproul family around 1930s? St Rollox Bowling Club features. Thank you
Dennis there was a family Riddell in Low Coventry Drive. This was during the 40s and 50s. If you think it was them I will post the close number and voters roll.The son of the house was born around1939.
My grandparents lived at 61 Alexandra Parade. According to records my mother was born at the same address. Annie Finnegan, later Annie McNaughton
hi i lived on viewpark ave and ardmore st 1954 to 1963 my name is john ogram does anyone remember.went to alexandra parade best pal willie buchanan.would like to hear from anyone.
My mum and aunt briefly went to a private school on Onslow Drive. It was at the corner of Onslow Drive and Craigpark and was probably number 9 Onslow Drive.
My mum thinks it was called Dennistoun Private School. It was one of the tenements that had its rooms converted into classrooms and there was a ‘playground’ out in the back garden area with a school bell at the top of the stairs.
My aunt was there from about 1952 to 1955.
Please reply, if you know anything about the school – I’m doing some research into the family tree and it would be really appreciated.
It wasn’t a tenement building, it was an end terrace house.
Does anyone know anything about 94 Alexandra Parade? My Great Grandparents lived there at least in the 1920’s. My grandfather left in 1928. My great grandmother was Catherine Connolly…her son was Peter.
Adding, Catherine’s parents were John and Susan Weir, and she lived at 49 Duke St, Glasglow. Peter’s father, Andrew Connolly, his parents were Henry and Elizabeth Connolly, and they lived at 45 Shuttle St, Glasgow. (This was in 1892 when Catherine and Andrew were married)
HI, I moved to 44 Roslea drive on 1971 and went to Alexandra parade primary then the old Whitehill school for 1st and 2nd year before moving into the New Whitehill sec school in Ondlow Drive. We were the first multicultural familiy in Dennistoun ( I think) and I had 6 brothers and 3 sisters. I havr lots of lovely memories and some not so, but loved it so much I still visit the shops weekly, and usually end up in Coia’s for a coffee. funnily enough just last week my sis and I were served by Fredo’s son Carlo which was surreal as we all grew up with the Coia family and from my mum to my grand daughters now going there, she finds that amazing that she goes to the same (kinda) cafe as her great gran ☺
Hi I attended Whitehill Junior Secondary School (Onslow Drive Junior Secondary) 1954 – 1957 I would dearly love to hear from any of my old class mates that may still be around, it would be fantastic to see a class photo.
Hi Hugh. I have photographs of the streets around Staffa taken in 1973/4 (
I came across this today after discovering that the first address I lived at, after being born in December 1967, was 39 Roslea Drive – which I think is on the left in the final picture above. My Glaswegian father Ron and his American wife Avis lived there, having recently arrived from Nigeria, where they were teachers. I don’t suppose anybody reading this lived in the area at the time and remembers this couple, she 25 and he 30 at the time? He was probably quite striking, at 6’4″, bearded (I think).
Does anyone have any old pictures of Staffa Street,and the surrounding area,from the years 1952 till 1967?
Hi Hugh remember me , Alan from NZ you can e-mail at , hope to hear back.
Does anyone remember Mrs. Maggie Bincham, 22 Appin Road? She was my great-aunt and I visited her there often up till about 40 years ago. She was a keen member of St. John’s Methodist Church and an incredibly kind person.
my grandfather Archie McLean Taylor was born in 78 Fisher street his parents were Janet McLean & William Taylor would love to know if any Taylor,s or McLeans are still in Dennistoun
Hi Karen,
This has nothing to do with your family members, more about Dennistoun
In 1824 my great great Grandfather was Transported from Glasgow at 16 years old to Australia (Van Demons Land which became Tasmania)
His name was Campbell Roy lived in Gallowgate Rd with his grandmother Mary Roy … the property he was sent to was called Dennistoun on Dennistoun Rd, in a town called Bothwell & the town was on a river … it was called Clyde River … I know in Glasgow you have a Reid Rd … the family who had the next property were the Reid family, there property was called Ratho, & they built a golf course on the property, which is the oldest golf course in Australia
Most of our towns, cities & property are named after somewhere in Scotland …. Captain Patrick Wood owned Dennistoun, a retired Sea Captain
My great great grandma Ann (Honeyman) Roy is buried in the private cemetery on Dennistoun, she was the first burial, she died at 17 years old in childbirth, giving birth to my great grandfather Timothy Charles Roy … from that one child there are tons of us all over Australia hahahaha
SORRY this isn’t the reply you wanted … just a bit of Australian History for you attached to your Dennistoun
Irene Roy :) X
We the Gallagher Family lived at no 73 Alexandria Parade ,then we moved out to Craigpark Drive in Dennistoun
If you are Donal Gallagher , who I remember had brothers , I do remember you – Jon ioannou / was from Finlay Drive !
I was born at 73 Alexandra Parade in 1958. I would be interested to know what you know about the owners and if you have any photos
Lived 39 Alexandria parade as a child growing up in the 1960’s,the best days of my life
Hi there, I’m trying to piece together a good friends early childhood for her, she lived with her Uncle Jack and Aunt Nettie (true names were John and Agnes Paterson) I believe I may have traced them to 37 Alexandra Parade from 1958 to 1962 when numbers 36-38 includive mysteriously disappearred. My friend was only 3 years old and called Annette, I believe her older brothers Raymond and Joseph may also have been staying there. Her parent shad split at this time and were trying to start new lives before her father sent for the children and brought the family back together minus Annette’s mother, any help would be very much appreciated please. Many thanks, Jane Denning
Stunning , and brought back, so many great time,s we had , Stayed in Bellgrove Street , and went to Whitehill school,, which I have seen on here for the first time in donkey,s year,s,, Thatwas our playing area ,, From Bellgrove ,,annbank, sword, bellfeild , Garfield ,, Bathgate , whitevale ,bluevale,,, armadale Millerston Street, may have missed a street out ,, But THANK YOU FOR THE LOOK BACK TO THE GOOD OLD DAY,S ,
Hi john are you the brother of Tommy James & Robert?
Hi this is for Alan Simpson ( Simmy).
Did you get a reply from John Adams ref his brothers Tommy, James & Robert?
I’m their cousin Elizabeth Moffat & their Mother was my Auntie Rena.
My email is Thanks Alan.
Sheila Greenhorn now Sheila Stewart is my Mum, Dorothy’s, first cousin and she did live at no 34 Staffa street. Her Mum and Dad were Cissie and John Greenhorn. I think there was also a family called the Grimshaws who lived at no 34. On the top floor of no 38 where my Nana, Susan O’Sullivan lived were the Murrays – Nan and John- and a lady who was very elderly when I was a child, a Miss Gillies. I will always remember her as, when my Grandpa died, she gave me a beautiful wooden Japanese ‘secret’ box, which I treasured and still have to this day. On the ground floor of no 38 lived the lovely Gallagher family from County Donegal with their children, Bridget, Catherine and Tony. Great memories. So sad to think these tenements were rased to the ground.
OH, How my heart jumped! Sheila Greenhorn . . . first fiery love of my unrequited life. Age 7 or 8. How many hours did I spend furtively looking up at her window, hoping for a wee glimpse. So often unsuccessful. There I was, specs, black eyepatch thanks to amblyopia, Dr Marshal and the Glasgow Eye Infirmary, living in a first-floor singalen at No 23. What chance did I have with this golden-voiced angel? And Charlie Black fancied her, too. An’ his mum and dad owned a fruit shop in Coventry Drive.
But there was a moment . . . Postman’s Knock . . . party at her place . . . a darkened lobby . . . Oh, Bliss.
But there were other important things, too. Rounders in the street, baggie minnies up at the canal, Manhunt, Hiedies (Heedies?) in the close wi’ a tennis baw. Daein dreeps aff big was. Climbing the shelters on the Sandy Pitch before the sandstone flats were built, bowsanarras with bamboo canes, getting scared spitless walking up the big black railway tunnel, or playing on the embankment and shouting “gottenygumchum?” when America troop trains went past. And entertainers at the Bandstand, and sledging on the Torry Brae (Sannox Gardens) when the snow came. And the whole revivifying miracle of Ally Park.
It’s different here in sunny Western Australia. But those memories are still so fresh.
An’ I hope Mrs Stewart still thinks as fondly of me as I do of her . . .
HI, Andrea, delightful to establish a link across all those years and this distance. See my post on this site about a week ago. Have been in Australia since 1965, after beginning my journalist career, first on Glasgow’s Daily Record, with a break for National Service in the Air Force, then the Evening Times. Stayed in Journalism here in Perth, Western Australia, till I retired about 15 years ago. Now into raising quail and running a little aquaponics system. Would love to hear from you.
Kind regards, Jim.
I lived at 38 Staffa Street 1950-63 ish. I remember the Gallaghers, the Faichneys and the Oswiaks ( spelling?) and miss gillies. She was our neighbour. She carried me up 3 flights of stairs in 1957 when was I run over by a bike and broke my leg. It was the “talk of the steamie” how she’d managed to do it. Our family was called Gray.
I was born at 31 Staffa Street in 1952 and lived there until I was7 ….. I remember the Gallagher too! Also Richard Ofjack (?spelling) my playmate … we went to the canal but I have no memory of it. But remember Staffs Street … shame they destroyed it before I got any photographs.
The Primrose family lived at 31 Staffa St,from 1954 to 1967.John–the eldest–Hugh–Robert ,then Francis,and John and Mary our parents.A room and kitchen,with an outside loo,not a lot of room,yet it never seemed crowded.I wonder if there are any people from that era who reads these posts,and ,if so ,it would be nice to hear from them.What would be really great would be any old photographs of that time.Names I remember from those days were ,–Faichney–Sirocco–Monk–Mills–Smith—Chapman—Currie et al.Happy days with lots of happy memories.
Hi Hugh, a very old piece of paper just floated out from a pile of pictures. On it was handwritten A x E Mr Primrose 637 Alexandria Parade 20.2.92 (that’s 1892). There is a torn printed mark of ….ars & Co, 12 Argyle St, Glasgow. My grandfather was John Primrose born Glasgow 1879 and my grandmother was Margaret Young born Ayrshire 1890. My family emigrated here (Australia) in 1966. Wonder if the is any link between our branches of the family?
Hi Jan,A copy of my E mail ,I would be very pleased to hear from you. My father was John Primrose, so it is more than likely that there is a family connection.Regards Hugh
I knew of your family at school Hugh particularly Mary. My Maiden name was Janet Gray.
we are having a 139th Dennistoun Boys Brigade re-union at St Rollox Bowling Club on Thursday 28th November at 1pm anyone wishing to come along should e-mail
My grandmother Susan O’Sullivan lived on the top floor of 38 Staffa Street and my mother, Dorothy was brought up there. I spent a great deal of my childhood there and have fond memories of playing out the ‘back court’ and having jeely pieces thrown down to me. My Gran’s sister and family lived in the next close, at number 34- the Greenhorns.
I remember your mother and her older sister and as children we played in the close as our house was the one on the left before going up the stairs. The boys and girls played together at peever, skipping and hide and seek. The family next door to your mum on the top floor were the Reids with 2 boys Eric and Freddy. I was recently recounting to my wife the girls that lived in Staffa Street and I mentioned the girl in the next close who was a good singer but couldn’t remember her name. I now think that it was Sheila Greenhorn on the second landing. I still long for plain bread and blackcurrant jam pieces.
Chris are you the Chris Ogilvy I visited with my Mum Hannah Sharpe ?
Elaine Sharpe
I lived at 38 Staffa Street from 1940 until 1949 when we were re-housed to Eastwood on the south side. My aunt Hannah Sharpe also lived in Staffa Street, my grandmother and aunt and uncle lived in Viewpark Avenue my other aunt and uncle Sharpe lived up by the Blochairn Works bridge over the Monkland canal. I also went to Alexandra Parade Primary School before going on to Whitehill Senior Secondary School. Dorothy Paul, Pollock, was a classmate at the primary school. Just found a super site on showing the demise of the tenements in particular a view of our kitchen and scullery windows with another view showing the close entrance to 38. Another view showing Staffa Lane leading down to Staffa Street past what used to known as the old cat wife. Talk about memories as I now live in rural Lincolnshire with a daughter in America and a son in Canada.
William I am Elaine Sharpe ( Hannah’s daughter ) and visited you as a child . I live in Cumbernauld and have 2 children in their 40’s now.
Elaine Brown
Hi Elaine I remember you as a little girl in Staffa Street. I lived i Northamptonshire in the 70’s and had a visit from maembers of the Sharpe family, Margaret and Violet. Margaret lived in Brackley where her husband worked in the soap factory but lost contact with them. I believe that the Aird family were related to you who also lived in Staffa Street and the girls were Lotty and Rhoda. My sister Marie many years ago was in contact with Lotty. Unfortunately losing contact with relations was a failure of my parents as it’s only when life marches on that one begins to look back.
My mother and family also lived in Staffa street. Mum was also born in 1930, so wondering if she knew you. Her name was Ann Taylor. There were at least 5 girls born around the Staffa street days. Winnie taylor, my aunty would have been another.
I also went to Alexandra Parade primary School and Whitehill Secondary School. I now live in Australia….but Glasgow will always hold the strongest ( and fondest) memories in my heart. I forgot to mention that I lived in Coventry Drive as a child. I was devastated to learn that the tenement buildings had been demolished!! All my memories…..
Love these pictures, brought back many happy memories. Born 1930 lived in Staffa Street (side gate to Alexandra Park). Played in the Sandy Pond and boated in the boating pond. Sang in openair competitions in the park. Tried to play tennis (Very badly). Went to the pictures at the ‘Parade’ cinema in Meadowpark Street and in ‘Marne’ Street usually 3 times a week. Attended Alexandra Parade Primary School, and can still remember Miss Pairman and Miss Hunter, mentioned in book titled ‘Tea at Miss Cranstons’.
The buildings in Cumbernauld Road and in The Drives look so solid. I believe they are still standing, which cannot be said for Staffa Street.
Thank you.